Heavenly Hybrid’s Hideout: Jump In Anytime

She’s just really getting into the spirit of Fall
I’m afraid it’s a case of procrastination and neglect, my dearest Shed. She was in a 1 gal pot for a long time while I decided if I was going to cull the outdoor Candida or not. Then a bit of procrastinating when it came to ordering soil. Pretty toasty looking, eh? Looking at her today, she’s getting some hints of green peeking out, starting to bounce back.
Since that's an important harvest, there's always 4.5g of MC to get it back into shape. ;)
You could try and lay all those branches down, but I don't think you've got the width for that in the tent..at least not for very much longer-

You may just have to start referring to her as "the tall one", and let her do her thing..🙂
Carcass, I totally get what you're saying about the GG4. Sometimes it's just about letting nature do its thing and going with the flow. Your insights always keep me on my toes. Appreciate ya! 😊
Geez HH. That GG looks like she could nearly fill the tent by herself!

I'm gonna' go out on a limb and make a bold prediction.

That's going to be a stuffed tent! :Rasta:
Haha, Grand Daddy Black, you might be onto something! The GG is definitely a force to reckon with. Can't wait to see if your prediction comes true. Always a pleasure to hear your thoughts! :Rasta:
Hey babes.

Plants are looking really good. Hope you and the fam are doing well.

I'll catch up with you soon. Lots of shit going down here.
Virgin Ground, always so sweet! Hope everything is alright on your end. Sending good vibes your way. Take care and catch up soon! ❤️
Hey C Guide

You really are one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. And just when I think you’ve hit the pinnacle of niceness, you raise the bar.

Big smiling.
Trala, your kindness shines through in every post. It's always a treat reading your positive vibes on here. Hope your tent is thriving! 🌿
Hey everyone! Long time no see :)
I’ve been meaning to make an update for a while and now I’m finally here to really make it happen.

A week ago, I did some work on GG because she is insane. She’s the tallest plant I’ve ever had (I think), I have pinched up and down her stems, multiple times, to slow down her stretch. I’ve supercropped, I lollipopped early. And yet, she’s still tall af. Here’s some pics of the work I did last weekend.

Here’s how it started. Gg is front, left and massive.

I lollipopped her and slimmed her down a bit. I really think she could’ve filled this whole tent by herself. It was hard to cut away so much, but it was a necessary evil.

I don’t like having tall plants in the front row. I couldn’t see DTF except on top, so I switched their places.

Fam minus GG

DTF now moved into the front row woth GG behind. Lmao, I think GG is about 9” taller than DTF.

So that was last weekend.

This weekend, it was time to clean up the rest.

You get a lollipop, and you get a lollipop, and you get a lollipop!

Limonade Skunk in the front right, absolutely took off stretching over the last week or so. She’s almost as tall as GG. I’ve never had so many crazy tall plants before, this is def a grow gone wild. Peyote forum has her four tall pillars, but the rest of her canopy is close to the same height as DTF. Close enough!

I wanted to move LS to pair up with GG for light distance. I decided to move her to the back row too and I changed the arrangement of the lights for the tall chicks in back.

Moving these plants was a friggin task. I don’t know how you schleppers do it. And all I did was shuffle!

Everyone in their permanent spot now!

Updated map

I’ll get some budlet pics for each girl for next update. I also need to get fresh pics of the wizard! Hope you’re all doing well and getting ready for a spooky halloween! 👻👺🎃
They couldn't be any healthier, HH👍
You get a lollipop, and you get a lollipop, and you get a lollipop
You may have to hand out a few supercrops too...:oops:
I’ve never had so many crazy tall plants before, this is def a grow gone wild.
You need to turn that green thumb down a notch..🤪
Moving these plants was a friggin task. I don’t know how you schleppers do it. And all I did was shuffle!
I know, right? I'm only a schlepper in the summer- the winter girl might as well be nailed to the floor, because she's not going anywhere till harvest day! That darn SIP is twice as heavy as a regular pot, so she only comes out the one time...
You may have to hand out a few supercrops too...:oops:
I really tried Carcass. They outmatched me and there’s nowhere left for them to go. I think I’ve just surrendered to the madness at this point. :meditate:
You need to turn that green thumb down a notch..🤪
:love: Lol, it’s crazy what a difference the watering system is making. All this time, I think my watering practices have been pretty sub-par. Now I don’t know what’s going on! I’m thinking I certainly can’t let them veg for 8 weeks again.
I know, right? I'm only a schlepper in the summer- the winter girl might as well be nailed to the floor, because she's not going anywhere till harvest day! That darn SIP is twice as heavy as a regular pot, so she only comes out the one time...
It’s crazy how heavy that water makes it! No can do. The only way I could even try is if I had one of those wheely carts of Beez’s. 😂
Jam-packed and filled with dynamite! Damn good thing you have two lights in there so you can compensate for the completely different heights. :thumb:

Everything is looking stupendous in there, and I sure hope the GG was done with stretch or lollipopping will only make it grow taller as it tries to replace all that greenery it lost! I prefer to lollipop before flip and keep all the replacement fans for flower.
I sure hope the GG was done with stretch or lollipopping will only make it grow taller as it tries to replace all that greenery it lost!
Well shit, I thought I was going to slow stretch by lollipopping early! #rook She did stretch more, that must be why, or at least a factor. :eye-roll:
Ooo yes, me too.:popcorn: They said - we do what we want! And I have given in. I’ll be over in the corner eating popcorn with GDB from now on.

You go guuuuuuuurl!

💪💪 Thanks Trala :love:
Looking great! Nice full tent :high-five:
Thanks Pmil, I’m hangin on as best as I can. :high-five:
Damn Girl its got plum crazy in here , but looks good from Here as long as your working it LOL 👩‍🏭
Indeed SB, I’m at a bit of a loss for what to do from here - except sit here and eat some popcorn. 😵‍💫
As promised I got the rest of the bud pics I had wanted to share. Plus some work on Candida.

First up the 2x4

I cleaned up all the damaged, yellow leaves for Candida. I think I’ll flip her light schedule in the next day or two. Wizard is now to her final height and has started bulking up her buddage.

Her buds look greezy (in a good way), and I can’t wait to try them out (Justin :goof:). I’m starting to see a few pistils changing color. Getting exciting in here!

Bud shots in the 4x4

Durban Thunderfuck

Gorilla Glue #4

Limonade Skunk

Peyote Forum

Man, as apprehensive as I am about getting these ladies across the finish line, I’m also starting to feel the sparks of excitement. Humidity is my biggest issue right now. It’s come down a bit after all the lollipopping and today I hooked up a new ac infinity carbon filter. I haven’t had a new filter for a few years, so exciting. :D Plus it came with a bag of carbon and tools so I can replace the carbon myself next time! The next step is the dehumidifier, but I’m not real thrilled about using it. It makes it hot af and a real energy sucker.

Anyhow, that’s the last bit I wanted to share. Thanks for stopping in and keeping me company in my jungle. :love:
As promised I got the rest of the bud pics I had wanted to share. Plus some work on Candida.

First up the 2x4

I cleaned up all the damaged, yellow leaves for Candida. I think I’ll flip her light schedule in the next day or two. Wizard is now to her final height and has started bulking up her buddage.

Her buds look greezy (in a good way), and I can’t wait to try them out (Justin :goof:). I’m starting to see a few pistils changing color. Getting exciting in here!

Bud shots in the 4x4

Durban Thunderfuck

Gorilla Glue #4

Limonade Skunk

Peyote Forum

Man, as apprehensive as I am about getting these ladies across the finish line, I’m also starting to feel the sparks of excitement. Humidity is my biggest issue right now. It’s come down a bit after all the lollipopping and today I hooked up a new ac infinity carbon filter. I haven’t had a new filter for a few years, so exciting. :D Plus it came with a bag of carbon and tools so I can replace the carbon myself next time! The next step is the dehumidifier, but I’m not real thrilled about using it. It makes it hot af and a real energy sucker.

Anyhow, that’s the last bit I wanted to share. Thanks for stopping in and keeping me company in my jungle. :love:
Looking amazing and tasty!
Your tents are looking amazing! :bravo:

The 4x4 is in FULL swing now, 9 days into bloom now and GG is a friggin beast… a beast I tell you!! I’ve had to clip her side branches already and supercrop several branches, just trying to keep her in her own lane.
Wow, that GG is indeed a beast! The other 3 are looking great as well.
I’ve never had so many crazy tall plants before, this is def a grow gone wild.
Please remind me again, what you are feeding them. :morenutes:
I did finally cull the outdoor Candida. She had bits of rot around her base and then I saw some leaves that looked like they had tiny bites marks. I didn’t want to risk bringing any bugs to the inside ladies, so that was it. We’ll try again next summer!
How sad. :( I'm sure you got some valuable insights so that next summer you'll get an outdoor beauty to the finish line.
Hi again everyone! We just got back from a few days out of town + Halloween. Man, time is really flying by quickly for me lately. It was nice to come back home to see how they’d grown after just a few days.

Building up some buddage now! Humidity seems to hang in the mid 60’s now, lights on. I think I’ll need to turn on the dehumidifier now.

Peyote Forum
I just love her zig-zag buds.

Limonade Skunk

Good looking stacks on this one.

Gorilla Glue #4

Look at that sugar dusting. She’s showing signs of hunger - it is appearing worse than it is in this picture, but nonetheless, she’s hungry. I need to decide how to amend, like now.

Durban Thunderfuck

Before we went out of town, I changed the light schedule for Candida, in the 2x4.
It’s been 5-6 days, I think. I can see she’s starting to think about making some pistils, she’s got the look.

The Wizard is cruising along too.

Wizard will be the first to finish. Funny I’ve got the first and last to harvest next to each other.😄 I’m thinking, if the humidity is still out of whack in the 4x4, I could potentially move DTF into the 2x4, once Wizard is out. I’m guessing she and Candida will be about the same height after stretch. Sort of a back up, back up plan, if needed. It’s so very crowded in the 4x4 and they’ll only get floppier by then. But that’s a ways away for now.

That’s about all for now. I hope you all had a good Halloween, I’m already raiding the kids’ candy buckets. 🍭🍬 Time to get my body sweater-ready.😁
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