Newbie Grower, Carmen Auto x Diva, Outdoors

I think I understand what you are saying.
If plants get too much light, they burn.
No, maybe I didn't say it as clearly as I could have.

Your plant can take in a certain amount of light per period, and after it has its fill any extra light is essentially wasted. But, getting to that maximum is not a casual effort so most people's plants are under lighted per period.

Since you grow auto flowers getting them extra light over and above the typical 12 hours that photoperiods get will likely be helpful. And since autos don't care about the length of the dark period giving them extra if you can should be helpful. And if you give them more than the DLI it won't be detrimental to them.

But, what if I set the lights to come on at 5AM, and to switch off at, say, 11 PM?
The girls will still have to deal with the security lights (and you can read at night by the security lights), but that should give them something closer to Arctic Circle conditions, hours-wise?
And that way, I can increase my photon-receiving-time by maybe a third???
(I would think a 33%+ increase in the harvest could be worth hanging a couple of lamps???)
Unless the security lights are pointing directly at them it probably won't be enough to really help all that much but shouldn't hurt an auto in any way.

I have some 1200W lamps I bought off the internet that are supposed to be full spectrum.
I could hang them pretty easy, and put them on a timer to come on at 5AM, and shut off at 7 AM, and then come back on at 6PM, and run through 11 PM.
I am sure the color temperatures won't match the sun exactly, but it would seem like a cheap way to increase the yields.
1200 watt or 1200 watt equivalent lights? That's a big difference at the electric meter. But either way it should help get closer to maxing out your DLI and therefore your yield.

I put the 1" (yikes!) of wc on the existing 5Gs.
And your plants will love you for it. :thumb:

If I can improve both the growspace and my technique, I think I might be able to make a go of it.
Many thanks to you and Em!
Don't try to over think it. If you have too many different wrinkles you are throwing at your plants it's hard to know what's helpful and what isn't.

But she has a little bit of clawing, and I am not sure why. (Maybe some excess nitrogen in the wc? Or maybe it was the 1.5x strength fertilizing with a brand new fertilizer?
That's typically a sign of too much nitrogen, but I wouldn't blame the castings. They're a great source of N to be sure, but they're mild enough that some people starts seeds directly in the stuff. I'd first look to your over application of your "brand new fertilizer. "

Is a re-soak worthwhile?
Or should I break out a new pair of seeds?
I've never done re-soak so you're on your own with that one, if it were me I'd probably soak it again for an hour or two max and then put it in a wet paper towel in a plastic bag and keep it warm and see if it will turn around. Odds are probably pretty low though.
No, maybe I didn't say it as clearly as I could have.

Your plant can take in a certain amount of light per period, and after it has its fill any extra light is essentially wasted. But, getting to that maximum is not a casual effort so most people's plants are under lighted per period.

Since you grow auto flowers getting them extra light over and above the typical 12 hours that photoperiods get will likely be helpful. And since autos don't care about the length of the dark period giving them extra if you can should be helpful. And if you give them more than the DLI it won't be detrimental to them.

Unless the security lights are pointing directly at them it probably won't be enough to really help all that much but shouldn't hurt an auto in any way.

1200 watt or 1200 watt equivalent lights? That's a big difference at the electric meter. But either way it should help get closer to maxing out your DLI and therefore your yield.

Ahhh, ok. Hmmm.....

>> "The QBD1500 MAX Dimmable led grow light output wattage is 130W-135W,we choose sm leds with high lumn&ppdf,We suggest use it for seeding cultivation stage .If your growing area only 10x11ft,you can use 1500W led grow light from seeding to blooming stage."

Good point! I guess I got fooled by the name, "QBD1500 Max".

Anyway, to get it anywhere near the intensity of sunlight, you have to hang it really low over the plants, and it blocks out the sunlight for 3-4-5 hours, depending. so I don't think it is worth it.
I think if I go to regulars, and get the rest of the basics down, and start using proper fertilizers, I should be able to get all I need with 20 autos.
(The 1:1 strains do not seem to be anywhere near as big of producers as the all-THC strains--but still, if I can get all of the other factors dialed in, 20 plants should be lots.)

And your plants will love you for it. :thumb:

The Delicious Candy sure seems happy!
And I think those little LSD Autos got stunted also, but they also seem to be responding very well.

Don't try to over think it. If you have too many different wrinkles you are throwing at your plants it's hard to know what's helpful and what isn't.

I understand. Only, in this case I am correcting deficiencies that are stopping me from getting my 1:1 (which I need), so it seems like getting rid of everything that is stopping me from getting a crop must go (and the sooner the better?).
I realize it is a lot of changes at once, but I came with a lot of wrong thinking, and I think we have made a number of very positive improvements.
At first I had bad soil (regular clay in pots = bad), and now we have good soil.
I think there was some stunting due to cold (not expected with an auto), and now we have doors on the greenhouse.
I was foolishly trying to use up that (weak, ineffective) rooting fertilizer during veg, but now I am feeing them Veg fertilizer until the first pistils appear (about the one-month mark).
GeoFlora and DynoMyco and GLN Sweet Candy are on the way.
I have a bubbler (which I guess I am not using for now).
I am now adding molasses to the mix.
I am now adding CalMag to the mix.
I have Jadam banana-wc and banana tea fermenting (12 more days).
I am figuring out LST.
I am adding a thick layer of wc (and I think I will add a lot more into the soil in future grows. I used to add a lot more, like maybe 20-25% ("modified Clack over Subcool's"), and the plants I had back then were great.
I ran some experiments back then, and the plants with the extra wc in the top layer all had a much choclatier (if that is a word) taste to them. They tasted much richer.

I think we have made a lot of improvement!
(I can't wait to see what we can do now, with Em's watering and feeding techniques.)

That's typically a sign of too much nitrogen, but I wouldn't blame the castings. They're a great source of N to be sure, but they're mild enough that some people starts seeds directly in the stuff. I'd first look to your over application of your "brand new fertilizer. "

That is very interesting. Thank you for that. I think I will go back to adding 25% wc to the soil that goes over Subcool's. I had great success with that before.

I've never done re-soak so you're on your own with that one, if it were me I'd probably soak it again for an hour or two max and then put it in a wet paper towel in a plastic bag and keep it warm and see if it will turn around. Odds are probably pretty low though.

Well, it seems like a decent experiment.
I just soaked my last two LSD Autos. (Hopefully this time they won't get stunted.)
I will probably fish these out of the drink in the morning, and put them in the same wet paper towel box as the LSD Autos, just to see what they do, but I don't think I will plant them.
(Maybe if only one LSD comes up, and and we get one to roar to life, I will plant her--but if I get two LSDs, I am planting them. But I hope both LSDs come up.)
The 1:1 strains do not seem to be anywhere near as big of producers as the all-THC strains
I've always had the belief that growing both extremes and then combining them when you use them is the better approach. That way you get to experiment and find the right ratio for you rather than simply taking the one that comes with the combined genetics.

I grow a high CBD low THC strain, and the rest are the opposite. I don't smoke, however, so perhaps mixing and matching are harder to do if that's they way you consume.
I've always had the belief that growing both extremes and then combining them when you use them is the better approach. That way you get to experiment and find the right ratio for you rather than simply taking the one that comes with the combined genetics.

I grow a high CBD low THC strain, and the rest are the opposite. I don't smoke, however, so perhaps mixing and matching are harder to do if that's they way you consume.

Well, that seems like a great idea.
Thank you for that. That should be good for yields, and it should also open up a whole lot more flavors.

One of my favorite seed companies just started a 30% off sale today, and their customer service is great.
I usually get their packages in less than a month, so I will search for some auto regular high-CBD strains to add to my harem (haha).
(Hmmm.... and I guess at the same time, I could also look for a few choice THC strains??)
That is a great idea!
Thanks, @Azimuth !
That opens things right up!
Sorry to hear about your recent loss!!
It looks like she was doing good for a little while.
What is your reasoning for the rocks piled up at the base? (Slow-release nutrients? Haha, who needs volcano dust?)
Thanks for your concern. Some outdoor grows you may go five for five and some you may go one for five.

Well, have a 100 plus acre field strewn with rocks, so always gathering when I can.
Since they are abundant I place them at the bottom of the holes for air circulation and the tops of the holes for protection from critters.

Unfortunately, they don't protect the leaves from critters. Additionally, they are a very useful marker for finding my girls in a vast field.

Of course the ultra slow release nutrients are a benefit. The rocks have minerals that will provide plenty of nutrients for thousands of years to come.
I found four 1:1 CBD:THC auto regular strains, and ordered them all.
Only, those are 1:1.

I am not finding all-cbd auto regular seeds.
Does anyone perhaps know of a good all-cbd auto regular strain?
Thank you.
Herbies Seeds a couple.
That one is 16:0 I believe.
@Herbies Seeds has a good selection.
Good morning AZ :ciao: hope everything is going well today.

Stay safe :cool:

Thank you, @Bill284 .
Herbie's is out of stock on that one, but I am sure they will have something else.
I hope you stay safe as well!
what do you want regs for ? they're not entirely the best if you're making seed.

Hey @bluter ,
Great question.

Well, if we can get the visa issues and all of the financial issues ironed out, we want to start an organic self-sustaining farm community, on a budget.
If we have cannabis regulars, then we can make our own seeds, and maybe even someday make our own strains. (And we can have something to trade with the natives--not for pay, just for gifts.)
And with my autism, it pays to be a cannabis evangelist. A lot of people have commented on my garden, and I think maybe they would like to try a little, but right now I don't have enough even for me.
But I thought if I can get my basic techniques figured out (and I think the light bulb just came on this morning), and if I can make my own seeds, then maybe I could put some supersoil in the bottom of a cheap planting pot, and then I could make gifts for all my neighbors :)
But I don't really want to pay $10-13 a seed (plus shipping).
And we are kind of on a budget here, so it would be great to save pesos.

But I just thought it would be great to be self-sustaining, conserve what limited funds we have, and make cheap gifts for all of our neighbors that they will appreciate.... :welcome:

Or so the thinking goes....
(And I am kind of a granola guy, so I guess maybe I like the thought of saving money by going natural? I dunno....)

I hope I am answering your question.
Hahaha, I guess you could just say, "Because I'm cheap?" Hahaha.
Frugal! I meant to say, "Because I am frugal!" hahaha
(The only problem is, I see a few 1:1 regular autos, but no all-CBD or high-CBD regular autos...)
was just curious
usually it's best to start with normal regs and breed the ruderalis / auto in.
Ohhhh....... you know how to breed strains......!
I was hoping to get into breeding later, but I assumed it takes knowledge and skill (that I don't have yet).
Is it difficult?
Or not too bad?
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