My Very first grow 12/12 Mango

Pericodaking the timer set for 4hr would be fine keep an eye on it. I am broke too just bought a new lighting system to handle the ever growing garden. Yogurt cups work as 3" net cups after cutting slits thats what I am using because of funds.:popcorn:

Your doing great.;)

Thanks for the encouraging words Pan, just what I needed, I've been trying to get creative lately and using stuff around the apartment and just hanging in there until harvest day, about how much longer, in your opinion until Lucy will be ready, i'm thinking another month until:ganjamon:
nothing else to add exp. ++rep:popcorn:

Thanks HazeSeeker!, i'm hoping not, no more cash left to spend on this grow, but I appreciate the compliment and rep!:thanks::Rasta:

why did you let all those seeds germ like that?

you mean the 80 million seedlings in the miracle grow bag? no particular reason, they're all from an oz of some below average shwag so not too particularly worried about it, plus it'll make for an interesting show later on. thanks for checking out the grow though!:ganjamon::thanks:
very cool bucket there bud, we did the bag o seed thing in high school
50 thai plants in about 8 five gallon buckets in the backyard they all went like banshees was cool till we got woke up at 3 AM to the police helicopter hovering over the backyard checking out the buckets that was the last outside grow ive been involved in,needless to say as soon as the copter left 50 plants bit the dust.
ouch, i'm sorry to hear about that one, me personally i can't grow outdoors, being as I don't have a backyard, but the seeds were gonna go in the trash anyways so i figured why not right?, I didn't even count how many there were in there I just threw them in, shook the bag a bit and then poked holes on the bottom and watered once, about a week ago, haven't since lol
It has been very interesting following your grow and watching you implement many different techniques. Love seeing how the different methods play out. It is doubly interesting because we are both doing a 12/12 and started the same day. Keep up the good work!

It has been very interesting following your grow and watching you implement many different techniques. Love seeing how the different methods play out. It is doubly interesting because we are both doing a 12/12 and started the same day. Keep up the good work!

Thanx for stopping by dogman, very cool to know you're doing a 12/12 grow as well, i'll be reading your journal after work tonight! how do feel about the 12/12 so far, I only did it that way to sex early to identify males and get rid of them, I too two clones early on that both died (my fault) and I took one more 3 days ago that's doing great! but the clone and my new strains are all being vegged 24/0 for the first two weeks and then moving to the flowering box. I like knowing the sex early but this time around I wanna grow bigger plants!:ganjamon:

Glad to see everything is doing very good with the grow/s lol! man you have become an mj expert! keep up the good work!

Thanks L8, you're not too shabby yourself my friend!, You're deff the king of the Scrog in my opinion! I'm hoping to master hydro by the end of this grow, I'm kind of winging it right now, the pH is the only thing i can monitor at this point, but the COB is growing great so I'm guessing all is well. once i get the $$$ i'll get an ec meter.

and also Pan I didnt' forget I've got some Lucy shots coming right up! I trimmed her yesterday to get more light to her bud sites, she also went for a little drive today to a buddy of mine to take a clone and she got a little natural sunlight!
First off the pics of the veg box I built yesterday, then Lucy showing off!



















And one more COB shot cuz i'm just so damn proud of my hydro bucket!

:thanks: for stopping by!:ganjamon::grinjoint:
Thanks southern, and thanks for the rep!, I'd forgotten to post the pic of Lucy's latest clone so here goes
the box settings..

humidity dome





The plan is if any of the new strains ends up being male, he and Lucy's clone will officially be dating, If more than on of the new strains turns dude on me, then Lucy's clone will officially be a slut!
Ok not much in the way of updates, but I figured I'd post some hi-res pics of Lucy, I found a ladybug on her today!!! no clue where it came from but oh well, not spider mites on my plants!! I havent' been using the digi-cam lately as the files are too large and need to be resized, so tonight i stopped being lazy and posted a few, enjoy folks






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