LED Trinity Grow - Round 1

ive had the very tops of my plants shoot out nanners when they were stressed from the heat of my hid. you may also want to let the ppms fall at this point, with less nitrogen they'll produce bigger buds and faster too.

Thanks for the tip B.real, I was actually planning for the last feeding to be at 1/2 strength this Thursday when I change the reservoir, gonna try and get the PPM around 800 for the last week then RO water till they are done. I'm thinking flush for 9 or 10 days.
By that timeline Harvest will be Oct. 26 (day 70 since flip to 12/12)
Not sure what bleaching does, I just know its not good. The weird thing is that its just the calyx that is that color, the leaves surrounding it are not burnt at all, the leaf tips look perfect and hairy. I think I remember on another journal someone calling them hash tips and they were pretty excited about it...we'll see.

Maybe its like radioactive super bud... lol

Lol @ radioactive super bud, you can only hope so stealthy lol
I've noticed my girls nutre usage is starting to drop right off and are having stints of huge drinks of water. I topped up 8L in 24 hrs the other night!
sounds good. in soil I like to flush ~ 2 weeks before harvest, but soil is more dense than water.
Lol @ radioactive super bud, you can only hope so stealthy lol
I've noticed my girls nutre usage is starting to drop right off and are having stints of huge drinks of water. I topped up 8L in 24 hrs the other night!

Same here, I noticed water lvls are down about 5 gallons (almost 20L) in 4 days and PPM lvls are going up, the girls are drinking way more than they are eating. I'm only feeding the plants about 2/3 strength nutes since the beginning but its still to high, especially the last 2 weeks. Last update I said PPM's were 1190 if memory serves, but that is after I've refilled the reservoir about 5 gallons of tap water at about 80PPM. (tap water has been sitting over 36 hours to get rid of chlorine)
Next grow down to 50% strength nutes start to finish. Should save $$ on nutes. :)
Definitely going to do some adjustments in the nutrient dept. next round. Already envisioning it. :)
I'm gonna do another round with 2 Master Kush clones for sure in the big closet. The smaller closet second round its either the 2 White Widow clones I have going or 3 Royal AK automatics from seed. Haven't made up my mind yet, any thoughts anyone? Widows or Ak auto's?
sounds like a plan. so the plants can pull the water but not food if they don't want it? that's crazy when you think about it, and thank the meter (and you for owning it haha) that we can see that.. I finally get it now. roots really are for storing nutes, and moving water! haha

I cant wait to find some real organics. hoping neptunes fish fertilizer is a true organic
Not sure what bleaching does, I just know its not good. The weird thing is that its just the calyx that is that color, the leaves surrounding it are not burnt at all, the leaf tips look perfect and hairy. I think I remember on another journal someone calling them hash tips and they were pretty excited about it...we'll see.

Maybe its like radioactive super bud... lol


jon705 gets the hash tips and nothing to worry about here at least from what I remembered. looking good as well stealth1
Definitely going to do some adjustments in the nutrient dept. next round. Already envisioning it. :)
I'm gonna do another round with 2 Master Kush clones for sure in the big closet. The smaller closet second round its either the 2 White Widow clones I have going or 3 Royal AK automatics from seed. Haven't made up my mind yet, any thoughts anyone? Widows or Ak auto's?

I love hindsight it allows you to learn so much lol. The widows may get tall for that smaller box? but im not familiar with AK
I would say that's bleaching from being too close to the lights. had it happen to me last grow.

Normally I would agree but the LED's are almost 18 inches above them.....this is happening to the the plants in the taller closet, and not in the shorter closet where the LED's are about 6 inches, at most, from the tops.

sounds like a plan. so the plants can pull the water but not food if they don't want it? that's crazy when you think about it, and thank the meter (and you for owning it haha) that we can see that.. I finally get it now. roots really are for storing nutes, and moving water! haha

I cant wait to find some real organics. hoping neptunes fish fertilizer is a true organic

Yeah, its pretty cool the stuff I've learned since starting this "hobbie". The Plants are amazing, I'm finding its theraputic to grow, as well as smoke.:)
Ideally you want the PPM levels to stay at whatever number you set it for for that particular week in growth, regardless of how much the water lvl has gone down in the reservoir.

When I change the reservoir and I want the PPM to be 800 for this week of growth.
I drain the reservoir, and while its draining, I mix the nutrients with water in 5 gallon jugs, one at a time to that strength (800), and add it to the reservoir once its drained. I repeat 3 times for a 15 gallon reservoir. I PH the water to 5.8 and that's it for the day.

Two days later I come back and the water lvls are down 3-4 gallons.
If I have fed the proper amount of nutrients the PPM should still be 800, meaning the plant drank and ate equal amounts. Nutes would be dialed in if this was the case.

If the PPM's have gone up, it means the plants have drunk more water than eaten nutrients, so we have over fed. Vice versa, under fed.
Interesting stuff with the bleaching. I have seen that a couple times too, but that is odd that it is happening on the plants further from the light. Very good point about ppm staying constant as water lvl goes down. It seems intuitive now that you said it, but I did not know that was the goal. You can really tell from the last set of pics how well that LED penetrates the canopy. Keep up the good work :)
Interesting stuff with the bleaching. I have seen that a couple times too, but that is odd that it is happening on the plants further from the light. Very good point about ppm staying constant as water lvl goes down. It seems intuitive now that you said it, but I did not know that was the goal. You can really tell from the last set of pics how well that LED penetrates the canopy. Keep up the good work :)

Thanks Rain, I have NO regrets going LED, the plants are growing great and the buds feel dense and full, they aren't squishy at all, nice and firm (and sticky). I'm going tonight to change reservoir in this closet, gonna feed the girls about 1/3 to 1/2 strength last feeding before flush. Gonna try and get PPM to about 600-700. Pics and news in as couple hours. ;)
Hi everyone, Its Day 54 since flip to 12/12, time for another update.;)
The plants are doing great, really starting to bulk up, and really getting stinky when the closet doors are open. The smell reminds me of Bubblicious grape bubble gum for some reason, smells feakin' awesome!! I did notice a little nute burn on some of the leaf tips tonight, but nothing major, especially since I've already cut the nutrients back.

I Changed the reservoir tonight, and as mentioned, I cut the nutes to a little less than half strength, in preparation for flush next week. Gonna do a 10 day flush, longer if the plants need a couple extra days to finish off. I'm expecting/hoping to Harvest Oct. 26.

Today's Stats.
Day 54 since flip to 12/12
PPM= 650
PH= 5.8
Air Temp= 75F
Water Temp= 64.3F
RH= 46%

The Ladies....



Here are the main tops, you can see the lower right is the plant with the hash tip.











Next three pics are the White Widow.




The Stats.


The Closets


Clones are doing well, but I'm a little worried about how I'm gonna transplant them into the 3 inch net pots with those long roots, gonna have to be super careful, If anyone has any tips, I'm all ears.
The LST'd White Widow clone is taking off with new growth, and all the others aren't far behind. They are all ready to be transplanted, I just don't have room for a couple more weeks. There is a little clawing on them but I have never really given them a proper feeding. Maybe its time, I just don't want them taking off anymore than they already are before I transplant.
The Clone machine PPM's are at 301 and PH is 5.7.

The Widow with lots of new growth and very long roots.




The best 2 MasterKush clones

On a side note..I have been stock pilling all the keif I get from my little grinder with its screen for the past two months now. I managed to get almost a 1/4 cup of keif, so the other day I decided to make some old school "shoe" hash.:)
I put all my keif into a ziplock bag, all piled into the corner of the bag, and got 99% of the air out of the bag. I folded the bag up into a rectangle, being careful to keep all the keif together, not folded into different parts or folds of the bag. Once I had a nice rectangle I taped it using regular scotch tape. Stuck it in my shoe heel, and went to take the dog for a nice long walk.
After the walk and a couple of extra hours for good measure, I took off my shoe, and unwrapped some really nice hash.;)
I ended up with 4.6 grams of killer hash, The trichombes I used all came from the Chocolate Chunk buds I submitted for NOTM last month. I've been enjoying in refer salads for the past couple days now. Its been a really nice treat to smoke, taste is great and the high...wow! Shoe Hash, who knew? Much cheaper than buying a press but I guess It wouldn't work for larger amounts of keif .:)





That's it for another update, It was a long one and I went a little nuts with the pics this time, but they are just looking so nice and I'm soo close to harvest, sorry.:)
Questions and comments are always welcome, hope you have good weekend and If you live in Canada, Happy Thanksgiving. I'm thankful its a long weekend.;)
Next update on Monday, until then stay medicated my friends.
Very nice update Stealth! I love the hash and the density of your buds you got there. And you were worried they weren't fattening up;)

I would suggest a transplant method, but I yet have come to face that problem yet. To give it my best thought, you might want to take the whole 1in net pot they are in now and take a 3 in net pot and cut a hole big enough for the roots to 'drop' into it and fully through while still small enough to hold the small net pot. Then just fill the space with hydroton?

That's my best approach on your problem, good Luck :thumb:
Very nice update Stealth! I love the hash and the density of your buds you got there. And you were worried they weren't fattening up;)

I would suggest a transplant method, but I yet have come to face that problem yet. To give it my best thought, you might want to take the whole 1in net pot they are in now and take a 3 in net pot and cut a hole big enough for the roots to 'drop' into it and fully through while still small enough to hold the small net pot. Then just fill the space with hydroton?

That's my best approach on your problem, good Luck :thumb:

Thanks for the kind words and idea AG, its pretty much what I was thinking of doing, I can't see any other way. The roots are just to long. To pull them all out of the 2 inch net cup and thread the nroots back through the holes of the 3 inch net cup....forget it. They are over 2 feet long with lots of fish bone type offshoots from the main root stem, I would end up breaking them all and killing the plant. We'll see, I'm still not sure I'm gonna keep the Widow in favor of growing Royal queens "royal AK automatic" next round. I kinda wanna try an auto. Thanks again for the compliments and for stopping in.;)
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