Homer's Legal 4-Plant Max Perpetual Minimalist Garden In Ontario

Bubba will be short and bushy, terps should be coffee/chocolate with the P98.
Short and bushy is great for indoors and this morning I actually dunked a few chocolate chip cookies in my coffee so the terps sound right up my alley, lol.
It’s very different from other strains, it’s also almost narcotic. Very heavy indica.
That sounds like exactly what the doctor ordered, LOL. Since I mostly medicate in the evening I would love that to drift off to sleep. Not exactly sure what it is because on the baggie it was in it said, Katsu x P98, but I think all of his are really heavy Indicas so I am sure it is a winner. Thanks again for the heads up because you pointed me in his direction and I am really looking forward to it.
Thank you all so much for your well wishes and support and seasons greetings. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and New Years to you guys too; Sauga, Pennywise, Old Salt, Shed, Baron Von and everyone else who happens by my journal.

All in all, I guess things are going as good as can be expected with my radiation treatments. I have another month to go with them and then I should be posting again more. My radiation oncologist Dr. is a real sweetheart which I am grateful for and yes she is a woman, LOL.

I harvested my Sensi Seeds NL that I was worried about yellowing leaves with but despite that concern I ended up getting a whopping 10 ounce plus harvest which is my record so far.

My two clones that I took from the 10 ounce harvested plant have been flowering for about a week and since they are identical I am doing a test where one just gets Mega Crop but the other one gets Mega Crop +1 mL of Cal mag for every gram of Mega Crop.

And I am pleased to announce that I do have a successfully growing P-98 from Katsu Bluebird happily growing. I love that it is such a squat Indica plant. It seems very vigorous also compared to the 20 to 1 CBD from Dr. Seeds in the next photo I started the same day. I really don't like how long and lanky that one is. Indoors I find the Indica structure much better suited for headroom.


My reversal was very successful in that I ended up with a whole bag of male pods but the only problem is there doesn't seem to be one speck of pollen, LOL. If I do it right the next time hopefully it should work out.

I took a time-lapse video of my P98 breaking ground if anybody would like to see it and in fact, I still have the camera watching it grow in time-lapse.

To keep myself occupied I am making a video on how I oiled my fan and I should have that up within the next week. I know it sounds like a pretty exciting topic so I don't want to get everyone's expectations too high, LOL.

Anyway, again I appreciate all the support and I'm doing okay but for now I just have to mostly concentrate on my health and my radiation side effects but I shall be back soon more regularly.
That time lapse is super cool. Have a Merry Christmas Homie and grow on.
I have finished five weeks of my radiation therapy out of seven weeks and three days so I can clearly see the light at the end of the tunnel and thankfully it hasn’t been that bad. I did have a few side effects but my radiologist, who is a real sweetheart, gave me some strategies to deal with them and they weren’t the problem I feared they would become.

The worst problem I find with a serious disease is that doctors are very reluctant to give you a prognosis or any opinion really which I assume has most to do with legal reasons so every step of the way I have been afraid things would be worse than they were. All in all, things were generally tolerable and thankfully I won’t be in diapers the rest of my life; thank God for small but vital mercies.

It isn’t something I would want to go through again but it definitely wasn’t the nightmare I anticipated and although things did get to me occasionally all in all I was in decent spirits and was able to still enjoy life. It really helped to be retired and have no responsibility other than dealing with my treatments. But on the positive side a little hint of death makes one appreciate life all the more.

I have kept the garden going throughout and I have two Northern Lights from Sensi Seeds flowering which I have high hopes for because I got 10 ounces off the mom. I am experimenting with the two flowering Northern Lights giving only one calmag in addition to MC. I am making a time-lapse video of Katsu Bluebird’s P98 of its entire life and I have set up my YouTube channel properly so I have kept myself busy during my treatment.

Dr Seeds 20 to 1, on the left and my P98 being timelapsed on the right.

My newly flowering NLs. Left just MC, right MC and Calmag.

I’m really enjoying making my videos. I made a ridiculous video about how I fixed my fan but I did it mostly just to figure out how to do it but now I should be making more useful videos.

I studied photography at college before I sold my soul for security and became a millwright so now that I am retired I am really enjoying doing this video stuff. It is really amazing to me that you can just make something and put it online and pretty much the whole world can see what it is, if they like, and it can be about just about anything. I find that whole concept pretty intriguing.

Here is my YouTube channel if anyone would like to check it out. As I said I am doing a lifecycle video of my P 98 but I’m going to in the next couple days put out a teaser showing how my cutting reacts when it gets watered for the first time in a while. They seem so much more alive in time-lapse.

I would like to thank everyone who has been so kind and supportive throughout my little journey. Certainly are a lot of wonderful human beings out here. Hopefully in another few weeks, I get my life totally back hopefully for a long time.
Glad to hear from you Homer and that your treatments are going well. I'll be following along with the future videos as well, nice work on the time lapse.

"come over with your lubricant and give it a go".. omg. :laugh:
Thanks all for the warm thoughts. It is touching. I may not post that much till my treatments are over but I wanted to report the worst is over and wasn't so bad.

Hey, @Dutchman1990, I don't know if you noticed but I am growing one of those Dr. Seeds 20 to 1, so I was wondering if you ever got yours lab-tested like you were considering? If so would love to hear the results.
I have been sort of preoccupied the last bit so now that I have a break I want to reply individually to your messages.

That time lapse is super cool. Have a Merry Christmas Homie and grow on.
Sorry Baron. This message snuck in after I took a break from the site. Glad you liked the vid and hope you had a pleasant holiday.

Glad to hear from you Homer and that your treatments are going well. I'll be following along with the future videos as well, nice work on the time lapse.

"come over with your lubricant and give it a go".. omg. :laugh:
Thanks, JCTJ, things are going well all considered. I was not sure anyone would think my vid is funny but I admit to giggling like a little girl at times when making it.

Your in my prayers.
Thank you Penny. That is so kind of you; much appreciated.

I'm happy your treatment is going better than you feared. Here's hoping the final results of the full course of treatment exceed your hopes.
Thanks, Old Salt. I appreciate the encouraging sentiments.

I’m glad all seems to be going the best it can currently Homer and best wishes to putting it into the past! :Namaste:
Thank you, Dutch. Very nice of you.

Hi Homer! Great to hear things weren't as bad as you were expecting, although I'm sure there is nothing good about going through treatments.
I'm listening to your vid now and have laffed a few times :laugh:
Nice job!
Treatments actually aren't too bad; kind of like working an hour each workday but all I have to do is lay there. If only my old job was like that, lol. Glad you think the vid is funny, I was pretty certain I would be the only one who did.

So glad to hear the treatment is going well and that your radiologist is a sweetheart! Plants look terrific too. It's hard to tell where on NL ends and the next begins, so are you seeing a difference between cal-mag and none?

Looking forward to the time-lapse! Sorry I didn't have time to watch the fan get fixed though :(.
Yes, he is a real sweetheart. Just kidding, the radiologist is a she.

I only started adding the calmag to the one NL since flowering started a few weeks ago because they seem fine without it in veg so a little early to see much difference but the one with calmag did seem to stretch more which I found surprising. Am making a vid so it is being recorded. No problem about watching the vids. Just suggested viewing; no pressure.
Oh, I forgot. I posted a second time-lapse. Just a short teaser to build interest for when I post a vid of the whole life cycle which should be done in another eight weeks or so.
Oh, I forgot. I posted a second time-lapse. Just a short teaser to build interest for when I post a vid of the whole life cycle which should be done in another eight weeks or so.
That was so frekin cool. Id like to see a weeks worth in there.

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