LA Affie

LA Affie - 4 weeks from flip today:


I like the first one and the last one's okay, but the rest not so much:

Are they all going slow or just the the ones in the middle?


They all seem to be going slow, IMHO. It's supposed to be a moderate yielding strain, so it doesn't surprise me any.

They will start booming once you put the HID in place

Looks good


Most plants do okay with the 400 watt HPS they're growing under now, but these ones don't seem to be flowering strong. I should just be patient, give them this next dose of compost tea, and see if it helps. That tea is:

4 gallons of RO water
2 cups of Alaskan forest humus
2 cups of earthworm castings
1/4 cup of Superswell 0-7-0
4 tsp. of unsulfured molasses

It'll be done with the 48 hour activation around noon tomorrow. :)
Four of the six look healthy at about 2-1/2 weeks left, but one looks weird (the fourth pic is a close-up of the same plant in the third pic):


Two of them look nute deficient, but with the little time left I think it's not bad. Maybe I overwatered them (there are two pics of each plant):

Note: Instead of compost tea, I made an aerated manure tea composed of a processed granular chicken manure and unsulfured molasses. Two of these six plants are waterlogged; I stuck my finger in the holes at the bottom of the pots and after days they're still wet. I'll feed and water them easy to try to dry them up and bring them back to health. The other four look great. I'll get some pics up when I feed them that tea tonight.
What do you think has the soil all constipated? Are you thinking the soil or the plant isn't taking it up?

Sorry for a silly one but had to ask.
Bob ;)

When I added the powdered forms of organic nutrients to the soil base I made, it made the mix dense; I should have added some perlite to counter this effect. That soil density makes it harder to drain and the soil to dry, so one good overwatering and the plant stops dead. I checked them both again tonight and they're still wet at the bottom and look bad (I broke most of the shade leaves off both of them so the other plants can get more light). I used about 1/2 cup of that manure tea to just wet the top of the soil on those. I fed the others a decent dose:


There's no grass on these I hate that..... :cough:
When I added the powdered forms of organic nutrients to the soil base I made, it made the mix dense; I should have added some perlite to counter this effect. That soil density makes it harder to drain and the soil to dry, so one good overwatering and the plant stops dead. I checked them both again tonight and they're still wet at the bottom ...

Dang, got it. That makes for a tough one to work around at this point in the game. Would it be less damaging to transplant them into slightly larger pots with a super draining soil to kinda leach out the wetter soil? Roots aren't really going to expand at this point but being wet all the time. Hmmm. Whats a Chimp to do?

Still is a pretty cool looking girl none the less.
Bob ;)
I was thinking of repotting them when I first realized what happened, but all I have right now is perlite. I want to save what earthworm castings and Alaskan forest humus I have left for teas. By the time I got the $$$$$ for more soil (we should all pee on the birthday cake of whoever came up with the expression dirt cheap by the way), these'll be most of the way to the finish. :(

Oh, one good thing is that I saw some serious purps coming up on one of these plants; I think I'm gonna see it on more of them too. :thumb:
Hey PotChimp, I've seen your L.A. Affie over on the eye candy thread and had to come check it out.

They look to me like they have had a lot of Nitrogen in flower. Seeing the leafy buds and dark green leaves with a claw, are signs. You want to cut out most all of Nitrogen in flower. Every time you feed her the tea compost you are increasing the amount of N, and your mix has added Organic matter too. It just seems like too much. You want to increase the amount of P in flower for good results. I hope this helps.
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