Jandre2k3's Darly Project

Hey Dude. Just taking alittle peek. The saying, ah they grow up so fast. Hey I seen the two errrrr special children' have that well I think it looks like a waxy yellowing going on. I've been dealing with that on alot of my plants outside. I figgured mine was too cold a root zone. I've been trying everything to get rid of it from my plants, but they grow out of it. Well I just wanted to see whats up,
GL and Keepem Green
Leggy ones.

44.5 days tracking Mystery - Darly - 05
45.3 days tracking Mystery - Darly - 02
45.3 days tracking Mystery - Darly - 04
45.3 days tracking Mystery - Darly - 09
45.3 days tracking Mystery - Darly - 25



Stocky ones.

41.7 days tracking Mystery - Darly - 08
41.7 days tracking Mystery - Darly - 20
42.7 days tracking Mystery - Darly - 10
44.5 days tracking Mystery - Darly - 26
44.7 days tracking Mystery - Darly - 24
45.3 days tracking Mystery - Darly - 07
45.3 days tracking Mystery - Darly - 27
46.2 days tracking Mystery - Darly - 15


D15 Note: 11 finger fan leaf

Hope u have the patience for.#9 looks straight sativa. 15 looks "off" but I'm gonna go ahead and peg it as the Showstopper with the one above (#8?) Being a.solid second. ;) haven't been wrong... YET. Lol

On #9, incorrect...
On #8, has the perfect "candelabra" structure. (I sure hope it's female)
On #15, Spot fuckin' on, brother! :thumb: :high-five:

D15 is proving to be the happiest in the semi cramped conditions they're under, has wonderful structure, and is very aromatic already. I'm very impressed with this plant and it is definitely in the top spot for further breeding. Now we just have to see how well she responds to cloning. That's coming in a day or two, when I clear some space. I'm going on a weekend camping trip/Eostra celebration, so I'll do it then. It seems fitting to do it then, as well- spreading new life, joy, and healing.
This has always been a sort of magical time for me. The Spring Equinox promises longer and warmer days. Eostra is a time we welcome new beginnings, new friendships, and prepare for the fire of summer heat. We plant our crops and ask that they be fruitful. With the help of The Mother, we will see them fruit, and harvest them. But now, we till the earth, and in doing so, we are reminded of the things that should have been let go on the longest night, and we symbolically "bury them" as we turn the soil under. Bygones left, we sow the seeds for the year to come and in doing so, we symbolically sow the seeds of love, happiness, compassion, kinship, community, and family. In both cases, cared for properly, watched over faithfully, and fed correctly, the rewards will be great and bountiful. As we water the seeds, we wash away the negative, as our tears did, and provide life-giving moisture to the seeds we have planted. As we walk the newly planted rows, we carefully look for weeds that have crept into our garden that would choke the new seedlings just emerging. As we remove them, we are symbolically removing negative thoughts, and hate from our heart that would stifle the love that is beginning to grow as well.

Let your love show, let your garden grow, sow now the seeds of what you want to see in the future. What you give now will be gotten back later, so give openly and freely, without reservation. It is what we sow now, that we will harvest later.

Blessed be
Was gonna reply to the.update but I saw the second post. Beautiful choice of words mate. "The.symbiosis is strong with this.one"

And ill take 2/3 right ;) lol. Here's to hoping they're all keepers and easy cloners
Was gonna reply to the.update but I saw the second post. Beautiful choice of words mate. "The.symbiosis is strong with this.one"

And ill take 2/3 right ;) lol. Here's to hoping they're all keepers and easy cloners

Hehe, I like that- "symbiosis..." That's exactly how it should be. Care for Her, and She will take care of us. That's the way it really is for me.

A parasite takes, and takes, and takes and never gives anything back. Eventually, the parasite kills its host.

In a symbiosis, there is a 2-way give and take. Given the right balance, both will flourish.
There are times when I am on the edge... your words helped to bring me back
You sure would have loved the hippie days. :love::Namaste:

Very nicely said Brother! :high-five:

heh! I was a bit too young, but I probably would have! :hippy: Really though, I'm more about respect for the Earth, than free protesting war. Yeah, war can be bad, but spitting on those that are just following what they believe and chastising them for it? That's wrong. That is also a form of hate.

Thank you!:high-five:
heh! I was a bit too young, but I probably would have! :hippy: Really though, I'm more about respect for the Earth, than free protesting war. Yeah, war can be bad, but spitting on those that are just following what they believe and chastising them for it? That's wrong. That is also a form of hate.

Thank you!:high-five:

Brother, that was just a part that happened at the same time. It was about living in peace and respecting mother earth and all things on it. Loving your fellow man not killing him.:peace:
0.8 days tracking Mystery - Darly-Clone - 02
0.8 days tracking Mystery - Darly-Clone - 04
0.8 days tracking Mystery - Darly-Clone - 05
0.8 days tracking Mystery - Darly-Clone - 07
0.8 days tracking Mystery - Darly-Clone - 08
0.8 days tracking Mystery - Darly-Clone - 09
0.8 days tracking Mystery - Darly-Clone - 10
0.8 days tracking Mystery - Darly-Clone - 15
0.8 days tracking Mystery - Darly-Clone - 24
0.8 days tracking Mystery - Darly-Clone - 25

Uploading photos is down, for some reason. Will try later.
yea im subbed to it havent seen any updates for awhile
so i was just curious
This project makes me happy. Then reading your words about 'sowing the seeds of love' makes me like it, and you, even more! :Namaste:
Hey al. Wanted to send ya some good vibes before I ship off. Gotta take a break from it all for a while but I'm hoping to catch the Harvest at least. Ill post my email on my journal in case you or anyone have any questions. Much love mate. See ya on the other side.
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