Obi's Northern Light Autoflower - Indoor T5 - Soilless Mix - 2014

Hey Obi Wan, My sincerest apologies for not having stopped in for such a long time. I have no good excuse and I feel absolutely terrible about it. With that said, You've done a bang-up job my friend! Hats off to you. I'm truly impressed with your whole operation, from cabinet to bud production and of course on your journaling. Outstanding performance Obi, I'm giving you 5 Platinum Stars! :bravo: :high-five: :cheer: :welldone: :rocker: :thanks:
Hey Obi Wan, My sincerest apologies for not having stopped in for such a long time. I have no good excuse and I feel absolutely terrible about it. With that said, You've done a bang-up job my friend! Hats off to you. I'm truly impressed with your whole operation, from cabinet to bud production and of course on your journaling. Outstanding performance Obi, I'm giving you 5 Platinum Stars! :bravo: :high-five: :cheer: :welldone: :rocker: :thanks:

Hi shadowman :) No apologies needed my friend. Really. With so much to do here it's tough to stay caught up in any one place, not to mention life grabbing us by the seat of the pants and whisking us along :)

Thank you for the kind words. I feel humbled to be mingling around with some pretty awesome people such as yourself.

I hope you have a five star day!
Thanks for the additional strain recommendations! Here is where we stand:
  1. Papaya
  2. Aurora Indica
  3. Bubblelicious
  4. Snow White
  5. Aurora Indica

Why is aurora indica up there twice or is that each vote?
At this point AI is slightly more likely to get pulled out of the hat.
Journal Entry
Total Days: 67
Flowering Days: 35

General plant observations and random thoughts.

A brief check on the plants last night. Further investigation into the yellowing/browning of upper, 3-finger leaves leads me to believe the plants are suffering from a Manganese (Mn) deficiency. I am guessing this is likely caused by lockout caused by poor pH management. My pH in/out seems to be whacky. I hope to have more pH control with my next hempy/perlite grow.

Aside from the Manganese deficiency the plants look healthy. Lower fan leaf and general foliage seems to be fading at a proper rate. I'm pulling dead fan leaves from the bottom and inner plant areas every couple of days or so. Flowers are beginning to fill in a little. Less than I expected so far though. Most buds are still pretty small. I'd say on average buds are about 1in/2.5cm wide. One plant has nice dense 2in/5cm buds which I would expect right about now. I hope they continue to fill out, lol.

I mentioned at the beginning one of my goals was to harvest enough to see me through the next grow. I took some time to try and get a close estimate of what that means. How much would I need to harvest to remain self sufficient? I'm estimating my use is about 30g or roughly 1oz/mo. I think planning for 8 weeks veg and 12 weeks flower is a fair estimate for a healthy photo period plant in my grow space. So about a 5 month supply. 30g x 5 months gives me 150g. A conservative estimate. I'm sure I will go through more at first.

I also looked into what may be a reasonable harvest expectation for a newb like me by calculating gpw. My T5 is about 400 watts. 0.25gpw to 0.50gpw comes out to 100g to 200g. If I fall in that range I think I can live with that for my firs time. Though 0.50gpw may be a stretch considering one plant is severely stunted.

At least I have a mark to aim for for future planning and grows.

I received the trimming clippers and Boveda packs yesterday. I guess I should head over to the mart and pick up some jars soon. I tried out the clippers and trimmed off some of the necro leaves near the bud tops. I hated to do it but I felt it in their best interest. I also accidentally nipped off the top inch of one main cola during the process. Those Fiskar trimmers are sharp.

Here is a pic of the large fan leaf defoil (they were falling off), a few smaller leaf trim and the bud top. The large fan leaves are from 6 plants and the small leaves are from 2:

I vaped the nipped bud then smoked it. It wasn't ready. Not by a long shot, lol. It provided very little effect this early into it's flower cycle. Let me qualify that. My typical dose is 0.05g to 0.10g in the vape. The whole bud chunk didn't do much for me. I knew better but what was I gonna do? I had to try it :)

Alright. That's about it for the grow room update.

Keep it green and groovy,
Its most likely not going to last that long. When you grow it yourself you tend to smoke more at least in my case but there are 2 of us smoking here.
Should last u a 2 plants have lasted me 2 full months,that's smoking everyday.nonstop.I'm actually on my very last bit now.u should get a full months smoke outa ur NL.I know 4 100% I've been smoking fact I'm glad I didn't grow aypnymore,my lungs are completely wrecked.I'll be honest with u obi,I don't know how any1 could keep smoking after 2 insides honestly feel like I'm 80.a lovely experience,growing 4 the 1st time.but I ended up with so much cannabis,its taken me 2 long months 2 smoke fun as that was,and it def was,I'm now glad 2 see the lungs are completely dead:rofl:
Should last u a 2 plants have lasted me 2 full months,that's smoking everyday.nonstop.I'm actually on my very last bit now.u should get a full months smoke outa ur NL.I know 4 100% I've been smoking fact I'm glad I didn't grow aypnymore,my lungs are completely wrecked.I'll be honest with u obi,I don't know how any1 could keep smoking after 2 insides honestly feel like I'm 80.a lovely experience,growing 4 the 1st time.but I ended up with so much cannabis,its taken me 2 long months 2 smoke fun as that was,and it def was,I'm now glad 2 see the lungs are completely dead:rofl:

Well wash your buds and that wont happen to your lungs.
I'll never wash buds.that's like pouring water ontop of ice cream.never smokerjoe.I've and this on another thread.washing buds is nonsense,in my eyes.
what benefits does bud washing have smokerjoe? I noticed my homegrown hurts my lungs more than when I buy it but put it down to being so fresh still I thought bud washing was for foliar feeds or if pesticides have been used? I have been forced to bud wash but I worried it may mould? :bong: looking good obi I would deffinately recommend bubbleicious tasty sweet smoke and sexy plant :roorrip:
I'll say this Scotty.I grew 2 plants.didnt smell like street actually seems homegrown street stuff,smells so strong.even in a bag,in ur pocket,it reeks.homegrown seems 2 smell like hay a lot,going from people online.wot that periods are being grown largescale,full houses,an,herein northern Ireland,its being laced with shit, gangs are putting glass in the stuff now,2 make it seem like crystals..but.that smell of strong street weed is def 2 plants smelt nothing like street weed.
what benefits does bud washing have smokerjoe? I noticed my homegrown hurts my lungs more than when I buy it but put it down to being so fresh still I thought bud washing was for foliar feeds or if pesticides have been used? I have been forced to bud wash but I worried it may mould? :bong: looking good obi I would deffinately recommend bubbleicious tasty sweet smoke and sexy plant :roorrip:

Hey scottish. As you said it washes out pesticides,dust,bugs,pet dander skin flakes all of that. Even in a clean growing environment you still have to enter it so hair dandruff ,hair an crap that fell from your clothes is still in your weed if you use zero foliar sprays. So what bud washing does besides getting rid of those products is give a nice clean burn the ash is light. Its a nice even smoke and you wont cough up a lung if you are a heavy smoker. I smoke 7 blunts at night more if I have time and maybe will cough 1 or 2 times a night but not those huge coughing fits just like a clearing your throat cough. My customers love it and my gf really loves it. Its very much worth a few minutes of your time a 1 day to let the water fall from the buds. I feel it also cures better as in faster. Thanks for asking. My mom came over so I wasnt here to respond.
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