Noob Grower Budget Grow

grow on this was fucked i did not have the lights i should have had.. going to be sticking with t5 or cfl for the new grow after these are done,, right now i gust have them 4 4foot t-5 ho and they started with shit light one walmart glow loight 24'' i am hoping to get more of these t5 lights.. just waiting ..idk realy dont have the extra cash for this atm. so its what i got at the time..
so i am looking and looking for the musroom looking things the whole time i seen flowers ,, now i dont know if this is milky or new? i tryed to get the best pics i could... i have theis small mag glass.. the last plant i had was wicked small like just one bud. but i could clearly see the the little musroom shape things..




man do i hate waiting my impationts is what kills me ,, why cant it be over night... like i have 4 seeds in dirt i put there and 7 days ago and they still have not poopped up.. put some seed in rockwood that have alreeady popped 2 days ago and i seen nothing yet .. the stuff i got now popped up the next day..
question on the seeds ,, is the light on 24/0 or 18/6 or off to you see smething ... i have had 18/6 moved to 24 last night.. still not more then 18 for today.. due to a clone in there ...

yha man 24 hr for your seedlings, you are germing them befor you plant them right??? i get my germed seeds to pop from 2-5 days. make sure the have a light on them to keep them night and warm.
woot woot lat night i new i had a sprout coming up.. seen it before i i went to the feather ball. (like 2-2:15am) could just see the tip of the bend coming up thur the rockwool, just got up and looked i got 3 new jaw breaker sproouts... thinking these are going to go DWC
il have new pics up soon
update there growing slowly.. as for the jb seed sprouts there up and out.. growing in dwc not much new ness.. working on getting nutes tuff tiems.. so the card reader thing for the pictures broke so no picture,, had music on for the last 3 days non stops ,, ive seen a 1/2 almost 3/4 inch groth from 1/4 groth in prior 3 days ... the tiotolods are what ever you call them still look to me as cloudy but i am a renots so what can i say ...
All caught up now. Did you ever get your light leaks sorted out? That plant you had to pull could have hermied due to the light leaks. I've had plants do that, in my current grow as a matter of fact, and I've always attributed it to light leaks. It was best you yanked it.

The important thing is that you have an area that has at least 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness for your flowering plants.

Jimmy is right, those Trichomes are surely still clear. You cannot distinguish with the naked eye. That plant is not even close to done yet. Patience is one of the most valuable virtues you can practice right now. It's hard, especially when you run out of smoke, but try not to harvest it early!

Keep 'em green AB :Namaste:
i belive so, as in the light problem .. but that statrted another problem with heat,, its getting up near 80 degrees... i hear this is good only if feedng co2.. witch i would like to make a co2 gen,, got 11 dollars.. to make it with ,,,

started feeding nutes on 4/5 looking a lot better and i am playing muisic for tem 24/7 ever since that dont know weather its the music or the nutes but i have seeig a 1/8 to 1/4 inch grow a day,,

some of my leaves are curving up and some down not sure what that means,, the ones swapped to dwc maybe having a hard time. leaves seam to be getting light green and the bottom turned yellow... new nutes been int the water thinking it may be time nce them roots start popping to turn too a 5 gallon bucket would be a lot easier to change out and i could just get extra to swap when i change water..,,, i dont really get how often to water/feed and if i should feed every time i water.. i get comfused on what to and how too do it ,, reading them feeding scedals i dont get... i got the genral hydroponics grow flor sirers lines the box that got everything ,, also some master a and and master b the grow store hooked it up and a bag of blue powedrer
With DWC, they are always being fed.

That description sounds like the roots aren't happy. Are they in the water? Got enough air bubbling in there? What's the ph and temp of water? I'm not a DWC guy, but those are the things I know you need to ask yourself. It's all still hydro. :winkyface:

Are you able to be around at light on and off? If so, open the room up during the day, and then seal it back up right before the lights go off. It's a PITA and you have to be diligent, but it may solve your heat problem with $0 out of pocket. You also wouldn't need to worry about trying to add CO2 if you get the temps down. 75 is better than 80 without CO2. Take your $11 and save it towards a regulator and tank if you want CO2. :winkyface:

The best advice I can give a new grower is this. Remember, you're growing roots. The stuff above ground is just an indicator of how well you're doing down below. Then remember that it's a lagging indicator, ie you don't see the problem up top until after the roots are already unhappy.

ok so i was able to get the card reader to read and i can upload some pics ...
plants 1 and 2 are i think doing the best out of them all...


now the bad 9 days after transfure



free stuff i got at the store great place tomato joes

and the others

strawberrys why because we like strawberrys
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