First Grow - Indoor Now - Outside & Inside Later

Well, you're just knocking this grow right out of the ballpark Celt. Read all the way through, like a good student should. Made me miss the beauty and wonder of my first grow. :battingeyelashes: Just a heads up - second grows following super first ones can be a challenge. It appears to be a pattern that the second grow smacks you back to reality. :laughtwo:

I'm impressed as hell Celt. You gotta love the genetics is the Bomb Seeds though, don't you? My THC Bomb Auto created an incredible amount of excitement that first grow.

And good morning to the crew. :ciao: Nice to see all of you keeping Celt company on this fabulous ride. I know I'm rediculously late, but I'd really like to watch you bring these girls home. And in case you didn't catch it - well done. :bravo:

UncleCannabis, thanks for the heads up on this grow. :hug:
UncleCannabis, thanks for the heads up on this grow. :hug:

Hey there Sue.
Glad to see that you paid ole' Celt a visit here and gave his thread a good read. I'm sure he'll welcome you with open arms once he's back at the keyboard.
We Scottsmen have to stick together. My paternal grandfather was right off the boat. That makes me mostly Scottt and German with Anglo-Saxon mutt mix for additional flavor. I have it on good authority that the Scotts that settled my edge of Applachia were a fierce group not to be messed with. It's a heritage I've always been proud of.
I read a good book sometime back that both you and Celt may be interested in.

The name of the book is "How the Scots Invented the Modern World: The True Story of How Western Europe's Poorest Nation Created Our World & Everything in It" by Arthur Herman. Very good read...and I'm not Scottish. :)
Welcome Sue ;) and thanks for joining me :)

That book sounds like one I should investigate. Thanks for the heads up UncleC.

My ancestors have been on this side of the pond for close to 250 yrs near as I can find records. They seem to come to an road block sometime in the late 1700s with a man who fought in the War of Independence and was granted land here in Nova Scotia after the war. Seems no one can find record of him prior to the end of the war LOL Maybe we, in this line, are all descendants of horse thieves, who knows LOL
And Sue, I do LOVE the Bomb genetics, I intend to grow all their strains in time even though CO Finest assured me NONE would be good for daytime use LOL

I don't know that I agree with that assessment. I grew the THC Bomb and ate most of her buds after cooking them at 225 degrees for 30 minutes. I was in the habit of popping a sweet-sized bud like candy for breakfast every morning with my coffee and it kept me pleasantly toasted and happily productive for up to 6 hours. I found it an excellent daytime med.
Welcome Sue ;) and thanks for joining me :)

That book sounds like one I should investigate. Thanks for the heads up UncleC.

My ancestors have been on this side of the pond for close to 250 yrs near as I can find records. They seem to come to an road block sometime in the late 1700s with a man who fought in the War of Independence and was granted land here in Nova Scotia after the war. Seems no one can find record of him prior to the end of the war LOL Maybe we, in this line, are all descendants of horse thieves, who knows LOL

I had to laugh, because I was having a conversation recently with another friend who also has Scottish ancestry that vanished off the books somewhere around 1820 or so. His was in the Ohio River Basin, out here west of the Alleghenys, and I figure some Indians got him. The horse thief idea never crossed my mind. LOL! Those Scotts were tough pioneers.
I don't know that I agree with that assessment. I grew the THC Bomb and ate most of her buds after cooking them at 225 degrees for 30 minutes. I was in the habit of popping a sweet-sized bud like candy for breakfast every morning with my coffee and it kept me pleasantly toasted and happily productive for up to 6 hours. I found it an excellent daytime med.

Good to know, hope it works like that for me, pain killer and productive :)
A tremendously impressive first grow, Celt! This isn't what my first grow looked like!... or second, or third... :rofl: I'm all caught up and have enjoyed the ride! :goodjob:
Thanks Magic

I am watching the girls quite closely now. Tomorrow they start their 7th week under 12/12 but they actually started flowering a few days, maybe a week before they went into 12/12. I had been cutting the light back 1/2hr per day when my step daughter's boyfriend asked if I could make him some clones. I stopped dropping the light schedule for a few days to cut clones for him. At that point they were at 13 or 13.5 hrs, and then started dropping 1/2hr a day again.

Many of the clones showed signs of flowering once they rooted so I am thinking that the girls may actually be up to a week farther along then I thought.

I am not seeing any amber yet but its hard to tell under the LEDs and I shake bad sometimes if I can't brace myself. If I were to go by the color of the hairs I would be starting to harvest some now.

I will be pulling the girls out under CFL light today to get a better look and will post pictures later ;)
Where's the bud porn Celt? You getting stingy these days and don't wanna' share with your pals?
As promised for your viewing pleasure, here at Maison de TheCelt, are the Bomb Girls. Let the show begin ;)

First up, THC Bomb #1 in all her glory








Next up we have the Twins: Cherry Bomb 1 and 2




Sorry, Cherry Bomb 2 is a little shy ;)


And lastly, THC Bomb 2. This is her first time out from under the LEDs since 12/12. As you can see, she's quite top heavy and feeling a little saggy without the support of her sisters. No worries though, a little bondage to give her support of her own and she was perky again ;)



And here they are back home and cozy, bathing under the LEDs again

Hope you all enjoyed the show and come back next week for The Bomb Girls next appearance.
Sorry for the quality of some of the images, my hands aren't the steadiest some days and I may have had the settings wrong for close-up shots. I have had the camera for 7 yrs but never really played with it much LOL

If the sun ever comes out here again, I will take some photos and give an update on the Wild Girls out in the yard :)
The girls are looking lovely Celt.
Which one do you think will be first to the finish line?
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