Grateful Bud's Backyard Outdoor Grow - SFV OG

Well I'll be dipped!

After I lost one of the OG seedlings I thought I should hedge my bets and try again to pop some of the bag seeds. Just for giggles. I had tried several times to soak in water and a few got tails but never much else.

Look who joined the party!

I placed 1 seed in each cup with wet soil then added a pinch of dry soil on top of the seed. I placed some plastic wrap (poked holes) on top of each cup to keep them moist. That was 8 days ago! I checked yesterday and nothing, and was going to trash them but thought I'd wait a few more days. 2 of the 3 have sprouted!

Did not soak in a glass of water with a capful of hydrogen peroxide, nor did I place them on a plate between damp paper towels. Just dropped in soil.

I am amazed. They don't look that great but will see how they do in a few days. These seeds have been sitting in my friends hot garage for at least ten years.

So now I got SEVEN little boogers to deal with.

I may have made a mistake.
I like what I see so far, I’m also doing a outdoor grow!
Right on!

I've grown just a few times. The last time I grew from seeds was late 1980's so will see how this turns out. Last year and year before I grew from clones that I left outdoors starting mid April.

This year I decided to try seeds, and was trying to cheat a little and start the seeds in the garage under a small florescent shop light. Was going to move outside for a few hours each day until it got warmer at night. Had to adapt a bit as the seedlings did not like the daily movement, and one fell over and died.

Watcha growing?
Right on!

I've grown just a few times. The last time I grew from seeds was late 1980's so will see how this turns out. Last year and year before I grew from clones that I left outdoors starting mid April.

This year I decided to try seeds, and was trying to cheat a little and start the seeds in the garage under a small florescent shop light. Was going to move outside for a few hours each day until it got warmer at night. Had to adapt a bit as the seedlings did not like the daily movement, and one fell over and died.

Watcha growing?

Currently I'm growing some seeds from Beaver Seeds called Cookie Monster. I'm pretty sure the 1st one died just has one little leaf popping out and the other just keeps trying to reach for the sun. I'm hoping temperatures climb over the week because its sitting inside using the window for light.
Currently I'm growing some seeds from Beaver Seeds called Cookie Monster. I'm pretty sure the 1st one died just has one little leaf popping out and the other just keeps trying to reach for the sun. I'm hoping temperatures climb over the week because its sitting inside using the window for light.
Nervous time!

The two of mine that just sprouted look a little funky so I put the plastic wrap back on. It should keep things nice and humid in the cup.
Congrats on all the new growth from old seeds!

I'm with Carcass on the discoloration. Looks genetic to me. And unless your RH is really low I don't think the problem you're seeing with your sprouts requires plastic wrap.
Hiya Shed!

RH has been high 30's / low 40's. One of them looked dried out after shedding the husk. I honestly don't have high hopes but will do what I can for these two. The plastic wrap has several holes poked for ventilation so I think should be OK for the first 2-3 days.

Hope all is well my friend!
Hot as hades today!

Got up to 94˚F in the garage today. I may just bring the 5 bigger ones outside, although tomorrow it will be even hotter. In August / September / October it can easily get up to 110˚F on the patio, so . . . get used to it ladies.

The two recent Express seedlings (foreground) are now almost as big as the 3 originals - only about a week apart.

The two bag seedlings (in the back) are hanging in there! One of the leaves looks a little funky - that was on there when it sprouted and it would not easily come off so I left it.

I wonder which strain they are? . . . . and will they be any good? . . . . or will they be male?

So we continue to grow, and enjoy life while spinning around on this rock.
So there's been a lot of discussion here lately about droughting, and it has me wondering - the last 2 grows I did were middle of summer hot as hell. The plants were stressed all through the end of flower to harvest. Several times I thought I killed them dead. Just too damn hot. The cured buds don't smell horrible but they could be better. Same with the taste when smoked in a doobie - not bad but would like it better.

But the high is as good or better than weed I've bought from local dispensaries. So I'm thinking the stress has perhaps increased trichomes? When I looked under scope the trichomes were just OK, but I think that is the heat stress.

Back in the early 80's I smoked some mighty damn fine stinky weed. Still waiting to find anything as good.
I couldn’t drought. Sad plants legit give me anxiety. I hate to see anything suffer whether that be plant, insect, animal or human.

The irony isn’t lost on me given the amount of plant arms I have torn off.

I drought them whenever possible! It's magical! Been at it for many grows and won't stop.:):hookah:
Hiya SO!

So in my situation the summer heat is brutal. I'm just wondering if the heat stress can have a similar effect - increased trichomes? It's also a challenge getting the water schedule dialed-in. The joys of growing outdoors . . .
Coincidentally, my seedling is doing the same as yours was, GB...
little traces of brown on the new growth...

Definitely harder to get the length of time on an outside drought as folks do (or the researcher did) in a controlled environment. And it's not as hot by me as up by you, but it's pretty damn hot!

The babies are looking damn fine for 94º. :thumb:

Coincidentally, my seedling is doing the same as yours was, GB...
little traces of brown on the new growth...
I think that's a beautiful shade of purple Carcass! Folks pay extra for that. :)
The babies are looking damn fine for 94º. :thumb:
Thanks Shed!
Gonna be really hot tomorrow. I have resisted the urge to water today. Cups are kinda light but I'll let them go one more day. No droopy yet. I watered Tuesday but this hot weather is drying things out. RH outside was 9% today! In the garage I was reading 19%. These ladies are gonna need to get used to extreme heat and dry conditions. I hope.
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