LED Trinity Grow - Round 1

One thing I noticed is that there isn't one brown hair on her? I am just looking at those pics thinking there is no way she will be done in 60 days. Master Kush says 9-11 weeks flowering time.

hmm? :hmmmm: I would shoot for 70 days to be some where in the middle?

I was thinking the same last night, the very tips of the pistils are starting to change but nowhere near ready yet, I'm not in a rush so I'll wait for them to finish properly, I got my microscope handy. :)

Good call on extended the feeding schedule, but as Scar said I would shoot for that 70-80 day mark by the looks of things.

Yup- I think you guys are right. More delay, DOH!!!!!, just when we are soooo close. :popcorn::popcorn:

Looking awesome Stealth. You can really see the trichs developing between those last two updates :)

Thanks Rain. Your grow is doing awesome to brother. :thumb:
the rig lmao! even got side t5s

Not to mention the dual carbon filters in each cupboard! definitely a nice setup. What did a cupboard like that cost all up if you don't mind me asking stealth?

Thanks guys. I've said it before, this thing is a magic box, put in seeds and water, a little love and in 3 months buds come out.:) The closet come with EVERYTHING you need, nutrients, rockwoll cubes the LED light, timers, carbon filter etc.....
It was crazy expensive though, over $5000 after tax and shipping etc.., and If I could do it over I would have just gotten a tent, stealth isn't as much of a concern as originally thought.
Don't get me wrong, I love my cabinet, Its working out great, I just could have spent my money more wisely i think. Could have gotten a larger setup with half the cost.
It will pay off in no time brother, when you are burping jars of buds that you raised and every time you smoke with someone and they are like damn where did you get this and you have to give credit to a drug dealer while u smile on the inside.......your investment will pay off my friend.
ok so you could have done similar at lets say half the price? Well my friend the longevity of that obviously high quality item you have there will have you growing long after my cheap tent and ballasts etc etc have all given up the good fight. if I had the money to invest it would definitely be in a similar setup. You have spent money in the short term that will save you big $ in the long run.
Oh yeahhhh! I'm gonna make my money back for sure. ;) I don't sell, this is all for me, but I will be supplying my Brother and Brother in law.
I'm mostly gonna save on never having to buy from a dealer again. I smoke about a zip a week and the cost adds up even at wholesale prices. I will easily have saved myself the cost of the closet within a year at most.
Hi everyone.
today is day 52, time for a quick update. Not much happening with the grow right now, I'm just waiting for the plants to ripen at this point. I've decided to extend the feeding schedule by a week due to the delay from defoliation, but it will be a half strength feeding in preparation for a 10 day flush. Just topped up water levels last night and PH'd water.

Today's Stats
Day 52 since flip to 12/12
PPM= 1190
PH= 5.8
Air Temp= 72F
Water Temp= 65F
RH= 59% and dropping cause I'm running dehumidifier again


Some of the plants have these white tips right at the top, I was thinking they were getting bleached but there are tops that are closer to the light that look fine, is it just part of the flower? Is it normal?





The two main White widow tops. The pistils on the widow are turning brown, the Kush still hasn't even started to turn yet



Bud porn... some of the pistils are just starting to turn dark, this grow is taking forever.......;)




Clones are doing well, only prob I think I'm gonna have is transplanting them from the 2 inch net cups into the 4 inch cups with the roots 2 feet long, I'm gonna have to be real careful not to break the roots.


the LST'd Widow is really responding well.

The Closet...getting sooo close to harvest.


That's it for another update, next one will be Thursday when I have to change reservoir in this closet. Comments and questions welcome as always, and until next time, stay medicated my friends.
Looking sweet there stealth grow. Bit of bleaching. Maybe from a direct hit from an individual led, maybe try moving them slightly. Have a look with normal light, it could be just new pistils, led makes everything look a bit weird. Not long now:).
Not sure what bleaching does, I just know its not good. The weird thing is that its just the calyx that is that color, the leaves surrounding it are not burnt at all, the leaf tips look perfect and hairy. I think I remember on another journal someone calling them hash tips and they were pretty excited about it...we'll see.

Maybe its like radioactive super bud... lol

ive had the very tops of my plants shoot out nanners when they were stressed from the heat of my hid. you may also want to let the ppms fall at this point, with less nitrogen they'll produce bigger buds and faster too.
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