Let's Grow A Pound

so what would you use to bring pH back up?

also you only use guanos, or is that what your gonna try next time?

You raise the soil ph by adding 1 tablespoon dolomite lime per gallon of soil. Mix it in well and water. As for the guanos, I am using Indonesian bat guano on this grow, but the next grow will be conducted with just guanos, used as soil ammedments and teas...still studying up on the amounts and types though. When the next journal cranks up after the first of the year, I'll post a complete "recipe" for soil ammendments as well as tea formulas.

Very nice job SouthernWeed!!! Those latest pics are wicked awesome! :woohoo:

Thanks Brother. I'm doing all I know to do to keep these girls happy and healthy. I really believe the Barney's Farm stuff is going to take a couple extra weeks to finish up, but that's fine with me. The White Widow should be getting pretty close to smokable by the time the L*D comes down.
Morning all. My intention was to slip into the bathroom this morning and get some more pictures of the girls without the martian sun effect, but I got myself wrapped up in reading a post about the use of molasses and let the time slip by a bit. Anyhow, I took some shots and picked the best to post up. Still having alot of problems getting good shots with the light on in there, but over the next few days I'll be removing one plant a day and do a good pictoral on each. I'm very proud of how these plants are coming along...very little trouble at all. White Widow is swelling fast...she's barely 3' tall, but it's 3' of nothing but bud. Interestingly, she has the smallest caylxes I've ever personally seen, but when they open up...wow...it seems you can stuff 20 pounds of collards in a 10 pound sack...unbelievable. Barney's are doing great...production everywhere and no indications of slowing down anytime soon.












We'll get some better pics starting tomorrow with the White Widow...she's the closest to being done.

Y'all have a great day.
Ahhhh, my eyes are burning. Ohhhh, my corneas.

But it was so worth it! Lookin' good.

Thanks Andy. I know it's pretty harsh trying to see anything in a pic like that...hopefully you'll like what comes next better.

Morning all. Thought we'd start the day with a few pics of my White Widow. I'll be glad when this light hog is done. I want the light on the Barney's, but we have around 3 weeks until I can move some things around. I do have one question, it shows my inexperience with this strain...but seeing as how everyone and their brother in law has grown or is growing the venerable WW, I'm sure that I can get a quick answer. It is my understanding that the White strains stay white. Which is to say, the pistils don't change color, or the color change is very slight. I'm noticing alot of color change beginning in the pistils of this particular plant and am curious as to whether or not I'm in the early stages of a problem. I do not wish to have any serious problems this close to the end, so anyone with a bit of experience with the WW, feel free to weigh in.

Had to move the plant into another bathroom to get some decent pics...hope y'all enjoy.











I'm going to be trimming a bit more leaf structure out of her today, not alot, but some. I'm trying to gradually open up the plant to all the light she can get.

Hope y'all enjoy...and someone please let me know about the color change in the White strains...I have WW beans from 3 different breeders and other white crosses...don't want to screw something up.
My plant's MAY be White Widow but I just don't know for sure but my tops are mostly white with maybe 10 - 15 % of the hairs turning light reddish. Saw more turning that are nearer the UV light I run and am attributing the radiation to causing that.
My plant's MAY be White Widow but I just don't know for sure but my tops are mostly white with maybe 10 - 15 % of the hairs turning light reddish.

I'm just seeing a few myself, but I just noticed the changing hairs today. Ill just watch and see what happens. Regardless the smoke is going to be pretty good if smell and sight are any true indication.
Morning all. My intention was to slip into the bathroom this morning and get some more pictures of the girls without the martian sun effect, but I got myself wrapped up in reading a post about the use of molasses and let the time slip by a bit.

i wonder how well mj would grow on mars

if it was even possible
No such thing as a "white" bud, Southern. Just called that for the amount of "White" tricomes on that particular strain. Look up a strain library some night when you're good and stoned. You'll be reading histories/family trees belonging to all kinds of stuff.
definitely lookin fine there Southernweed...those barney's really are asking for some more light.... i see them blasting off one the WW is harvested... good job:grinjoint:

Thanks Brother. I'm looking forward to getting the WW out of the way and into my bubble bags. There's a good bit of hash waiting to come off of her.

For some reason, I heard the tune for "Sensimilla Street" when I saw your pics! :loopy:

That is absolutely hilarious...

Looking awesome, Southern!
That Widow's bright white is almost as blinding as the HPS pics! LOL:smokin:
Buds are really fattening up. Bat guano is the shit!
Oh, and cute bathroom!

She's looking mighty good. And I also credit the guano with the swell.

No such thing as a "white" bud, Southern. Just called that for the amount of "White" tricomes on that particular strain. Look up a strain library some night when you're good and stoned. You'll be reading histories/family trees belonging to all kinds of stuff.

I had done some online searching before I posted the question, but the info/pics I was getting served only to confuse me further. I'm not going to worry to much about her, she looks and smells great, so whatever she comes out looking like, I'm sure I'll be pleased.

Well today is Barney's #2. She's the "small" one, measuring just over 4.25 feet. There is absolutely no describing how happy I am with this strain. After my last grow, I swapped some of my White Dwarf for some of the Barney's Farm L*D and immediately decided to grow some of it. My buddy, who I swapped with, is on tonights guest list for the taste and rate of the RoadRunner, so I'm looking forward to letting him see what mine looks like.

I'll post a complete review of the RR tomorrow, along with pics of Barney's #1, but today is #2's day.












Hope y'all enjoyed the spread. Y'all have a great day...I'm off to pack me a bowl of SSH.
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