Gloman's First Journal A-Z

just curious how are you "checking" the seeds to see if they are male? also I did my last grow very similar to that, used the same clips and made a "hood" out of foam core and just clipped the cords. worked great. only thing that bother me was some of those clips have teeth or pinch too hard and this can cause a short if it damages the wires internally down the road. wasnt risky enough for me not to do it though lol. are those 64watt cfl's?
just curious how are you "checking" the seeds to see if they are male? also I did my last grow very similar to that, used the same clips and made a "hood" out of foam core and just clipped the cords. worked great. only thing that bother me was some of those clips have teeth or pinch too hard and this can cause a short if it damages the wires internally down the road. wasnt risky enough for me not to do it though lol. are those 64watt cfl's?

Seeds - Female or Male - Can You Tell The Difference?

Most of the seeds I have are from last years crops, which had no males. The plants will on occasion produce a few male flowers on themselves to make seeds. (female plants) These seeds carry 3 female gene & 1 male gene (not sure this analogy is exactly correct, but it gets the point across.) So the seed naturaly falls to the female sex. All seeds produced this way will be female.
So, I took these seeds and compared them to the chart & pretty much every seed fell strong into the female side.
This tells me that the chart is most likely correct.

I'm using the Sylvania 23w micr-mini CFL's which they say replaces a 100w bulb @ 1640 lumens. My box's inside dimensions are 40"X24"X48"
Right now I have 4, but I can expand to 6 easy enough, but I'm thinking I won't really need to as I'm just getting my girls a headstart on the outdoor grow. :)

The clips I'm using are plastic & I don't think they could pierce the insulation on the cord, but you never know & I'll certainly keep an eye out for that.

:thanks: :peace: :circle-of-love: :Namaste:
Hey its coming together real nice if you got a tractor use it hell I would When are you going to pop the seeds or are they on the way Growing good growing good :thumb:

Thanks Brother,

I'm thinking I'll start bustin beans today! I'll start with Big Betty of course & then the Purple Haze & on down the line.
I'm thinking I need about 30 plants to be sure I get the harvest I want.
I most likely won't feel too much like digging & such while I'm going through treatment, so I'll make up for it in numbers this year. lol
Yeah, the tractor is my Aunts, but I get to play with it. :) It's a Kabota with a bucket loader on the front and all the attacments for the back. :) I use the tiller mostly. After a good plowing, add your composts & the dirt tills up nice & no need for chemical fertalizers.
Unfortunately, I'll only have enough coffee grounds for my weed patches. I'm eventually gonna have enough to add to my veg. garden too. Gotta Love the local coffee shop. They save their grounds for me. About a 5gal bucket every day. I'll bring them some buckets full of produce later in the year.

:thanks: :peace: :Namaste:
Well, my grow box will hold 45 cups, so I guess I'll be starting 45 girls.:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:



After I put my beans in paper towels to germ. I'll mix my dirt with compost, fill my cups & wait for the girls.

Somebody was saying on another journal about mites being a problem on their outdoor plants. Lady bugs are the natural choice for controlling them.
If anyone would like to come here to get lady bugs, I'll GIVE you all you can carry!
We've had these dog gone lady bugs in SWARMS for the last 5 yrs or more. Japanese beetles too. THEY SUCK!
When the sun comes out enough to warm up the side of the house, the lady bugs come & COVER, literaly cover the side of the house. It's almost like an Alfred Hitchcock movie. lol They get inside too. They're EVERYWHERE!

That tells me there is a sufficient supply of mites around here but I've never seen any sign of them on my plants.
I'll be washing my crops from now on anyway. lol
:circle-of-love: :peace: :Namaste:
Been working on the Phulbani Jaga Bliss seeds I have trying to sex them out. (not up)lol
I've found what I THINK are 5 male seeds so far & have 7 female so far.
I'll plant one of the male seeds to keep under close observation & collect pollen from.
It's good to have pure strain genetics on hand.

I'm getting jazzed up! I just love gardening for plants that you can use. Never been much for deco. flowers.
I do like the papaver somniferum. It has several pretty colors & gives a reward for loving her.
Another little known fact, coleus, the plant, has leaves that contain a phycoactive substance similar to psylisibin.
100 leaves steeped into a tea & drink slowly to not overload the system & puke. Pretty nice buzz.

Pic's to follow when germinated

:circle-of-love: :peace: :Namaste:
Looks great man, I am a coffee expert and competition barista , I used to drive around town to nurseries dropping off bags of grounds. Super high in nitrogen though best used in compost. Adding as a soil amendment is risky with grounds as they are not consistent in nitrogen content. Tomatoes will go nuts on them though they can eat tons of nitrogen.
Looks great man, I am a coffee expert and competition barista , I used to drive around town to nurseries dropping off bags of grounds. Super high in nitrogen though best used in compost. Adding as a soil amendment is risky with grounds as they are not consistent in nitrogen content. Tomatoes will go nuts on them though they can eat tons of nitrogen.

I'm pretty excited about having them to use now. I'm also trying to get a few truck loads of horse and cow manure to compost & add to my veg garden. At one time I lived in a place here in Illinois where the dirt was Black. I mean BLACK, & very loamy. The gardens grew like they were on steroids & we never once fertilized other than fish & frogs when we'd go to the crick. Fillet the fish, skin the frog legs & bury the remains in the veg garden. :)
It may take me 10 years to do it, but I'm trying to build this garden into the kind I was talking about. This IS farm country though, & people like to help the gardeners out with manure & such. It's good for everybody!

My veg garden is a little over a half acre, & it's clay soil that has been idle for about 10yrs. before I started using it last year.
I had 3/4 of it in sweet corn, & the raccoons got all of it but 6 ears. I was LIVID! This year I'm prepared. Electrified chicken wire all around the garden. I don't mind sharing, but COME ON! lmao! The rest of the garden did real well, & I gave LOADS of produce to the local shelters, friends, & strangers. I was blessed.

:circle-of-love: :peace: :Namaste:
Been working on the Phulbani Jaga Bliss seeds I have trying to sex them out. (not up)lol
I've found what I THINK are 5 male seeds so far & have 7 female so far.
I'll plant one of the male seeds to keep under close observation & collect pollen from.
It's good to have pure strain genetics on hand.

I'm getting jazzed up! I just love gardening for plants that you can use. Never been much for deco. flowers.
I do like the papaver somniferum. It has several pretty colors & gives a reward for loving her.
Another little known fact, coleus, the plant, has leaves that contain a phycoactive substance similar to psylisibin.
100 leaves steeped into a tea & drink slowly to not overload the system & puke. Pretty nice buzz.

Pic's to follow when germinated

:circle-of-love: :peace: :Namaste:

I think that Orissangreen & glo sounds better, them seeds do you find seem so so small
I put a few in a towel an 3 popped but it was left on the water heater now tha was great when the water was on, but it hasnt been on for over a day an im thinking that when the heating went off its got to cold in that spot, I should go an check on them soon I cant hardly wait to see the pic,s :cheer::cheer::high-five:Over in there home land they were good But a girl grown well under control should bring a much nicer seedless bud this will be so interesting :thanks::thanks::thanks::thanks::welldone::peacetwo::cheesygrinsmiley::cheesygrinsmiley:

Yes, they are small, but appear to be just fine. Besides,, didn't some woman say "size didn't matter"? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Seriously though, they should be fine.
Sorry to hear about your utility problem. That very well could affect their growth. What is the temps. there?
We've been below 0*F for a good while. Supposed to get up in the 40's next weekend, but they said that about this weekend too & we got about 3" new snow instead.

I plan on raising one male from the Orissan Green to full maturity for the pollen, then crossing that into Betty for more Indica traits. She's such a huge plant & early bloomer. I'd like more "wipe out knock down couch lock" if I can get it. he, he, he, too bad we can't cross our lovely plant with say,,,,,Papaver Somniferum. (O'poppy). :)
Hmmmm Something like thai sticks!
WELL, enough of that. lol

Have a great SKUNKDAY!:thumb:
:circle-of-love: :peace: :Namaste:
Yep lets hope them ladys are correct I got 5 busting well slowly getting out of there little an they are TINY little seeds :rofl::rofl:

I always did like my ladies petite & on the trashy side! lol :)
But they got massive buds so I did see an we was not getting the best cause of the cyclone
I still think though in your good hands we could see the great Phulbhani Green & Glo seed O yea thats got a ring to it :high-five:

So the buds on the Orissan are big? gloman like big buds :) :) :) Can you tell me if they had a lot of keef? They wouldn't be hash plants would they? Wouldn't you love to have enough to make blocks of that old blond lebonese from the 70's? I used to munch that stuff like candy caramels. HOOO DAMN! Did I get wasted on it that way. :) @ 70 bucks an ounce we thought we were in heaven. & that was pricey.

OK, I have put some seeds in to germ.

So far I have:

9 Big Betty My last years crop (Indica dominate hybrid)
2 Strawberry Kush (MMJ bag seed)
1 Purple Haze (MMJ bag seed)
11 Phulbani Jaga Bliss (pure Indica)
1 Shady (mex. bag seed)
18 Lady My last years crop (indica dominate with strong Sativa quality's)
7 extra Lady seeds in germ just in case any fail.

For a total of 49 seeds in germ.

All have been visualy checked for female properties.
All seeds germinating except 1 I believe are female
I put 1 male seed in to grow for pollen

The Phulbani Jaga Bliss seeds are VERY small, but I heard that "size doesn't matter" someplace. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Soon as they pop I'll put up some pic's
:peace: :circle-of-love: :Namaste:
Highglo brother
its been a great day over here padma has done it all today this is deffenatley the way to go for her, it works brilliant for her she was inspierd an possotive wath could I say other than she has been very much on form since last night now
Glad you got some on the grow, it was a good day for seed popping I have only room to grow 1 plant in comfort unless I go for the cola harvest only, them Orissan seeds are tiny lots of Indian seeds are that are a pure land strain here is one earlier
Highglo brother
its been a great day over here padma has done it all today this is deffenatley the way to go for her, it works brilliant for her she was inspierd an possotive wath could I say other than she has been very much on form since last night now
Glad you got some on the grow, it was a good day for seed popping I have only room to grow 1 plant in comfort unless I go for the cola harvest only, them Orissan seeds are tiny lots of Indian seeds are that are a pure land strain here is one earlier

Excellent! That's what we needed to know. How to give you folks some relief. I'm so thankful they helped.
OK! you got one started. It's not how many we can grow, it's how well we can grow them.
I put everything into germ today.
I'm READY & chomping at the bit!
I think I'm going to attempt to get on that (what someone called)Green Wave about to hit. It would be good for 'ol gloman to make about 50 grand this year. BUT, quality first.
Here's a shot of the germ station & cups ready & filled & labled
Also a couple of my stupid gold fish. :)



:peace: :circle-of-love: :Namaste:
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