My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

wow very nice pics! and congrats on the new cab! i can see big things coming from there! the plant also looks super healthy! are you foliar watering still during flower? i noticed some water on one of the pics. I also would lower the lights just a bit and wow that mg soil must be damn good because those seedlings all look real heathy and good lol! cool

Thanks bro, yea i'm still foliar feeding but only bottled water tho, i've only used poland spring bottled water for the entire grow. i've never foliar fed nutes, only when watering, shoud i? the lights actually can't be lowered, i was going to raise the plants tomorrow, i only had 5 mins to snap pics before lights out!
to tell you the truth the mg seeds are just a lil pet project, i just wanna see what happens to them in about a moth or so lol
Cool i wanna see what they are gonna look like in a month as well! what if some of them come out looking sweet! are you gonna transplant them? Also remember its not good to spray during flower unless you want mold and other nasty stuff

I dont know should i laugh or should i cry!?
Nice setup...
what if some of them come out looking sweet! are you gonna transplant them? Also remember its not good to spray during flower unless you want mold and other nasty stuff

Thanks for the advice L8, see that's why u got member of the month bro!, and i'm not sure, it was just bagseed from the last few months, so there might be a winner in there, although navigating the roots at that point might be a problem, i guess i could just pluck out the losers as they progress? lol we'll see

looks like their right were they should be nice work

Thanks alot bubba, hope your enjoying the show thus far!

Interesting setup, Glad to see another member rollin with Dewalt. wonder if they would sponsor this site?
:rollit:"DeWalt - The #1 choice of marijuana growers worldwide.":rollit:
haha and then maybe get into a bidding war with hilti lol, that's for stopping by ch0d4

Nice job on the new cabinet.:ganjamon:

Your plants look good too.:Rasta:
Man that's a lot of seedlings in MG.:smokin:
+rep sorry I have to spread some around.


as always Pan, good to have you stop by, and I know what you mean about the reps, but I appreciate it all the same!

reps+ great job on new room all looking sweet like the systems and 12/12 all the way sounds like something i will try myself:goodjob::rollit:

appreciate the rep resinator! yea L8 and I were talking about doing a soil vs hydro kinda thing, but both my clones died so i figured why not rebuild a big enough cabinet to house the competition, so far so good!

I dont know should i laugh or should i cry!?
Nice setup...

lol both, it should be fun to see what happens tho! and thanks for the compliment, i got the idea from another member and it worked out great

+Rep, I am really interested in your grow. I will definitely bookmark this grow for sure.

Thanks lkeller! i appreciate the interest and rep, if there's anything you wanna know just ask.

also more pics coming tonight!, you already know it''s time to write another paper, but alls well that ends well or whatever that means, i'll be posting pics of the construction process of the hydro bucket and also the first day without a humidity dome for the new strains! til next time ,...peace out everybody!:Rasta::ganjamon:
Ok folks as promised here is the construction of my hydro bucket, first is the parts list and associated costs and where to purchase and the pix with descriptions, may not be the greatest how to posting but i'll give it my best shot!
ok so here goes
1 5 gallon bucket - home depot - 2.98
1 lid for the 5 gallon bucket - hone depot - .98
1 Laguna 2 submersible pump - petsmart - 16.50
1 package of tubing, sorry i forget the size but - home depot - 6.98
6 zip ties - anywhere you can get them or buy from home depot for 5 bucks
1 top fin air pump - petsmart - 9.99 for a 10 gallon pump
4 3 liter bottles of poland spring - supermarket - on sale for 4 for 5 bucks
1 package of 6 airstones - petsmart - about 4 bucks
2 net pots - hydro store - 2.00 (big) .12(small)
grodan rock cubes - hydro store - 6.50 for a 32 pack
1 10 liter bag of hydroton - 9.99 hydro store
total cost - $70.04
growing your own trees with a homemade Deep Water Culture system - F*CKING PRICELESS!

step one - take your five gallon bucket and cut a space on the side to let the power cord for the pump and and the tubing for the airstone hang out. then take your 3 liter bottles of water and fill the bucket after you've sanitized it.
2. cut off the bottom half of one of the bottles, and place it on top of the lid, mark 3-4 spots where it will be hanging from underneath.
3. place the net pot upside down on the lid and trace, cut out the hole, then take your trusty dewalt drill and drill the holes for your zip ties.



once you are at this point, take the bottom half of the 3 liter bottle you cut and drill some holes in the bottom, and 3 in the sides for the zip ties, make sure you drill enough holes so the container drains faster than it floods to keep the oxygen level in the water nice and high.
insert zip ties through the holes and cut down 3 more to use and anchors at the top. (turn them backwards so they don't interfere with your net pot.)
then drill a large enough hole in the side of the container to place the pump tubing through, attach an airstone to one of the smaller holes (anyone will do) and ailine tubing as well.


keep the container level high enough so the nutrient water fills the lower portion of the net basket. you can lower it as the plant grows.
attach everything and plug in, place your sprout or seed in your grodan cube place in the smaller net basket, place in larger net basket with hydroton (wash it first to get the dust off, sub pumps don't like particles, and place and use the top half of the same 3 liter container you cut as a humidity dome....and voila Deep Water Culture!



placed in pre-nutrient soaked grodan cube....

and then a few hours later, i think everything is working lol!

more to come soon!!!!
Thanks L8, Pan school will be over in another week and a half, that's when the overload of pictures will start!!!
updates overnight, the cal-o-bud seems to love the water, most progressive growth so far, the propagation bucket isn't working out so well, the new purple plant still had not sprouted so i checked the cube, taproot growing but slightly yellow?? and the water was kind of cold, i then remembered the hydro bucket has a water heater in it and the prop bucket does not lol, so i put it in a peat pellet next to the heater to hopefully save it, that's how the cob was germinated btw, in a peat pellet til it sprouted and i removed it and washed off the tap root and placed in grodan!





all the new strains are on day 4 from seed and i'll have some Lucy shots in a few days, let her fatten up for the camera a bit lol, she's at 37 days from seed now.
Looking good Pericodaking:smokin:

I use rapid rooter plugs for seeds then put the whole plug into hydroton. Watch the rockwool if it's to wet it can cause problems. So I let mine dry just a little before flooding again you need to do this so oxygen can get to the roots.;)

Looking good Pericodaking:smokin:

I use rapid rooter plugs for seeds then put the whole plug into hydroton. Watch the rockwool if it's to wet it can cause problems. So I let mine dry just a little before flooding again you need to do this so oxygen can get to the roots.;)


I have the timer set to flood for 15 mins every 3 hrs, should I probably change it to flood 10 mins and every 4 hrs? otherwise i was just going to scrap the idea and keep using the peat pellets to germinate and transplant. i really wanted the root plugs because they're like the peat pellets of hydro! and really easy to use, but to be honest with you Pan, at this point in my grow i'm completely tapped out, no more moolah, i'm now officially and american statistic of a broke college kid lol! right now i'm just anxiously awaiting Lucy's harvest as I am currently down to my last 1/4 oz of medicine :(
Pericodaking the timer set for 4hr would be fine keep an eye on it. I am broke too just bought a new lighting system to handle the ever growing garden. Yogurt cups work as 3" net cups after cutting slits thats what I am using because of funds.:popcorn:

Your doing great.;)

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