N420 Grows Barney's Farm Orange Sherbert & Special Guests

Morning 420

This is going to be the last update for a few days. After work today me and the family are heading out on a camping/ family reunion trip.
Should be fun the kids are bouncing off the walls with excitement they both love to camp.

The Gz are growing nicely I gave them another soap spray last night .I am still seeing thrip damage on the new growth of the plant that I saw them on first but the other 3 don't seem effected. I lowered the light to 24 inches and kept it turned all the way down. Gave them all a water with jump start which is a food for seedling stage it just helps the root development I have used it the 2 grows and the plants seem to like it.

Not much to report with the Os I gave them a feed with their flower finisher Overdrive I usually run that for 2 weeks then I start my flush. I did manage to get a few more inches out of my ratchet hangers so after I raised it the light was 20 inches above the canopy. The girls are starting to get weighed down a bit from their buds and I'm starting to see a bit of a lean from them I hope they can hang on for a few days will probably have to stake them when I get back which is a good problem to have lol
Happy growing everyone


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That sounds about right shed. It is only effecting the the top fans and that plant is directly under the cmh bulb. I have the ratchet hangers all the way up. I may have to ditch the hangers and zip tie the light to the roof to gain a couple of inches.
I am glad Mrs GG doesnt come on here or i would be strapped to the ceiling too !!!. Nice call Shed.
Glad to see you are getting a handle on the pests. I dread the day I will run into those issues. I believe everyone does sooner or later.
Have a great vacation and smoke lots of dope lol :ganjamon:
have a great weekend mate. dont stress about things a, all will work out soon enough.
Thanks Gg should be fun. It's all good once we get these thrips under control we will be rockin
Glad to see you are getting a handle on the pests. I dread the day I will run into those issues. I believe everyone does sooner or later.
Have a great vacation and smoke lots of dope lol :ganjamon:
Ya I think I'm on the right track with the bugs This is my first time dealing with this I thought growing from seed and not having bugs before It wouldn't happen. Not sure where they came from we'll get em:)
That's the plan plenty of weed I'll smoke one for you guys lol
Have a great weekend N! See you when you get back. Your plants will be 2x the size by then ;).
Hey shed just about to hit the road will see you guys when I'm back. Im sure I'm in for a surprise with the growth of the plants when I get home
Os Update

Hey everyone back from the camping trip it was alot of fun. the weather was the hottest it's been so far this year there was a river that ran through the campsite so it was perfect for a quick dip to get cooled off .Smoked plenty of weed of course drank plenty of beer and had a chance to catch up with some family that I have not seen in a year so all in all it was a great time.

As far as the plants are concerned it a good news bad news situation. The good news is they look fantastic the buds are swelling more and more each day and are getting super frosty. Some of the snaller side branches are getting weighted down by their buds but I have just been propping them up against some of the bigger branches which is working fine at the moment.
The bad news is I found a bit of bud rot on one of the buds :(
I noticed some odd growth on the bud and some of the leaves had an brownish color. When I pulled on the brown leaves they pulled right off really easily. I quickly grabbed my scissors and cut the bud off the plant.


After I removed it I gave my hands a good wash and carefully checked the rest of the plants and did not see any other signs of it so I really hope they can hang on until I harvest so it doesn't spread any further.

I checked them with my loupe tonight and I saw mostly cloudy and clear I was hoping to get some amber but this situation may force me to harvest early.
I'd keep the RH as low as you can and move another fan in there to try to keep it away until you harvest.
I put another small fan in the tent tonight and have it at about mid height on the plants blowing from the front to the back of the tent. The fan on the floor I turned up to high and directed it up towards the top of the canopy. The rh is 54% temps are 81. Do you have any tips to get the rh any lower?
Hey N! All caught up. I've had a couple bud rot incidents over the last year or so. Now every time I see a yellowing sugar leaf in flower I start to panic. Was it the plant which had the deficiency earlier on? The plants are looking great though. If you see anymore on that plant then it may be worth removing only her and spacing the others out a little for better airflow.
Hey N! All caught up. I've had a couple bud rot incidents over the last year or so. Now every time I see a yellowing sugar leaf in flower I start to panic. Was it the plant which had the deficiency earlier on? The plants are looking great though. If you see anymore on that plant then it may be worth removing only her and spacing the others out a little for better airflow.
Thanks prof! I dealt with bud rot last year with some outdoor plants I grew and I know how fast it can spread so it has me a little worried. The effected plant was one of the healthier ones in the tent it was the really bushy pheno so that may be the cause not enough air flow though her. I knew I was pushing it with 5 plants in the tent. I think your right I will keep a close eye on her and take her down if I see any more to give the other ones more breathing room
Lol I wasn't sure how that would go over

I the article is really interesting I know I have heard you mention not flushing before but never really looked into it much.

Would you recommend cutting back the food in the last 2 weeks to a half strength feed until harvest? maybe quarter strength? Or just keep giving it the same feeding now which is almost full strength until harvest
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