Heavenly Hybrid’s Hideout: Jump In Anytime

🙂🙃 It’s done! I’ve been having an easy time with my memory when things fall on the 1st, so why not keep that going? KISS. These girls popped up Aug 1st, now they’re flipped Oct 1st.
I had mentioned I was concerned about the size of GG4, she’s been the leader of the pack from the git. Her canopy has gone wild and I’m not sure how much I can really do to tame this wild child.
No matter what anyone else is doing, it’s time! Luckily the back two are just a smidge behind GG, so it’s all good timing wise.
It’s just before lights out, so DTF is extra droopy. I’m hoping flip will make her happier, she slumps most of the time.:hmmmm:

I did a tiny bit of canopy straightening for GG, well see how it does.

Accidentally snapped the first stem I tried. One downside to the watering system is I don’t know when the dry cycle is and her stems were super hard and stubborn to bend. After a few pinch/bends, they finally supercrop cooperated. I may have to do each stem to keep her flat-ish with the rest.

I did finally cull the outdoor Candida. She had bits of rot around her base and then I saw some leaves that looked like they had tiny bites marks. I didn’t want to risk bringing any bugs to the inside ladies, so that was it. We’ll try again next summer!

And lastly, the wizard is moving right along. A little droopy before lights out.

Not bad lil sweetie! I’m not sure how much more stretch we’ve got left, but she will bring a decent lil harvest even if she stopped now. I was thinking earlier: it’s actually helpful she started flowering early. We’re pretty much out of buds and going to the di$pen$ary and this baby will finish way before the rest I just flipped. Happy, happy.
Hello budlet ☺️

That’s all for now. I hope you’re all enjoying another fab weekend with green gardens abound. Thank you for stopping in. :thanks:
I had mentioned I was concerned about the size of GG4,
Her canopy has gone wild and I’m not sure how much I can really do to tame this wild child.
You could try and lay all those branches down, but I don't think you've got the width for that in the tent..at least not for very much longer-

You may just have to start referring to her as "the tall one", and let her do her thing..🙂

The Wizard is a lil cutie!
Geez HH. That GG looks like she could nearly fill the tent by herself!

I'm gonna' go out on a limb and make a bold prediction.

That's going to be a stuffed tent! :Rasta:
Hey babes.

Plants are looking really good. Hope you and the fam are doing well.

I'll catch up with you soon. Lots of shit going down here.
Yeah, I went back and re-read my post from yesterday-
I sounded like kind of a dick...
I meant to just warn you of the possibility that the fittings could crack from side stress, but I came off sounding like I was saying you did it all wrong, and it's destined to fail...

That definitely wasn't how I meant it- you did an excellent job setting up the watering system, and there's no real reason to change anything- I didn't know that the barb fitting cracked from you trying to "unplug" the water line- that's going to happen no matter what you do- little plastic barb fittings aren't exactly the most versatile fittings around, and they're liable to crack any time a water line is removed...

Shed's hair dryer idea is a very good one- warming the tubing up will make it much easier to work with.
That being said, dipping the end of the tubing in hot water is another way to simplify installation, and the hair dryer trick will work great for removal of the lines- (since it'd be a bit difficult to dip the whole assembly in hot water... :) )
I'm very sorry that it sounded like I was dissing you,HH- because
that's sure not what I was trying to do.:Namaste:
Hey C Guide

You really are one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. And just when I think you’ve hit the pinnacle of niceness, you raise the bar.

Omg, shut yer mouth talkin about my friend like that!! You could never, Carcass! I thought you were keeping me on point on something I don’t know diddly about and was being a bit lazy on. I appreciate the knowledge you shared with me and I do want to get it set up right. Sometimes we need each other to keep each other in check. Well, I do anyways and I was slacking, so I’m glad you told me. 💗
Big smiling.
Everything looks great, HH! Is the auto watering system a sponsor? Now that you have the watering system down, are you planning on SCROGging it as well? The tent looks so nice and level. Do you normally SCORG or am I thinking of @candycane 's garden? :hmmmm: If you SCROG it, how do you plan to tend the plants individually with that setup?
Hey everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. I felt it coming on, and I’ve been on lazy mode for the last few + days. Feeling the upswing now, so I’m riding the wave as far as it’ll go, which includes - an update!

The 4x4 is in FULL swing now, 9 days into bloom now and GG is a friggin beast… a beast I tell you!! I’ve had to clip her side branches already and supercrop several branches, just trying to keep her in her own lane.

I messed with the coloring a bit, just so you can see the heights a little better without all the reflections.

Peyote forum in the back right corner, trying real hard to stay in with GG. Not a bad second PF. 👍


I want to switch the places of GG (front left) and DTF (back left), but I’ll wait until defol in ~8 days. DTF is just buried back there, plus she is always drooping. I’m thinking she’s hungrier than the Sohum is providing her, so it’d be good to have her in the front row. Keep my eye on her 👁️

Over in the 2x4, the Wizard might’ve added a bit more height? It’s getting hard to tell, but I’m cheering her on for all the height she can muster :cheer:

I also moved a neglected Candida mom into a 5 gal pot. I guess Sohum is sold out until January, so I ended up using the hydro shop’s replacement recommendation. It’s called bio365. Candida will have to put it to the test for us. :popcorn:

I supercropped most of her tops, and cleared out the undergrowth for a badly needed makeover. Once she greens up some more, I will flip the lights to maybe a 14/10 and see if that’s enough to get Candida flowering. If not, I’ll lower the hours again. I want to give Wizard as many light hours as possible, but I also need Candida to bloom.

You can see a new baby Candida in the corner. I’ll move that to somewhere else with a little light, once I change the light schedule. Where to? That’s a problem for another day.

That’s about all for now around here. Hoping all of your gardens are nice n green and thanks for stopping in. :ciao:
Everything looks great, HH! Is the auto watering system a sponsor? Now that you have the watering system down, are you planning on SCROGging it as well? The tent looks so nice and level. Do you normally SCORG or am I thinking of @candycane 's garden? :hmmmm: If you SCROG it, how do you plan to tend the plants individually with that setup?
Hey HG, just wanted to answer you back. I don’t think they’re a sponsor or anything. I bought it through my hydro shop. I do have a scrog net that I used once when I was growing a bunch of floppy candidas, but that was more for support purposes than scrogging. I’ve only done a scrog once when I first started growing, my first grow in fact! Based on that limited experience, I’d say that this system would work pretty well with a scrog, just for the fact that the plants kind of are where they are, and there they will stay. It’s difficult to move them around with the water lines and plant caddies, I think it would actually make it easier to do a scrog. Watering the individual plants under the net can be tough, so any kind of watering system would help that a lot. Anyhow, I think I’m just stoned rambling now, so I’ll cut it here. Lol :passitleft:
While not at all doubting your growing expertise HH, I can't see how all those plants are gonna' grow in that tent! But you can believe I will hang around to see how you do it!

Looking forward! :Rasta:
Now that's how you fill a 4x4!:oops:
They may be a little crowded, but they sure look good!
The Wizard is doing great- and she's got a lot of growing left to do..👍
GG is a friggin beast… a beast I tell you!!
Too late to tell you that the GG4 is a vigorous grower!?!?🤭
You can see a new baby Candida in the corner. I’ll move that to somewhere else with a little light, once I change the light schedule. Where to? That’s a problem for another day.
She is small enough to set under your SMD. Set it about 4" away from the canopy. They only burn the plant if they actually touch the SMD diodes.
Now that's how you fill a 4x4!:oops:
They may be a little crowded, but they sure look good!
The Wizard is doing great- and she's got a lot of growing left to do..👍
And to think I actually worried they wouldn’t fill the tent. It’s weird that I’ve forgotten how big they should be at flip. Note to future self - smaller than this. :oops:

Too late to tell you that the GG4 is a vigorous grower!?!?🤭
Lol, no joke! The question I’m scared to ask - how much more is she going to stretch? I may have to top again if she’s going to keep this up!

She is small enough to set under your SMD.
That’s what I was thinking. Just need to find space for that, somewhere. :hmmmm:
Lol, no joke! The question I’m scared to ask - how much more is she going to stretch? I may have to top again if she’s going to keep this up!

That’s what I was thinking. Just need to find space for that, somewhere. :hmmmm:
I recollect that mine was 2-3x but I was growing the Grandpa's cut.

:rip: Grandpa's cut.
I let that one go but Chris still has a cut of it going.

You should be able to just stick it in a corner,closet or cabinet somewhere.
shouldn't take up too much space.

I should clarify for your readers about my earlier comment.
I am familiar with the particular SMD that Hybrid has. I have the same model and it only puts out 24 watts.

I just didn't want to give the wrong impression that every SMD won't burn your plants unless it touches the diodes. This is only true for very low wattage fixtures.
Getting BIG in here :green_heart:
Yikes, maybe a bit too big?!

I'm curious what happened to the Candida that made it go so yellow. Too small a pot for the Sohum to keep up with?
She’s just really getting into the spirit of Fall. ;) I’m afraid it’s a case of procrastination and neglect, my dearest Shed. She was in a 1 gal pot for a long time while I decided if I was going to cull the outdoor Candida or not. Then a bit of procrastinating when it came to ordering soil. Pretty toasty looking, eh? Looking at her today, she’s getting some hints of green peeking out, starting to bounce back.

I recollect that mine was 2-3x
Zoinks! I was kind of kidding about topping her, but maybe I should?? :oops:
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