InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

What do you typically do to address them?

Granola Funk?
That's an old hippy dude strain name if I've ever heard one.
Lately I've been all about Safer's Insect Killing Spray with "Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids." I spray it on, leave it until it dries, and then wash it off. Kills them dead while it's wet and then I get rid of the residue so it doesn't build on the leaves or buds (if it's in flower).

I haven't heard a word from Cannapot...might be time for a PM!
Lately I've been all about Safer's Insect Killing Spray with "Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids." I spray it on, leave it until it dries, and then wash it off. Kills them dead while it's wet and then I get rid of the residue so it doesn't build on the leaves or buds (if it's in flower).

I haven't heard a word from Cannapot...might be time for a PM!
I used to have infestations outdoors on some of my fancy succulents.
Once you knock them off the plant it's hard for them to recover.
I used to pressure spray them right off the plant with water.

I haven't received my Cannapot seeds either. I'm still missing a few packages.
Lord Vapor and SNS.
I saw that the SNS was on its way.
Lately I've been all about Safer's Insect Killing Spray with "Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids." I spray it on, leave it until it dries, and then wash it off. Kills them dead while it's wet and then I get rid of the residue so it doesn't build on the leaves or buds (if it's in flower).

I haven't heard a word from Cannapot...might be time for a PM!
@InTheShed How its going brother?? GL with your new round of ladies. Man you outside vegging already. Haven't even planted peas yet snow just went away 2 days ago.

Congrats on your Durban harvest. Did you're wife try any freshies yet??

Aphids.... suck the love outta growing they can. I think I finally got em knocked down.

Cant say any one thing worked. Cause none of them worked and I tried everything. I think they hide in the wood work ffs. Come out when the coast is clear.

I did the combo safers stuff you're using and sulfur. Hadda keep at em almost every day.
I haven't received my Cannapot seeds either. I'm still missing a few packages.
Lord Vapor and SNS.
I saw that the SNS was on its way.
We gotta keep 'em honest and gets what we deserves!
...huh!...Chinese peat...whoda' thunk it!??...I'll still buy Canadian, eh.....cheerz......h00k.
LOL I'm not sure where to even buy Chinese peat besides China! Canadian is the only option. :cheesygrinsmiley:
How its going brother?? GL with your new round of ladies. Man you outside vegging already. Haven't even planted peas yet snow just went away 2 days ago.
One of the nice things about living in Los Angeles is that I get to grow outside (and in) all year! I'm glad to see you can at least see the ground again. :)
Congrats on your Durban harvest. Did you're wife try any freshies yet??
Funny that you asked! I just ground some bud for her 20 minutes ago, but told her to make it her first smoke of the day rather than her 15th ;). I hope to have some feedback tomorrow, especially since @Archiweedies mentioned that he found it pretty mild.
Aphids.... suck the love outta growing they can. I think I finally got em knocked down.
Cant say any one thing worked. Cause none of them worked and I tried everything. I think they hide in the wood work ffs. Come out when the coast is clear.
The Safer's stuff really seems to take care of them for me, but I do need to spray them every 4-5 days to keep them at bay. They were really eating their way through the Candida before I killed them, and it looks much happier without them. :thumb:
Speaking of the amazing endocannabinoid system, I just came across this article in the NY Times:

Turns out that "runner's high" isn't about endorphins. As they put it in the subhead: "For years we’ve been crediting endorphins, but it’s really about the endocannabinoids."

And in the article:
"Most [volunteers] said yes, they had felt buzzed during the run, but not the walk.... All showed increases, too, in their blood levels of endocannabinoids after running and equivalent changes in their emotional states. Their euphoria after running was greater and their anxiety less, even if their endorphin system had been inactivated."

Hi Shed.

I was telling my sister about this article today and shared it with her. She in turn sent this article to me, which people here may find interesting, too:

The Truth Behind ‘Runner’s High’ and Other Mental Benefits of Running.
Lately I've been all about Safer's Insect Killing Spray with "Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids." I spray it on, leave it until it dries, and then wash it off. Kills them dead while it's wet and then I get rid of the residue so it doesn't build on the leaves or buds (if it's in flower).

Amazon Canada has the following options. The first 3 listed show Potassium Salt of Fatty Acids. Which one do you recommend?

I recommend the third from the left, the concentrate. It's basically what I use only in a whiter package because Canada. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Thank you, Shed. I don't currently need it but I wanted to ensure I had the info if I need it. :battingeyelashes:

Do you recommend the concentrate because you prefer mixing it yourself (which I assume is what you do with a concentrate :hmmmm:)?
Cool! Thanks, Shed.
I haven't heard a word from Cannapot...might be time for a PM!

I haven't received my Cannapot seeds either.
Same here. They actually contacted me within 10 days of winning (back on Jan 10th). Congratulating me and telling me I get 22% discount and " a pack of mixed-surprise-seeds". I gave them my address and asked how to use the discount. They then responded with the discount code, but I never heard from them again nor received the surprise pack. I figured it wasn't worth the trouble so never followed up.
Cold and raining today, so here's a mini-Monday tent-based update of the Spring grow!

Front view:

From L to R I think they are:
TCK3, Red Dragon, TCK2, TCK1, Candida

Modified GDBview®:

The Candida is the only one that has been watered again since transplant (it's in a slightly smaller 1g pot and is also the fastest-growing), and it got 3mg MC/gallon and 9ml Stout silica/gallon (~30ppm).

The only plant showing any issues is the Tin Can Kush 2 with GeoFlora:

I'm not too concerned about it yet because the GF has only been watered in once. I'm sure once it dries out and gets another splash the paleness will disappear!

I hope the weekend treated you all well and you're rested and ready for this week. It was a bit crazy at my house because my daughter just got home for a lengthened spring break (she's home a week early and staying a week later), and of course my son procrastinated his multimedia art project until Sunday evening. :eek: Some things never change!

On another note, we spent the last 12 months of pandemic re-watching Brooklyn 99 from the beginning while we ate dinner, and finished the season 7 last week. Just prior to that we had watched two Joseph Gordon-Levitt movies: The Night Before and Don Jon (I'll let you figure out which we watched with my son). So what sit-com to watch next?

Third Rock from the Sun! Still funny and ruder than I remember. It's on Amazon Prime if anyone is interested.

If I were 50lbs overweight I could get vaccinated starting today, but alas...

Same here. They actually contacted me within 10 days of winning (back on Jan 10th). Congratulating me and telling me I get 22% discount....
I'll send them an email as well. Sorry to hear that didn't get your stuff.

I'm not too concerned about it yet because the GF has only been watered in once. I'm sure once it dries out and gets another splash the paleness will disappear!
Did you transplant when the plant was due for the next feeding or did you transplant between feedings?

My GDP went yellow. They were starving because I waited to transplant until I was due to feed again. The Geo take a week+ to be available , I think.

That's what I'm seeing in my own garden anyway. I'm going to go forward transplanting them on odd numbered weeks. Hopefully that will take care of my issues going forward.
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