Gloman's First Journal A-Z

Happy Weednesday Gloman, That is one full room. The extra light looks like is helping. How are the PG looking.

OH BOY! You got that right. lol I kind of set my work out for myself, huh?
The extra light really makes a difference. The plants don't seem to be stretching to reach the light now. I'm sure I'll need more before I get them outside, but I'm giving it what I can. :)

The PG, are coming along real well now that the temps are up. They REALLY don't like cooler temps. (I don't either)
All of them are doing good really, & I'm going to HAVE to thin a few out, but I'll wait a while I guess.

I'll put some more shots up when they put out another set of leaves.
Bunch of nice little lady's you have there Gloman...Looks like it's gonna be a fun summer :thumb:

:lot-o-toke:A bunch! He has a whole Blooming army getting up an ready to tackle the problems that arises
from the day to day life we try to live with lots of fun an goodness in every way:hippy:
I guess I did get a little carried away, but I like it!
If GOD chooses to bless me with a bumper crop, I'll be looking to do what I can to help those who need. Again, that's putting the cart in front of the horse.
I've got several runts in there, but I just haven't been able to bring myself to file 13 them. I do have one window that gets sun till afternoon. Maybe I'll put them in the window to see if they do anything.
I guess I did get a little carried away, but I like it!
If GOD chooses to bless me with a bumper crop, I'll be looking to do what I can to help those who need. Again, that's putting the cart in front of the horse.
I've got several runts in there, but I just haven't been able to bring myself to file 13 them. I do have one window that gets sun till afternoon. Maybe I'll put them in the window to see if they do anything.

High globro
how long on a normal year would it be before you start getting nice an warm again, an army like you got there would be great fun but do you have to worry about the smell cause they can stink an it can go long way.
High globro
how long on a normal year would it be before you start getting nice an warm again, an army like you got there would be great fun but do you have to worry about the smell cause they can stink an it can go long way.

Hey There!
Well, they say it is supposed to warm up here around April. I'm thinking with the way its been going, I'll plan on May.
I don't care, as long as its nice long enough for the girls to be done. :)
As far as smell goes, I'm on almost 40 acres of private land. No worries there. Only possible problem with outsiders is Deer Hunters. They're in for some REAL rugged hiking unless the come past my front door.
My HerbIQ program says its been 6 days since germ. So, Here's some shots of day 6

They're just starting to show the 2nd set of leaves.

:circle-of-love: :peace: :Namaste:
As this is an ever evolving project, I fashioned a reflector out of cardboard & covered the business side with aluminum foil. It seems to work, and I'm sure while not perfect, it will help.

:circle-of-love: :peace: :Namaste:
Off to a BIG start I see. Looking good my man, keep it up.
Off to a BIG start I see. Looking good my man, keep it up.

Thanks yoop, I got a bit carried away, but I'll plant them all in "patches" so they look like wild hemp to the untrained eye.
I don't really believe it's necessary to gorilla grow on our own property, but one can never be too careful.
Hemp does grow wild around here, so it's not unusual to see a marijuana "patch".
Farmers keep spraying harsh chemicals to prevent it from growing, but it just keeps coming back. he,he,he.

I wonder if the wild hemp has CDB's in it in high enough percentages to be worth harvesting for extract?
:circle-of-love: :peace: :Namaste:
This whole grow box has been on the CHEEP too.
I've got roughly 50 bucks in EVERYTHING, including the light bulbs. :)
Cash flow around here is pretty low, but my "pot is full" so to speak. LMFAO!
That looks like $50 bucks well spent to me. Your maternity ward is bursting at the seams. Looks good.
Gman that is looking good. Nice addition to the lighting. :thumb: Happy Friedday
This whole grow box has been on the CHEEP too.
I've got roughly 50 bucks in EVERYTHING, including the light bulbs. :)
Cash flow around here is pretty low, but my "pot is full" so to speak. LMFAO!

Thats a real good result Globrother
in pounds thats about £22 very well done with lots of reps to you bud:thumb:I truly understand about cash flow or lack of cash flow,,thing to remember is the golden saying Pot will get you through times of no money BUT money wont get you through times of NO pot...
I personally find this so true when I was younger I wanted money to do so much but now the understanding is peace of mind is priceless then along with peace of mind have some pot an you become (well I do ) the richest guy on the planet . Evenin times of crisis with Padma as long as we have a smoke it helps to bring in a much brighter and richer life
More than likely another reason why they wanted prohibition so bad ,,, they saw folks thinking outside of the box ,, an thats dangerous for them :goodjob:
Have a brilliant weedend on this fine Sativaday morning Globrother:circle-of-love:
Thats a real good result Globrother
in pounds thats about £22 very well done with lots of reps to you bud:thumb:I truly understand about cash flow or lack of cash flow,,thing to remember is the golden saying Pot will get you through times of no money BUT money wont get you through times of NO pot...
I personally find this so true when I was younger I wanted money to do so much but now the understanding is peace of mind is priceless then along with peace of mind have some pot an you become (well I do ) the richest guy on the planet . Evenin times of crisis with Padma as long as we have a smoke it helps to bring in a much brighter and richer life
More than likely another reason why they wanted prohibition so bad ,,, they saw folks thinking outside of the box ,, an thats dangerous for them :goodjob:
Have a brilliant weedend on this fine Sativaday morning Globrother:circle-of-love:

Thank You!
You're so right, I too at a younger point in my life was sure having a lot of money was going to bring me real happiness. I was very wrong. Money is nothing more than a tool, same as a gun. How a person handles their tools is what gives them or takes away their shot in life. I've found, now that I'm getting old, & no longer have to compete in life to get by, I can do with a much smaller tool box, as long as I always bring the ONE. I've never had so few possessions, but I've NEVER been this RICH. You know what I mean. :)

I got high my whole life, but until just a couple years ago, I had NO clue it had real medical value. Now, as times are changing I try to share my new found knowledge with people around me who might also benefit from it.
Unfortunately, here in the Redneck belt, discussions about marijuana are largely met with disapproval, but here & there, people who just can't stand anymore of the bullshit drugs the doctor gives them, get curious when they see someone they know all of a sudden walking again. I want to help as many people as I can, but it is going to take more time to get these folks to come around.

I just never could understand how ANYONE could trust our INSANELY CORRUPT gov. so much they would rather DIE than think for themselves. OH WELL

HA,HA! Yes, I feel that way too I get by just fine with no money, cuz I've got pot, but if I don't have pot I try to take my money to buy pot. COULD live without it, but why would anyone want to? lmao!


Here's some shots of the girls now. According to HerbIQ, this is day 7
There are just too many to take pics of all of them, but here's some little groups of each strain.

First off out of the gate is the P.G.

Next are some Big Betty

Next are some from Lady

more to come in a few

Here's the last two strains,
First we have Purple Haze from seed I got from dispensary buds


And this is Strawberry Kush, also from seeds I got out of buds I got at a dispensary

All of them seem to be doing very well. We're starting to drink more water now. I'm giving them a drink every 2 days, & I'm going to have to give them a little more soon.
I may have to rig an auto water system before it's all done. lol

I was having a problem at first with the little plants stretching too much for light, but after adding the reflector, I can see them relaxing more & pushing for leaves. Even though it's such a small space, it still makes a big difference.

Well, I hope you're all having a great Sativa Saturday. If you haven't "baked" yet, Please feel free to do so.
I had my Sat. morning issue of 6 canna caps & fat hooter from Big Betty. he,he,he, I just love playing with Big Betty's Hooters! :rofl: :rofl:
Yep what you said in your last post you hit it right on the head Money is only a tool and it is how we use the tool , I honestly think that we think alike in so many ways , shame about folks not wanting to really look into it . And thats the same here I have one friend who visits some weekends when I grew for the first time I had the door of my tent open an so it didnt filter the smell to well all he would say is ,, Padma smoking weed again then I should stop her it would keep her in the bedroom an make her go mad . Every time I would give the same reply its medical and its all Organic after a long long time he finally started talking about Canabinods I jumped down his throat an told him again how it was all Bull from the Goverment that have made up these silly liesYour girls are looking splendid do you think that the PGG is a bit spindly,, mine look about the same as yours when I look at BB or the NLHaze they seem a stocky plant ,, its excitting to see them growing though I really hope that mine is a girl BB is in the soil just waiting for her to break free :yahoo: have the best of days my good friend :goodjob:
Yep what you said in your last post you hit it right on the head Money is only a tool and it is how we use the tool , I honestly think that we think alike in so many ways , shame about folks not wanting to really look into it . And thats the same here I have one friend who visits some weekends when I grew for the first time I had the door of my tent open an so it didnt filter the smell to well all he would say is ,, Padma smoking weed again then I should stop her it would keep her in the bedroom an make her go mad . Every time I would give the same reply its medical and its all Organic after a long long time he finally started talking about Canabinods I jumped down his throat an told him again how it was all Bull from the Goverment that have made up these silly liesYour girls are looking splendid do you think that the PGG is a bit spindly,, mine look about the same as yours when I look at BB or the NLHaze they seem a stocky plant ,, its excitting to see them growing though I really hope that mine is a girl BB is in the soil just waiting for her to break free :yahoo: have the best of days my good friend :goodjob:

Come on BB! I went through the PG seeds before planting & only planted 2 I thought were male by the chart, so we'll see how they turn out. I'm gonna just guess 75% of them are female like most others.

I hope we both have all girls & me 1 male for pollen. :)
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