GG7's Indoor/Outdoor Grows!

M.O.N. Harlequin GDB Added to Our 2012 Grow!
We are excited to see how this HIGH CBD strain does up here!

While we would have preferred a pure Harlequin strain for the highest CBD level possible, this cross with MON's Grand Daddy Blueberry (MON Blue Cheese x Ken's GDP) comes highly recommended and claims to provide a very high CBD ratio, so we shall see how it does. M.O.N. won't have any pure Harlequin available within the outdoor planting window, so we went with this with fingers crossed. Since the cross is with the two strains we are already growing, we are optimistic that the end results will be just what the doctor ordered! A THC busting strain that can quickly put an end to that THC overload that can come from smoking too much of a THC heavy strain in one sitting.

Our GDP and BC are both high THC strains with a respectable CBD for their type, but even these can come on too strong sometimes, so hopefully this bud will be the antedote to that 4 cups of coffee feeling. ;)

This is the same seed bank that created the seeds that produced our stellar original Blue Cheese mother plant that lives on in our latest BC clones pictured previously in other updates.



I used up all my remaining stock of Air Pots to plant these 6 seeds along with four of my Purple Urkle/Purple White Rhino cross seeds. Three are the 2.5 gallon size and the smaller ones are the 1.5 gallon size. I plan to transplant these into larger Air Pots when the time comes, but that means another order to CalGrowers for some additional 5 gallon size.

The soil is Black Gold Waterhold Cocoblend, saturated with a mixture of Liquinox B1 and Seaweed extract.



I'm going to let these stay here on our patio table in the warm sun until they sprout. Our long warm days should give them the soil warmth they need to germinate quickly.

We shall see what we end up with in the next couple of weeks!

Stay tuned! :)
M.O.N. Harlequin GDB Added to Our 2012 Grow!
We are excited to see how this HIGH CBD strain does up here!

I used up all my remaining stock of Air Pots to plant these 6 seeds along with four of my Purple Urkle/Purple White Rhino cross seeds. Three are the 2.5 gallon size and the smaller ones are the 1.5 gallon size. I plan to transplant these into larger Air Pots when the time comes, but that means another order to CalGrowers for some additional 5 gallon size.

Just to let you know... Harlequin has up to 10%

CannabinoidGeneral Effects%
9-Tetrahydrocannabinol9-THCAnalgesic, neuroprotector, appetite stimulant7.41 %
CannabidiolCBDAnti-anxiety, anti-convulsant, inhibits cancer cell growth9.58 %
CannabinolCBNModifies "high", byproduct of THC degradation0.31 %
Strain ID: SGL0027982
Tested: 5 weeks 1 day ago
hi, great addition to the grow, i was reading somewhere that the hemp producing plants that dont produce high levels of thc, but do produce high levels of cbd, so the cannabis plants fisherman grow for seeds and cannabis that is grown for hemp and not smoking is said to contain very little to none thc but it has the highest levels of cbd, not sure if its the same your going on about as i didnt read much into it, but it clearly said the cannabis plants that dont produce thc produce high levels of cbd,
Just to let you know... Harlequin has up to 10%

CannabinoidGeneral Effects%
9-Tetrahydrocannabinol9-THCAnalgesic, neuroprotector, appetite stimulant7.41 %
CannabidiolCBDAnti-anxiety, anti-convulsant, inhibits cancer cell growth9.58 %
CannabinolCBNModifies "high", byproduct of THC degradation0.31 %
Strain ID: SGL0027982
Tested: 5 weeks 1 day ago

Thanks for the info Jandre!

I read up on the strain while I was on vacation and made the decision to pick up some seeds when I got back IF M.O.N. had a Harlequin strain in their line cause I am a big fan of their abilities based on how awesome their Blue Cheese is. Would be great if this strain I just planted has that much CBD in it! Like I said, I would have preferred pure Harlequin instead of a cross, but if I had to have it crossed with something, GDP/BC would have been my first choice! ;)

We shall see how they turn out. Hopefully I end up with more females than males, but all I need is one. As with all my other strains, as soon as I can, I will start cloning it out to increase my supply and ultimate harvest! :)

Thanks again for the info! That is encouraging!
hi, great addition to the grow, i was reading somewhere that the hemp producing plants that dont produce high levels of thc, but do produce high levels of cbd, so the cannabis plants fisherman grow for seeds and cannabis that is grown for hemp and not smoking is said to contain very little to none thc but it has the highest levels of cbd, not sure if its the same your going on about as i didnt read much into it, but it clearly said the cannabis plants that dont produce thc produce high levels of cbd,

Interesting! I wasn't aware that the strain used for rope and twine had any medicinal value.
its just something i was reading the other day, if i can find the site again ill pm you the link, but it just basically said that it wouldnt get you stoned or high due to having very low to none thc but it contained more cbd than a strain that was full of thc, so if you was only looking solely for cbd then id have a read up about that, i mean it wouldnt be no good to most growers or smokers who want the same high, but it does produce buds and flowers and it contains the highest levels of cbd when compared to plants that are high in thc, it seems that that plants that contain no thc produced a lot more of the cbd so you would not get the high or couch lock affect from the plant but you would get higher levels of cbd so if thats what your looking for or anyone else is then thats the way to go, for instance i think it would be a huge advantage for a none cannabis smoker to start on if they was looking solely for the benefits from cbd because they would have none of the stoned affect from the plant as it would not contain anything that would cause that affect but they would then just benefit from the cbd in the plant, ill try and find out where i was reading about it and post you the link mate
here is an extract, its says its a bit contested between experts, but im trying to find the exact site as it had test and showed the results
Botanically, the genus Cannabis is composed of several variants. Although there has been a long-standing debate among taxonomists about how to classify these variants into species, applied plant breeders generally embrace a biochemical method to classify variants along utilitarian lines. Cannabis is the only plant genus that contains the unique class of molecular compounds called cannabinoids. Many cannabinoids have been identified, but two preponderate: THC, which is the psychoactive ingredient of Cannabis, and CBD, which is an antipsychoactive ingredient. One type of Cannabis is high in the psychoactive cannabinoid, THC, and low in the antipsychoactive cannabinoid, CBD. This type is popularly known as marijuana. Another type is high in CBD and low in THC. Variants of this type are called industrial hemp.

Reality: The THC levels in industrial hemp are so low that no one could get high from smoking it. Moreover, hemp contains a relatively high percentage of another cannabinoid, CBD, that actually blocks the marijuana high. Hemp, it turns out, is not only not marijuana; it could be called "antimarijuana."

Reality: Extracting THC from industrial hemp and further refining it to eliminate the preponderance of CBD would require such an expensive, hazardous, and time-consuming process that it is extremely unlikely anyone would ever attempt it, rather than simply obtaining high-THC marijuana instead.

Hemp oil is a source of THC.

Reality: Hemp oil is an increasingly popular product, used for an expanding variety of purposes. The washed hemp seed contains no THC at all. The tiny amounts of THC contained in industrial hemp are in the glands of the plant itself. Sometimes, in the manufacturing process, some THC- and CBD-containing resin sticks to the seed, resulting in traces of THC in the oil that is produced. The concentration of these cannabinoids in the oil is infinitesimal. No one can get high from using hemp oil.

High-CBD Cannabis

Harborside Health Center of San Jose is now offering a different type of medical cannabis -- strains that are relatively high in Cannabidol (CBD).

CBD is non-intoxicating. Medical marijuana patients who appreciate the euphoric effect of high-THC cannabis will probably not favor high-CBD strains.

On the other hand, cannabis patients who want the anti-spasm or anti-inflammatory effects of cannabis delievered without an accompanying "high" might prefer a high-CBD strain. High-CBD cannabis is potentially effective, according to European and Israeli researchers, in easing the symptoms of rhumatoid arthritis, diabetes, nausea, and inflammatory bowel disorders, among other difficult-to-control conditions.

The safety of CBD has been well established in clinical trials in England, where a pharmaceutical company produces a high-CBD plant extract with government approval.

In offering high-CBD cannabis, Harborside Health Center of San Jose staff -- and collective members who choose to try it out -- are participating in basic medical research. We are taking steps to determine which compounds in the plant are responsible for its varied effects on the mind and body. The Harborside Health Center of San Jose looks forward to the day when government health authorities take responsibility for this research.
from what i have read most cannabis strains now contain very little to none cbd, the possible chances of getting any cbd in cannabis is from the afgani strains, for for high levels and very high levels of cbd then the best place is hemp, you wont get the affect of thc but for people who just want the medicinal without the high then basic hemp is the way to go, im not sure it could be vaped though unless cbd is produced as pistils, if it dont form crystals then possibly using it as a food source to make cakes or something like that as im not sure even what cbd is, so i cant say if its an oil or just the buds and plant contains it, but as thc is the crystals trics then the cbd is likely to be in the plants actual make up so i think it would be eaten instead of smoked or vaped, but just use you search engine and look for cbd and hemp in same title and you will find loads of studies, it even states that in the uk they have produce medication for cancer sufferers out of the cbd on hemp and it got certified so if they can do it in the uk from hemp then clearly it the best place to find it and if its what a patient needs without been a cannabis smoker then id say hemp is the way to go, plus its easier to grow and needs less care as ive learned in the past when i used to go fishing, so i think start looking at hemp for cbd, most cannabis and if not all cannabis strains now contain very little to none cbd
Lots of good info there!

What I read during my vacation is that of all the currently available MMJ strains out there, Harlequin had the highest CBD ratios of anything on the current market, (even the leaves of a vegging plant contained impressive amounts!) thus my decision to pick some up and give it a try. I figure that MON decided to cross the strain with two strains that already show promise for a higher CBD ratio while still maintaining the more popular THC levels associated with most Indica strains sold for MMJ use.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I found that if Ken's GDP is left to flower a week or two longer than the usual 8 weeks, there is a definite mellowing in the less desirable effects of THC which include the anxiety attack effect that can make your heart race and give you a general feeling of unease.

The GDP I grew last year has virtually none of these unpleasant effects when consumed in a responsible manner, but there have been times when I was attempting to get maximum pain relief that those effects do start to creep in. My GDP has more of this tendency than my BC does, so up till now, I have used the BC as kind of a buffer against this happening.

When I Vape some BC after getting "TOO HIGH" from the GDP, it seems to take the "edge" off those effects, but not as fast or as significantly as I would like sometimes.

This is why I am going to give this Harlequin strain a try and see how pronounced that THC busting effect is with this over the BC by itself. As I also mentioned, I felt comfortable going with this Harlequin/GDP/BC cross simply based on my experience with the two exact strains this Harlequin I just planted has been crossed with.

It would sure be nice to be able to smoke something for just the pain relief and the anti-inflamatory benefits WITHOUT getting HIGH. I'm pretty busy around here much of the time, and I'm not always in the mood to be HIGH while I am trying to get all my work done.

I'm definitely going to hold on to any males that come up in this six seed grow and use that pollen to apply to a single GDP and BC clone to see what kind of plants result from those seeds. I am also going to be cloning out any female Harlequin plants that I get to keep the strain going and will overwinter at least one of them for next season along with my GDP and BC.

I wouldn't be surprised that over the next 5-10 years, we start seeing more and more of this attempt to bring high CBD strains to market for those folks who are seeing great results using MMJ, but would prefer to avoid the HIGH that comes along with it. Not everyone enjoys being stoned all the time, including myself! LOL! ;)

Should be an interesting experiment. :)

I do not have 50 posts yet to send a PM so hopefully this is a good place for this message/question.

I am almost 3 weeks into a Ken's GDP seed grow (I have a grow journal up). My plan is to find a mother out of the 4 I have started. My question is, from your experience with this strain, can you point me to a phenom that carries more CBD. I have one plant that is much bigger than the other 3, is this something that might turn out to be a better mother? Maybe it will be a male, dont know yet:)

Thanx so much!

I look forward to your reply.

I do not have 50 posts yet to send a PM so hopefully this is a good place for this message/question.

I am almost 3 weeks into a Ken's GDP seed grow (I have a grow journal up). My plan is to find a mother out of the 4 I have started. My question is, from your experience with this strain, can you point me to a phenom that carries more CBD. I have one plant that is much bigger than the other 3, is this something that might turn out to be a better mother? Maybe it will be a male, dont know yet:)

Thanx so much!

I look forward to your reply.

Hi Subbie,

Thanks for checking in and welcome to the 420 site! :)

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but...

It can't be Ken's original GDP if you have seeds. The original GDP created by Ken Estes is a CLONE ONLY strain, so not sure what you have there, but it isn't the original GDP strain. Unfortunately, many dispensaries have been selling seeds of what they call GDP that is either a cross with something else or in many cases not GDP at all.

The genine GDP are always cloned females of Ken's original "female" plant created way back in the day, so again, if you have seeds it would have to have been crossed with a male of another strain, or some other similar strain being misrepresented as the genuine article. Why? Because there is no such thing as a MALE GDP plant. Never has been and never will be.

Don't feel bad. Lots of folks do not know the history of the original GDP and thus, do not realize that the only way you can get the genuine article is to get a clone of the original. Fortunately these clones are available from reputable growers out there, especially in California where GDP was created. I may start selling clones of my genuine GDP to our local dispensary later this year, so if you live in California, you could come up there to buy some.

Often times, what is passed off as GDP is actually something else, like Purple Urkle, Purple Diesel or one of the other purple strains that are not clone only. Still good quality weed, but definitely not Grand Daddy Purple. ;)

Regarding CBD...

Ken's GDP has more CBD than many of the other high THC Indica's out there, but nothing approaching more than perhaps 1-2%. If you let the plants mature beyond the usual 8 weeks of flower and harvest at weeks 9-11 you will get a mellower high cause a lot of the THC will break down and the CBD levels will rise at the same time.

Harlequin is your best bet if you are after a high CBD strain as Jandre posted previously. The pure Harlequin strain can have as much as 10% CBD which is a stunning level compared to 99.9% of the strains currently out there on the market right now. M.O.N does sell pure Harlequin, but they are sold out for this season, so you would have to go with a cross like I did.

I would suggest checking your local sources for the Medicinal Organic Nursery "Harlequin GDB" as pictured in my photo update a the top of this page. 40 bucks for 6 seeds is retail.

Hope that helps. :)
Hey Goose, I hope this brings you everything you want! :thumb: This should bring a real different dimension to your grow this year. Can't wait to see this strain grow this season for you!


Didn't realize that Ken had gone into the seed business! lol! ;)

Guess that would be the closest you could get to the "original" strain which was clone only. I notice that he is calling those seeds "Grand Daddy PURP" which makes sense since most veteran growers are fully aware that the original strain could only be obtained as a cutting, thus the original term "Ken's Cut", which indicated a clone of the original GDP plant. Also he no doubt wanted to separate his creation from all the fake GDP being peddled out there these days.

The original GDP was a melding of Purple Urkle and Oregon Big Bud, so I guess you could cross those two strains again and eventually start producing seeds from the finished product, but again, this wasn't how it was done back in 2003 when GDP first appeared on the scene. I'm also sure that it isn't identical to the original clone in all respects, but if anyone would know how to do it right, it would be the guy who created GDP in the first place! ;)

Don't have any additional info on Harlequin other than the info that Jandre already posted on this page earlier. I suggest Googling the strain names you are curious about and include LAB TESTS in the search.

Thanks for posting those photos.
Hey Goose, I hope this brings you everything you want! :thumb: This should bring a real different dimension to your grow this year. Can't wait to see this strain grow this season for you!


Hey MS!

Thanks Man! I too am excited to see how this Harlequin turns out. Would be nice to have a high CBD male or two to use to pollenate some of my GDP and BC clones later in the season and see what kind of plants that cross produces. :)
could this ken of used the silver solution to get a female to produce seeds without crossing it out and or get the pollen from the hermie after using the colodil silver or what ever its called and created it that way, then it would be the original plant and exact same gene wouldnt it, has this ken really kept that strain going all that time, i wish i cud get away with it that long, the law is a bitch here and the sooner it changes the better.

i know you may think im asking a dumb quesion, but how do people tell how much thc and cbd is in the plant, is their any home testing kit that could be bought, im only thinking due to the fact i will start crossing plants in the near future thinking a decent fem and an auto and see what happens, but apart from the smoking it and feeling the affect is their any simple test that can be done at home, i say simple very lightly as i doubt its simple and i probably need some sort of chem lab to even consider it, just didnt know if their was a sort of easy way of testing without spending thousands on equipment,
Don if only there was a way of testing THC/CBD at home. In being methotical about the entire process,... seed several plants. Kill the males, get clones, bring to flower, then here it is.. Test. Then keep running the clone and or breed, etc.

It would be really nice for the people selling clones to start putting test results, TCH/CBD on the mothers they got the clones from. Would really help.

Anyway, just my .02
no probs, i didnt think their would be an easy way, i watch some customs programs and they have little packs that change colour and usually the stronger the cannabis the darker the colour, just didnt know if their was a method for getting the thc levels, how would the seed banks go about it, would it all get sent of to labs and get the results that way, but i suppose its only ever a guide and not telling you exactly what your getting, i didnt think it would be easy,
Don if only there was a way of testing THC/CBD at home. In being methotical about the entire process,... seed several plants. Kill the males, get clones, bring to flower, then here it is.. Test. Then keep running the clone and or breed, etc.

It would be really nice for the people selling clones to start putting test results, TCH/CBD on the mothers they got the clones from. Would really help.

Anyway, just my .02

Ditto! It would be nice to be able to test our own bud ourselves, but you need a Gas Chromatograph to do it right and those buggers cost $$$$!!

There are more and more labs that specialize in MMJ testing popping up out there all the time, so we do have the option to get our stuff tested, but I have no idea how much it costs for a professional testing of a bud or buds.

Fortunately, if you buy your seed stock from a well known bank, you can often find recent lab tests of their various strains on the web and there is a good chance that plants grown from these same seed stocks would be really close to those same values. :)

Clones are another story, but in my case, Ken's original GDP has been tested a gazillion times since it came out in 2003. THC content is 20-23%, CBD seems to vary based on harvest and growing environment. Mine seems to have a nice balance plant to plant, although the actual HIGH from each plant's bud is slightly different, and top buds are slightly different than lower buds.
could this ken of used the silver solution to get a female to produce seeds without crossing it out and or get the pollen from the hermie after using the colodil silver or what ever its called and created it that way, then it would be the original plant and exact same gene wouldnt it, has this ken really kept that strain going all that time, i wish i cud get away with it that long, the law is a bitch here and the sooner it changes the better.

Hey Don!

I have no idea how Ken Estes first created the original GDP plant, but the fact that it was a clone only strain back when it came out would tend to point towards some kind of technique that did not produce seeds. Just speculating since I have never been able to find out how he first created that original GDP female that spawned all those future generations, including the plants I have out back right now. ;)
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