How far from harvest?


420 Member
first grow, under 250W HPS + 100W LED
Looks close. But at that point you really need to invest in a magnifier to take a look at the trichromes and see if they are mostly cloudy at least or cloudy with 30% amber as well for a couch lock effect. Think about the time you ve spent growing this. I m sure it s worth invest in a magnifier
I'm gonna guess same thing but were just guessing by the hairs and there is some strains that will curl up and still have weeks to go and some will look just like that and be done the question I got is what's your temps like little bit of curling going on maybe a little warm in there
I'm gonna guess same thing but were just guessing by the hairs and there is some strains that will curl up and still have weeks to go and some will look just like that and be done the question I got is what's your temps like little bit of curling going on maybe a little warm in there

There also appears to be the "too much N" curl also.
Maybe I need to take pics of my leaves to seen the tacoing is that because of n to or are you talking about the brown tips
Brown tips is nutrient burn & bright shiny green to much N, that being said, iv found and been told before my experience is that it takes nearly 1 more week of flushing to recover from an N problem this far into flower, happened on my first harvests, leaf curl like that is due to a lot of heat.
OK that's what I was thinking wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something just starting to learn all the signs of what's wrong now that I got the spider mites gone I can tell what they want got 2 that I'm gonna a just the mix on because they are darker than the rest
Only the edges of my fan leaves are drooping.
I just up-potted a week or two ago. Soil is still damp so I don't want to water again.
Could this be a reaction to up-potting.....some shock maybe?
I have a similar issue with my Tangerine Dream that I’m hoping will be ready for harvest soon. My leaves are very green and curling upward and this is recent closeup of trichomes 4713C431-AAE5-42C4-A132-91BDB903D6B2.jpegC3AE1EA5-BE28-445D-9040-5AF76845CB2C.jpeg7931C0B4-9821-47CF-B67F-9A5A6C635A08.jpeg
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