GDB's Auto Array

Glad that run of bad luck is finally over for you- been fact it got to where I was actually surprised if they didn't die...:oops:
Congrats on the seedlings and the teeny babies!
I was beginning to feel the same way, Carcass! :laughtwo:
Interested in your gummy process, I wish you better luck than your germination rate!
I'm going to try this recipe that I found on the web. Let me know what you think of it.

Let me know what you think of it.
Should work alright- might be real chewy with that much unflavored gelatine- mine are pretty chewy and I only use half that amount- but my way isn't the only way, so lets see how it goes...
Oops! I hope I didn't violate any rules by posting that link.
You probably did- prepare for a spanking! :) (we've all been there)
Hello growers.

The auto tent is looking okay today. The 4 little babies are still little babies. The older girls have been through some training, pics of which I will post tomorrow.

This post is about the Lemon AK, which is coming down later this morning on day 90 of her short life.

I took off the biggest fan leaves tonight and she's gonna be a breeze to trim cause she's kinda' weird. It seems that all I have to remove is the last few big fan leaves and a few smaller ones and I'll be done. It has open, somewhat airy buds but lots of creamy trichs. She's also sticky as glue and smells great -- a really strong lemon thing going on!

Sorry about the image in the background. Really sorry. :Rasta:


Congrats on the harvest of the AK! She's a fatty; nicely done GDB!!
Thanks, MrS.

She went down easy, less than an hour from start to finish! I got 210g wet.

Those are the best harvests. I do try and make the best of the tougher ones though. Some reggae in the back, incense in the burner, and the time just passes by. Congrats on the wet numbers, nicely done.
Manilow had a reggae period? Who knew! :laughtwo:
Hello grow assembly!

I promised some pics of the autos the other day, then got busy. So I'm a little tardy, but here they are.

Strawberry Cheesecake (day 28). She's on 2g of Mega Crop, which I need to increase on her next feed. She's in a 1 gallon pot and drinks about 1Liter every 4-5 days.


Onyx (day 28). She's also on 2g of MC and that will be increased on her next feed. She's also in a 1 gallon pot and drinks about 1L every 4-5 days.


Afghani Mass (day 22). She's on 2g of MC (to be increased shortly) in a 3 gallon pot. She drinks about 1L of water every 4-5 days.


Californian Snow (day 35). She's on 3.2g of MC. She's also in a 1 gallon pot and drinks about 1.5 Liters every 3 days. The discoloring of her lower leaves is from early over-watering, I believe. She's begun to push out pistils.


And the babies at 2 days old (by my counting method). I just started them on 2g of MC this morning, giving each 125ml of water.

Glue Gelato in 2 gallon pot.


Stardawgs, one in 2 gallon and the other in a 1 gallon.


And finally, the Green Crack in a 2 gallon.


So that's the fun bunch! Hopefully I'll get a nice grow of relatively small plants with staggered harvest dates.

Peace! :Rasta:
Hello grow throng!

Pics of the babies. Of the four, all but 1looks happy. They are all on day 9 and getting 2g of Mega Crop.

Glue Gelato


Green Crack



One of these is the one that doesn't look so well. It's puny and has some tiny white spots on the leaves. The other looks very promising! :Rasta:


Thanks for stopping by!
Hello grow crew!

Today's pics are of the "older" autos.

Californian Snow (day 43). She's on 3.6g of Mega Crop.

She is kinda' scrawny looking and looks like she'll be a minor producer. However, this plant generates some primo smoke whether a little or a lot.



Onyx (day 43). She's on 3g of MC.

She's the same age as the CS but lags behind her in pistil production. Still, she's coming along at her own pace.


Strawberry Cheesecake (day 36)

She's on 3g of MC.

This one had a surprise for me this morning. Two leaves turned to shit overnight. On an otherwise healthy looking plant, they shriveled up and got crinkly overnight! I've never seen anything like it. Anyone have any clues?



Lastly the Afghani Mass (day 40)

This one is staying short and bushy and has the nicest green of all the plants. She's on 3g of MC.



Tent shot.


Now I must go, because....


Later! :Rasta:
Hello growers.

I'm trying to figure out what's going on with my Strawberry Cheesecake. Whatever happened to those two leaves (see previous post) is spreading to other leaves.

She's on 3g of Mega Crop in a 1 gallon pot. She's 36 days old and took 2L when last fed yesterday. That feed, I suspect, triggered this sudden downturn. That was her first feed at 3g of MC. Prior to that she was getting 2.6g and looking normal.

I flushed her with a gallon of water PH'd at 6.5. Should I immediately feed her again at maybe a lower MC dosage? Or should I let her dry out and then feed at the lower dose?

When I call you out by name @MrSauga, @Emilya, @InTheShed, @ChefDGreen, @Carcass, I'm begging for help! :Rasta:

I'd like to help, but I've never had that happen- not exactly that, anyway....
although I don't think the added .4g of MC could have done it- I have killed some leaves from too much food, but they died in the "usual" way (slowly turning brown and curling up) they took 4 or 5 days to die, though.
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