In The Lab

Yep! That's the stuff. 3.8 cu feet is what the kit amends, so get two!

Thanks Doc.

Will Wiggle Worms work ok for the castings?

Linky :: Wiggle Worm Soil Builder? Earthworm Castings, Wiggle Worm Soil Builder, worm castings, pure worm manure, Organic Fertilizer, Greatest Fertilizer, Organic

After spending months on killing saltwater life and having no idea why due to using normal silicone instead of aquarium grade silicone I found out the hardway how important it can be to pick the correct products.
My favorite worm castings are wiggle worm...they've got a "0" for K in NPK, which is extremely important for our purposes. So, yes, they are my preferred amendment!

Great thanks Doc!

I started a Journal if you wanna take a look sometime. Its not far along at all yet I just dropped the seeds in tonight. It wont be your high brix grow on this round just some Autos I am gonna get going while I get your soil ready and try and get at least one mom picked somehow. Im gonna cover my prep for my next grow in this journal as well and will probably be mixing up my kit early this week. The link is in my sig.

I think I ate some high brix broccoli for the first time ever a couple days ago. We get organic all the time but I could never tell a difference. We got this at whole foods and it had flavors that I have never experienced it was really incredible and I am a total meat-atarian, it takes a LOT to get me excited about a vegetable. It actually blew me away more than the grass feed filet that we had with it lol. I would be way more into eating vegetables if they always had that much flavor. Now I am thinking I need to start gardening for food in the near future too :D
Great thanks Doc!

I started a Journal if you wanna take a look sometime. Its not far along at all yet I just dropped the seeds in tonight. It wont be your high brix grow on this round just some Autos I am gonna get going while I get your soil ready and try and get at least one mom picked somehow. Im gonna cover my prep for my next grow in this journal as well and will probably be mixing up my kit early this week. The link is in my sig.

I think I ate some high brix broccoli for the first time ever a couple days ago. We get organic all the time but I could never tell a difference. We got this at whole foods and it had flavors that I have never experienced it was really incredible and I am a total meat-atarian, it takes a LOT to get me excited about a vegetable. It actually blew me away more than the grass feed filet that we had with it lol. I would be way more into eating vegetables if they always had that much flavor. Now I am thinking I need to start gardening for food in the near future too :D

I don't know if you've ever owned an animal that had health issues. Usually, they're related to feed. Quality feed makes healthy animals.

People are no different at all. Your life will change, your brain will function differently, your body will be more powerful and your spirit will burn brighter if you eat nutrient dense food. I hope you do grow some veggies!

Its amazing how the top of my soil is all fuzzy with life and my sprouts are huge!!! High brix is the way to go! :)

Yes it is!
I don't know if you've ever owned an animal that had health issues. Usually, they're related to feed. Quality feed makes healthy animals.

People are no different at all. Your life will change, your brain will function differently, your body will be more powerful and your spirit will burn brighter if you eat nutrient dense food. I hope you do grow some veggies!

I second this :)
I second this :)

yup. This last 12 months has seen me drop 35 pounds, get all my labs in cartoon land on the good side, and got my joints all lubricated and flexible.

I was healthy before too. Just increasing premium fats and avoiding fake food, coupled with a couple vegan cleanses and only eating organic, grass fed beef, free range chicken and ocean caught fish along with high brix veggies has made me feel 20 years younger.

Smoking the good herb has also done wonders. No wonder they're trying to make everything I just talked about illegal! Eating the government's suggested institutional diet mimics what a prey animal would eat. Eating the way I've been eating is the way a predator would eat.

Balance the two out with local, SEASONAL produce, periodic feasts and fasts, and a person can start to feel pretty good!

This is just one of the ways my re-introduction to the most wonderful plant in the solar system has blessed my life! Without my desire to grow good weed, I'd never have learned about so many things that have helped so many people! And, coming full circle, without the community here my journey would have looked quite different.

So, to everyone, Happy New Year!

New, fancy kits coming in 2014! I might even write some legible instructions and put them on the web! Naw....
yup. This last 12 months has seen me drop 35 pounds, get all my labs in cartoon land on the good side, and got my joints all lubricated and flexible.

I was healthy before too. Just increasing premium fats and avoiding fake food, coupled with a couple vegan cleanses and only eating organic, grass fed beef, free range chicken and ocean caught fish along with high brix veggies has made me feel 20 years younger.

Smoking the good herb has also done wonders. No wonder they're trying to make everything I just talked about illegal! Eating the government's suggested institutional diet mimics what a prey animal would eat. Eating the way I've been eating is the way a predator would eat.

Balance the two out with local, SEASONAL produce, periodic feasts and fasts, and a person can start to feel pretty good!

This is just one of the ways my re-introduction to the most wonderful plant in the solar system has blessed my life! Without my desire to grow good weed, I'd never have learned about so many things that have helped so many people! And, coming full circle, without the community here my journey would have looked quite different.

So, to everyone, Happy New Year!

New, fancy kits coming in 2014! I might even write some legible instructions and put them on the web! Naw....

I've been eating the same way for the last like 8 months, the healthy fat helped me reduce my weight by 53 lbs this year :high-five: My brain function is at an all time high. Like you, this method of growing opened my eyes to how horrible I've ate most of my life. Being a chef, I should know better. But then again, we have been taught to feed people according to the governmental guidelines. Man, it's just proof that...There is no money in healthy people.

I look forward to this years grows from you Doc and thanks for opening my eyes to being much more healthy.
Happy new year Docbud!
Doc, I know how to access your basic instructions earlier in this thread, but between this and the Q&A, I need some guidance...I'm on week 8.5 of 12/12 for my two plants, each in 5g smart pots. One strain is a 10-12 week African/Pak hybrid (75% sat/25% ind) and the other is a pure Sativa Old Timer's Haze (purple pheno) x Meao Thai Landrace.

I think I can manage the African hybrid, she's developing exactly like an 11 week variety. The Haze/Thai cross has me a bit stumped; I've seen folks flower these for anywhere from 14-20 weeks...what would be your regimen for running a plant that long? Right now I'm on the following routine:

-Brix every 7 days
-Stress every feeding (every other day)

Day by day here's my nutrient regime: Energy + Tea / No Feed / Transplant watering / No Feed / Cationic / No Feed / Transplant watering / No Feed / Energy + Tea / No Feed / etc...basically I'm alternating Energy and Cationic for "feedings," giving a dry day every other day, and giving a small measure of transplant with the "waterings" instead of using pure RO water.

What are your thoughts? The longer flowering strain looks healthy, but it's not looking especially shiny or high brix-ish.
Great thanks Doc!

I started a Journal if you wanna take a look sometime. Its not far along at all yet I just dropped the seeds in tonight. It wont be your high brix grow on this round just some Autos I am gonna get going while I get your soil ready and try and get at least one mom picked somehow. Im gonna cover my prep for my next grow in this journal as well and will probably be mixing up my kit early this week. The link is in my sig.

I think I ate some high brix broccoli for the first time ever a couple days ago. We get organic all the time but I could never tell a difference. We got this at whole foods and it had flavors that I have never experienced it was really incredible and I am a total meat-atarian, it takes a LOT to get me excited about a vegetable. It actually blew me away more than the grass feed filet that we had with it lol. I would be way more into eating vegetables if they always had that much flavor. Now I am thinking I need to start gardening for food in the near future too :D

Im definitely gonna start a high brix veggie garden between my mj grows since im only growing for minor personal/medical use. Ill be getting a few more kits come summer time :)
Im definitely gonna start a high brix veggie garden between my mj grows since im only growing for minor personal/medical use. Ill be getting a few more kits come summer time :)

Yea I was talking about growing some veggies along side my mj with my fiance today and she is super excited about it. Anything I can do to get here excited about this is a great thing because well she is not excited bout me growing mj in the house at all. We have both been trying to eat much better lately but its so hard to find good food that is affordable. Were gonna have to wait till we get our own house to have enough room to start growing some veggies but that is gonna be happening this year anyway. Can't wait!
Yea I was talking about growing some veggies along side my mj with my fiance today and she is super excited about it. Anything I can do to get here excited about this is a great thing because well she is not excited bout me growing mj in the house at all. We have both been trying to eat much better lately but its so hard to find good food that is affordable. Were gonna have to wait till we get our own house to have enough room to start growing some veggies but that is gonna be happening this year anyway. Can't wait!

I had the pleasure of hanging with some real Rasta guys last Friday. These guys were vegetarians, etc.....and they were all about eating super high quality vegetables, especially peppers, lots of fruit, greens, potatos, etc. Large greenhouse operations, organic, very cool stuff.

No kidding, eating super nutrient dense, pesticide free, non GMO foods and smoking the equivalent in weed will straighten out your thinking. Some of us are delivered from selling our souls for big bucks, others of us find a good living working with our hands....but everyone I know who eats well, smokes well and stays off big pharma's products and uses alcohol in moderation thinks straight. These kinds of folks get it.

In some ways, it's a matter of survival. Perhaps diet plays more of a role in causing diseases than we were led to believe.
Have you read "The China Study" written by Colin Campbell, PhD. All about how the modern diet is failing, big pharma and big ag are the leading cause of many problems. It got me started on a "semi vegetarian" diet. I'd eat it all the time, but the family has issues....Been doing the hi brix 2 summers for our veg gardens w/ good results.
Have you read "The China Study" written by Colin Campbell, PhD. All about how the modern diet is failing, big pharma and big ag are the leading cause of many problems. It got me started on a "semi vegetarian" diet. I'd eat it all the time, but the family has issues....Been doing the hi brix 2 summers for our veg gardens w/ good results.

I haven't read that, but I've read many things that say pretty much the other words, I too notice the bleeding obvious. It's criminal what is being done to us.
I think its funny how people have told me I eat wrong my entire life and now we are finding out they were the ones eating wrong. I used to eat to much meat compared to vegs but I don't eat many carbs with meals and get most of my calories from protein and fat. We have been doing much better on the meat intake and have our portions down to ~4oz at a time. Instead of each of us eating a 8-10oz steak we will split one, same with a big chicken breast or w/e. The narcotics I have been on the last couple years really forced me to cut down on the meat and eat more veggies with it, they cause major constipation, its not good.

When I was a kid I would always say that the only reason they tell us meat and fat is bad for us is because they can't grow enough of it to feed everyone. I was kinda being a smart ass at the time but I think there is a lot of truth to it. They want people on high carb diets not because its good for us but because its easy to produce large quantities of.
I think its funny how people have told me I eat wrong my entire life and now we are finding out they were the ones eating wrong. I used to eat to much meat compared to vegs but I don't eat many carbs with meals and get most of my calories from protein and fat. We have been doing much better on the meat intake and have our portions down to ~4oz at a time. Instead of each of us eating a 8-10oz steak we will split one, same with a big chicken breast or w/e. The narcotics I have been on the last couple years really forced me to cut down on the meat and eat more veggies with it, they cause major constipation, its not good.

Narcotics are horrible! I'm glad the herb is helping you decrease your narcs.

The ideas I'm going on can be summed up like this:

If it has parents or you can easily pick's OK to eat


No GMO's!!! No GMO wheat, corn, soy or anything else, and no eating animals fed with GMO feed!

So, I eat grass fed beef and butter, fish, cage free eggs, free range chooks, High Brix greens and veggies, and nothing processed. (can't be picked)

I eat between 1PM and 7PM and fast the rest of the time, except for Bulletproof Coffee. I haven't felt this good in decades.
Narcotics are horrible! I'm glad the herb is helping you decrease your narcs.

The ideas I'm going on can be summed up like this:

If it has parents or you can easily pick's OK to eat


No GMO's!!! No GMO wheat, corn, soy or anything else, and no eating animals fed with GMO feed!

So, I eat grass fed beef and butter, fish, cage free eggs, free range chooks, High Brix greens and veggies, and nothing processed. (can't be picked)

I eat between 1PM and 7PM and fast the rest of the time, except for Bulletproof Coffee. I haven't felt this good in decades.

I fast daily too...3x.. Between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner, and then between dinner and breakfast. :cheesygrinsmiley:

All kidding aside, ive been reading several growing journals here for weeks..amazing stuff!

Thank you and all you others for sharing your knowledge, and experience.

P.s. grow and eat Sprouts! 3-4 days for the most amazing fresh, vibrant veggies you can grow and eat for pennies.. Use organic seeds..
Hey Doc,
I've been following your journals and would like to get a kit, but, don't have enough posts to pm you. Have a few questions, too. Could you pm me withthe details. Thanks!!!
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