Gloman's First Journal A-Z

OK, 3 more Big Betty & 3 more Lady popped & plopped


Some average Joe reading this won't understand the blessing that the weed is. If it were used only as a recreational substance I don't believe my harvest would have been so good. No matter what anyone else thinks, I believe my crops were a gift to be used with respect.
Now don't get me wrong, I love the buzz too, but first is the medicine & the more positive results we post on our beloved plant the more social acceptance there will be. I encourage people to tell about negative experiances using weed also, but there just aren't many.
gloman thats exactly what they are a gift from God that are satanic Government's want to keep out by feeding the general mass,, with drugs that do nothing but poison the body leave folks with Althzimers an all kinds of problems in the future Most drugs are chemical copies of natural plant compounds,
the scary thing for them is there day is now in late evening an God will always win over the darker force of evil minded money motivated folks or the Illuminate
I am watching with bated breath globro the Phulbhani has to be something like Green&glo cause I hate to say my name was given by a my Guru some years back an I cant put it besides a Ganja plant HE WOULD NOT APPROVE, Translated it would become the universal ganja of Bliss ?? actually not so bad but our kids dont like it an as you are more than likley gonna be the first guy to grow some properly in the west so Phulbhanigreen&glo I think sounds great an your name will live on in green :thanks:
gloman thats exactly what they are a gift from God that are satanic Government's want to keep out by feeding the general mass,, with drugs that do nothing but poison the body leave folks with Althzimers an all kinds of problems in the future Most drugs are chemical copies of natural plant compounds,
the scary thing for them is there day is now in late evening an God will always win over the darker force of evil minded money motivated folks or the Illuminate
I am watching with bated breath globro the Phulbhani has to be something like Green&glo cause I hate to say my name was given by a my Guru some years back an I cant put it besides a Ganja plant HE WOULD NOT APPROVE, Translated it would become the universal ganja of Bliss ?? actually not so bad but our kids dont like it an as you are more than likley gonna be the first guy to grow some properly in the west so Phulbhanigreen&glo I think sounds great an your name will live on in green :thanks:

OK, I see your point. Well, then until I can say I made a new strain using them, I'll just call them P.G., If I can make any improvements with it I'll take a credit somewhere, but for now. P.G.
I understand also and will respect your request Jaga. Gloman your box is overloaded with love. Nice. Happy Munchday
GREAT news! The P.G. has started to break ground! Every cup has a baby in it or one breaking through.
Don't know how I done it, but my target number was 42 & I have 45. Not a problem I'll have a hard time getting used to. lol :)

I have to start somewhere, so I'm going to use today as reference for day 1.

That's another nice thing about that program LadyJane made available for us, HerbIQ, It keeps track of everything you log in.
It would be a PERFECT program for indoor growers.:circle-of-love: :peace: :Namaste:
Dam 45 babies are going to keep you VERY busy. They should be nice size when spring comes. HerbIQ looks like something I should use. I don't keep track of anything anymore. Vegg, flower and chop when they are ready. But sometimes I forget what I did yesterday or even this morning so maybe I should get back into recording. Looking good :thumb:
Dam 45 babies are going to keep you VERY busy. They should be nice size when spring comes. HerbIQ looks like something I should use. I don't keep track of anything anymore. Vegg, flower and chop when they are ready. But sometimes I forget what I did yesterday or even this morning so maybe I should get back into recording. Looking good :thumb:

Thanks Bill, yeah, they'll get a lot of pampering. You know how it is. They live in an area where there is just enough room to sit in front of the box, & I find myself there a great deal. lol Go outside, blaze one & go back & sit by the babies. :)
I can see already, I'm gonna need more light.
Nobody around here carries 4 way socket extenders, so I'll have to put 6 more Y extenders to give me 12 lights
12X1600 lumens =19,200 lumens in a space 40X24X48. 38 cu.ft? My math may be all wrong.
Someone was asking me how I could tell the sex of the seed.
Well, here is the link to "truthseakers" post with the chart in it.

Seeds - Female or Male - Can You Tell The Difference?

While I tend to think it is good info, I'm the guy who always has to compare for myself.
So, I have seeds from last harvest that I'm VERY sure are female since they were fertalized from male flowers on the same female plant.
I took those seeds & compared them to the chart, & ALL were female according to the chart, telling me the chart is most likely dead on the money.

I hope this helps. :)
I asked that a while back, I really chalk most of those charts and studies up to chance as for the most part its rare for seeds of any plant to have an actual marker to their sex (never mind the smaller percentage of plants that have defined sexes overall). just the same as people who swear up and down they can pick a seedling as a male or female from its initial growth. A plant that grows well is a plant that grows well most people say the biggest one is always a male, to that I say the biggest one when? I had 12 plants all together last grow and the tallest one of them changed every three days or so. The tallest one ended up being female and was lemon skunk and produced big fire buds. I also believe that a positive aura and energy can be perceived by plants (why not?) so I dont try to mess with anyones vibes.

Bottom line if you "identify" your seeds as female and they come out female , more power to you ;-)
I read that thread and it's a very interesting idea. I will definitely give it a try. Why not if it works, great, if it doesn't Oh well. Happy Tokerday Gman
Already having what I'm sure being female seeds from my last years harvest, which had NO males, gave me something to compare to.
I'm not saying this is accurate for sure, but so far the evidence leans that way.
Dam 45 babies are going to keep you VERY busy. They should be nice size when spring comes. HerbIQ looks like something I should use. I don't keep track of anything anymore. Vegg, flower and chop when they are ready. But sometimes I forget what I did yesterday or even this morning so maybe I should get back into recording. Looking good :thumb:

Me to it is our age sometimes I forget what I am talking about while im talking :rofl: good weed Bee
Someone was asking me how I could tell the sex of the seed.
Well, here is the link to "truthseakers" post with the chart in it.

Seeds - Female or Male - Can You Tell The Difference?

While I tend to think it is good info, I'm the guy who always has to compare for myself.
So, I have seeds from last harvest that I'm VERY sure are female since they were fertalized from male flowers on the same female plant.
I took those seeds & compared them to the chart, & ALL were female according to the chart, telling me the chart is most likely dead on the money.

I hope this helps. :)

Thats just the news that I needed to hear as I got the chart in my blog I borrowed it from Ricoricos Journal
I have a lot of trouble seeing those PG seeds cause they are TINY, little update though the one I got up is growing fast
As for you Globrother mate 100% an I was worrie that the PG would be hard to pop you done great reps all the way an thanks still think Green & glo
up to you it could be a Million Dollar seed with the right breeding:circle-of-love:


Well, I thought there should be more light available for the babies, so I doubled it, for a total of 38,400 Lumens.
I'm going to thin the runts out today, which will give room for lights underneath them when needed.
I'm gonna work on the lady of the house into letting me keep at least one indoors. Don't know if she'll go for it, but it's worth a try.

Most of the little girls are about the same size, but a few are still having trouble., so,they get dumped.
I really have too many, but since I have a tractor to bust up the soil, I'll put 'em out when it gets warmed up.

My target light period when setting them out will be 13hr. light 11 dark to match the light hours in our part of the woods.


I'm thinking it's gonna be a GOOD year!

:circle-of-love: :peace: :Namaste:

Strangest thing I just noticed.
After doubleing my lights today, the baby girls quit leaning to the lights. Now there's a little bit of stretching on the outer perimiters, but the rest are just going up, up, up.

I'm starting to have an excess of heat build up now, but I'm going to leave it until I see a problem, as the O.G. seems to be pretty touchy when it comes to cooler temps.
I SAY cooler, but 72*F. was my low temps. & O.G. will NOT respond at that temp.
I bumped the temp up to 83*F. & the O.G. took off. Now I'm pushing 91*F. & the O.G. is going nuts.
Everything else seems to be ok with it, so until I notice a change, I'll leave it up.

:circle-of-love: :peace: :Namaste:
Happy Weednesday Gloman, That is one full room. The extra light looks like is helping. How are the PG looking.
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