Growing related to girls/girlfriends


New Member
Hey friends :Namaste:
Got a question that is a little off topic I hope you guys don't mind...
I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years, she knew I grew and didn't really care which was cool.
However suddenly I'm finding myself in a new predicament.
I'm in the UK so it ain't legal. What is the best way to go around the dating game when I have 4 of my babies growing in my bedroom? Maybe I'm being paranoid but all it takes is for me to be seeing a girl and it turns out her father is police. Who knows...There's also girls I've spoke to for several weeks now and they don't smoke weed and don't really know the best way to break it to them without them reporting me, or thinking I've wasted their time...
Maybe just ask any girl I meet who I'm interested in if she smokes? Only way I can think around it!
Cheers guys any advice is appreciated. :thumb:
Lol made me chuckle big time, i know the feeling :thumb:

Just need to be tactful on how you pop the question or lets say how you begin to know the women if ya inviting her back for a romp in the garden.
Lol made me chuckle big time, i know the feeling :thumb:

Just need to be tactful on how you pop the question or lets say how you begin to know the women if ya inviting her back for a romp in the garden.
"A romp in the garden" LMAO brilliant. It's only a meter squared fuzzy duck it'd be a tight squeeze ;) Don't want to damage my perfect humidity levels either!
I guess asking if they smoke weed is the best bet...if they say yes maybe mention growing and hear their reaction..:thumb:
I don't think you can do that or you will begn to be known as "that grower dude" I wouldn't tell anyone for as long as possible. GEt to know them, find out if they smoke and then get to know them better. When you are sure its serious then tell them. If you tell every girl and then one of them gets mad, you will get a knock on the door before long.
I agree man...Only thing that sucks about that is time invested. Could meet a real cool chick and get to know each other real well, then I tell her that I grow and it's all thrown down the drain cause she thinks I'm some hardened criminal! Fuck these laws :(
It would be easier if your grow was completely hidden and you could have the girl visit without the added stress of that problem. That's a tough one. I wouldn't tell anyone that I haven't already trusted for many years, and then only if I really had to. In some ways lovers are the very worst people we can tell. If things work out badly, as things often do, you'll be sweating bullets, and there goes your perfect humidity level, and possibly your grow, or worse...

Here's an entertaining thread.
Spouses and your grow
Tell her your room mate is psychotic and is undergoing some pretty intense treatment so if possible you'd like to give him a little space for a month or so..... maybe stay at her place for a little while yada-yada-yada... :thumb:
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