First Grow - Indoor Now - Outside & Inside Later

Well its 34 days into flower, not 39 I tagged the pics with. Brain fart this morning, week has 7 days not 8 LOL

Anyway, the Cherry Bomb girls have been showing magnesium deficiency the past few days so I went to town and got some Epsom salt. I checked my soil pH first and although high (7.2 probably due to my water being 7.4 for the past few weeks) that should actually aid in magnesium availability rather than hinder. A pH of 7.2 should only hinder iron and boron uptake which from research are minimal and rare deficiencies anyway.

Since I needed to get the Cherry girls some Mg I decided I might as well pull the girls out, take some pictures under 6500K cfl light, play a little bondage with the girls, and reposition them for better light distribution.

Picture time

Leaves showing Mg deficiency


Cherry Bomb #1 under CFL light showing some deficiency

THC Bomb #1



THC Bomb #2 still under the Mars II 900 at the back

The girls after a bondage session, repositioned back under the LEDs


2 to 4 more weeks for the THC girls and 3-5 for the Cherry girls, counting the days LOL

And yes I am sticky once again. Seems all my life women have left me sticky after playing with them, even BEFORE I started playing with cannabis ;)
Way to show those sticky girls who's boss!

Aside from the girl with the leaf issues they're looking lovely Celt.

Is the girl that is showing the deficiency planted in the same soil as the others?
FYI, I pay very close attention to the ph of my grow medium and try to keep things between 6.5 and 6.7. I've been watering with straight tap water which is usually about 7.2ish ph but it hasn't caused my soil ph to become more alkaline at least not in a noticeable way.
I'm surprised that the rest of your girls are looking as good as they are if they are also living in 7.2 ph soil. In my experience with outdoor grows plants usually don't thrive when soil ph gets above 7.0ish.

Anyways, I hope the epsom salt therapy cheers your girl up and gets her back on track.
Its the indoor girls that have been getting watered. For the most part they outdoor girls just get whatever water mother nature provides.

They are all in the same soil, inside and out. Although I never tested my soil, I used ProMix BX as a base. My guess is that it probably has a pH in the 6.5 to 7 range as its a professional grow medium. I recently mixed up a fresh batch for a friend who has a lot of clones he wants to put in a bog behind his place. To save him time and money I used peat as a base for this batch and omitted the alfalfa meal as it requires a minimum of 2 weeks to cook and he is late starting. Should have had them in the ground 5-6 wks ago. Otherwise its the same mix as my soil and when I tested it, it came out a pH of 5.6, pretty much the same as straight peat so I am adding lime to the mix to bring the pH up for him. The Promix BX has lime in it, likely to raise the pH.

It surprised me as well when I tested the Bomb girls soil as all the other plants, inside and out, are doing really well. Seems the Cherry Bomb are a more fussy strain as even the outside girls of that strain were showing some deficiency. It appeared to be nitrogen so I gave them some blood meal and they seem to be doing fine now although smaller than the other strains.

I can only attribute the raised pH to my water, I switched from the well to a cistern about a month ago, been dry here and our well is small. The cistern is concrete so tends to be quite alkaline from the calcium leaching.

When I mixed up the Epsom salt, I used a distilled water with a pH of 5.6 so hoping the combination helps the girls
At least you're on top of the problem while it's only a minor problem and it appears that you're well on your way to getting things sorted out.
You're right, some varieties are heavier feeders than others or exhibit certain peculiarities that other varieties don't. Evidently your Cherry Bomb fits the bill as a heavy feeder if she's showing nitrogen deficiency this early on.
I'd have to say that it seems as though you've already got the sticky part down pat. :slide:
hi there,
in my opinion these extra leaves at the nodes mean the plant is well fed and perform so great it is able to grow extra leaves... I grow outdoors for almost 15 years, and have seen this many-many times, and never had a hermie plant.


I have one THC Bomb male as I mentioned earlier in my journal. Or so I thought, now I am questioning my call on it. I hadn't chopped it as I was playing with the idea of growing it out separate from my Bomb girls and collecting pollen to fertilize a few buds for seed.

As such, I took it out of my grow room and put it outside even though there was still a chance of frost and pretty much forgot about it.

In the past couple days I have been moving some of the bigger girls outside and preparing homes for all my girls I intend to grow outside. While I was about it, I decided to check on the "male". Now I am at a loss, I see female pre-flowers higher up on it and the lower nodes, where I was seeing the "claws" indicating male, I now have extra leaves or branches forming. See picture.

Anybody able to tell me what I have? Mutant growing 3 leaves or branches per node or what?


Any help or comments appreciated and thanks in advance

Great looking plants,, I too, love the Bombs! Subbed up!
Well my CherryBomb girls still appear to be suffering Magnesium def so I did a little research this morning.

After reading an article from ProMix about potassium, Role of Potassium in Plant Culture | PRO-MIX, although plants don't suffer potassium toxicity, an excess in the grow medium can cause problems with Cal/Mag uptake.

I had been watering all the girls with 2 tbs of molasses per gallon for 2 weeks prior to the problem, and after watering with Epsom salt at the recommended dose they still seem to be suffering.

The CherryBomb girls have already struck me as being more fussy than their Bomb cousins, and being smaller plants in smaller pots than the THCBomb girls, maybe they are more susceptible to excess potassium.

As they have another 3 to 5 weeks before harvest, I think I will flush them with distilled water and keep them on water only to see what happens.

Any thoughts or comments much appreciated
Hey there Celt. I thought that you had determined that your girls were showing signs of nitrogen deficiency. Anyways, I agree with your path forward. Being within 3 weeks of harvest it may best to just let em' ride it out.
Well just flushed one of the Cherry girls with water at 7.0 pH. Run off was 6.8. Not optimal but well within range. I was quite certain pH wasn't a major concern but wanted to check just for my piece of mind.

While I had her out I cut off some of the more damaged leaves, staked her and retied limbs to get some better light penetration.

Hopefully, after the flush and a straight water diet until harvest, she will do well.
Well just flushed one of the Cherry girls with water at 7.0 pH. Run off was 6.8. Not optimal but well within range. I was quite certain pH wasn't a major concern but wanted to check just for my piece of mind.

While I had her out I cut off some of the more damaged leaves, staked her and retied limbs to get some better light penetration.

Hopefully, after the flush and a straight water diet until harvest, she will do well.

Starving them of nutrients will not help the problem, you are on track with the flush idea, and you could feed them water until you notice some yellowing letting you know that she is out of nutrients and needs a refill. From that point you could try a really reduced formula, say something like a quarter strength of just the base nutrients you use. No additives. I hope this help's, and sorry for your troubles.
Morning addonexus

I was referring to not giving them anymore molasses in their water, they are in organic soil so they will not starve LOL I did the flush to try and leach out the excess potassium from the molasses treatment ;)

I appreciate the input though ;) thanks
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