LA's Sideline Grow -GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST -Self Build Budmaster in Cupboard!

Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

I just got engaged again! :)
The first time I proposed at a bad moment lol. Whilst in the throws of passion lol, I kid you not :)!!
So at that point we were broke, so my missus said get me a ten pound ring!!... this was nearly 13 years back.....

So tonight I did it properly, not a huge deal but a better ring and some fuss made!! :)
Were cery happy and sorry its why I ain't been on much today!
Peace out much love!! :)
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

Easy answer would be the G13 Blue Venom buddy! A stunning plant that yields awesome quantity and quality! :) here is a pic of my first POTM win with BV :)

She wasn't even near ready in those pics, she gave over 16 I think?? :)

Wowwwwww brother!!!! Thattt is just sick!! Awesomeeeee! Where can I buy those beans?? :volcano-smiley::goodjob:
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

Congrats on the re-up of that love fest buddy!!! :volcano-smiley:
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

Oh man. That is very cool my friend. Congrats to you both & may your passion, love & commitment last forever.
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

....a truly amazing love story you two... :love::high-five::love:

Such an amazing thing to do again with each other too... kids... :)
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

Many thanks indeed one and all my friends! :)
Well today I got another delivery of nutes! :) EVEN MORE GET!!!! I was expecting the little bottles, not 4 ltr ones again! :)
Its daft lol I have enough feed for about the next 10 years :) oh well lol better to have it than need it!

The stuff I would like any input on, is the new little lot. Hydrotops triple F and Top heavy crop. Never heard of them so any input would be great!
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

not sure about the nutes but the bottles/boxes are cool :cheesygrinsmiley:

Congrats on the Engagement!!!!!!!!!:circle-of-love: I hope you guys a lifetime full of cannabis and happiness :peace:
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

Congratzz and well done
Sorry I havent been properly up to date was this a contest win??you remind me of the war heroes with a hole load of medals on his chest
Every one well deserved :circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

Hey Jaga, lol nope this is just the great benefit of being sponsored. I have a kind of lifetime deal where I'm totally looked after on this front and a few others.
This ain't me bragging by the way! I feel very humbled and honoured that I have been bestowed whith such arrangements.
As most know I started growing with an old 400hps and a little alcove in my kitchen, with an old oil painting canvas used as a door! :)
Its only due to this community with its wonderful members and sponsors, that I'm in this position of having so much!
No way in the world would I have had the ability to purchase any of my toys etc.
So Many thanks to you all, to be honest! :) :)
Re: LA's Sideline Grow - GDP X Pheno Hunt -Extreme LST- Self Build Budmaster in Cupbo

Think of it this way LA
You have been promoting there products in a very good fashion its wonderful credit to you the threads you run and
so its a great deal for you and for them Me thinks better for them:)
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