InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

I would try and bring the humidity above 50% and top the top most nodes on the ak

Thanks 420d! I'll spray the walls and put the lid most of the way on and see where that puts the RH before I leave. I'll even the canopy on the AK and maybe take that long side branch on the right in as well...if I get home before dark or tomorrow morning. I have to keep this thing under control at least until early April!

If you spray and walk away, clone lives on another day:

Re: 420 AK-47 & Gold Leaf - 1st Try With Clones - Soil - In/Out - Vegging Till Fall

Do. Lines just generally look droopy for a while? I feel like my three always just look droopy. ☹️
Are they rooted?
You'll be good HH. stick with them. They are resilient if you keep em alive long enough

Do. Lines just generally look droopy for a while? I feel like my three always just look droopy. ☹️

I am definitely not the one to ask questions about clones! This is the reason I don't chime in on anything related to yours :).

But it seems there is a transition from happy leaves to leaves supported by roots, and that transition involves droopy leaves. If yours have roots already then droopy is related to something else, probably over-watering. Once roots are established you treat it like any other plant.

I wish I knew if there were roots. I didn't put them in their current pots and have no idea what is going on down there. I keep wanting to look, but then tell myself to have patience. It's hard when you have control issues! .
Just watch the drainage holes. They I wait till the clone is busting out of it a container. Shed had his mishap and I said I'll let the roots establish a little better


When I get home from work and when I wake up in the morning I check the soil on the Gold Leaf to see if it needs water, and last night I noticed that while the top was moist, the holes in the bottom looked completely dry. So this morning I went with the bottom soak to get some water to any roots that are trying to work their way down in search of water.

The RH was still up this morning in the box:


Of course, once I opened the box, the RH began dropping quickly. But rather than spray the walls again, I thought I would let the water in the soil raise it back up again after this soak:


I cracked the lid on the edge away from the clone to slow down any moisture transfer. This clone is taking a very long time to do anything considering it was cut the same day as the AK-47 which I will be topping for a second time on Friday.

Hope your day is going well!

Thursday: first day of winter, shortest day of the year (north of the equator). Here's a handy graphic showing how much daylight we'll be getting today. Daylight, not direct sun which I think is more important!

Oh yeah, Gold Leaf still not dead. :)

At 6.5 hrs here, I'm so happy for the turn towards gaining .

It's going alright Roost! Thanks for checking in, and just in time for the Friday clone update!

Two things: First is Gold Leaf is not dead yet. Here is the proof:



Second thing: where is a good place to top the AK-47 clone? Here is what it looks like, and I've drawn a line where I'm thinking I'll take it down to, suggestions from y'all notwithstanding. Keep in mind that this will be vegged until September and needs to be kept pretty small until April when it can live outside. And once it's in flower I need to be able to move it into the shed at night for 12 hours of dark. This is a long term growth plan that I have no idea how to execute!


[NB: the white on the leaves is DE]

Thanks for all wisdom and happy frickin' Friday!

I would top a little higher up and train out.... but for the sake of September, chop chop....

It's going alright Roost! Thanks for checking in, and just in time for the Friday clone update!

Two things: First is Gold Leaf is not dead yet. Here is the proof:



Second thing: where is a good place to top the AK-47 clone? Here is what it looks like, and I've drawn a line where I'm thinking I'll take it down to, suggestions from y'all notwithstanding. Keep in mind that this will be vegged until September and needs to be kept pretty small until April when it can live outside. And once it's in flower I need to be able to move it into the shed at night for 12 hours of dark. This is a long term growth plan that I have no idea how to execute!


[NB: the white on the leaves is DE]

Thanks for all wisdom and happy frickin' Friday!

If your keeping this baby around to September..... I suggest going absolutely as low as you can possibly go on every branch. Leave 1 or 2 growth sites per branch and that's it. And once they recover and start putting out new tops. Cut them every time one shows up. Continue splitting this bitch until April and oh my god shed lol I can't even imagine hahaha. Every time a new top comes out. Whack that bitch off and give her 2. Repeat. Repeat. Until April :) "miss monsterness" I just named it.

If your keeping this baby around to September..... I suggest going absolutely as low as you can possibly go on every branch. Leave 1 or 2 growth sites per branch and that’s it. And once they recover and start putting out new tops. Cut them every time one shows up. Continue splitting this bitch until April and oh my god shed lol I can’t even imagine hahaha. Every time a new top comes out. Whack that bitch off and give her 2. Repeat. Repeat. Until April :) “miss monsterness” I just named it.

LOL! And think of all the cloning practice I'll get :).

On the other hand, if I keep taking off new tops won't I end up low but really really wide?
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