Old grower new problems


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I don't often ask for help but I am stumped on this one. Just build out my new room a few months back and filled it with plants all from seed ( this may be part of my frustration ). I got thc bomb, CBD critical mass, CBD nordel and a few afghani. In total after sexing I got 29 plants. From planting date I grew and veged for 8 weeks and flipped to flower 12 days ago. I feed them what I have always used. Jungle juice 3 part @ 2ml/l and follow the hobbiest feeding schedule. Voodoo juice , big bud , b-52 and overdrive. I always use 2ml/l of each at the times the chart shows. Ph 6.2 room temp 22c and humidity 50-60%. Lots of air movement and got venting. Ok now that you got an idea of the grow here's the problem.

( I just sprayed then with sm-90 and took a pic)
I am watering with 1part well water and one part RO so I start with 170ppm without nutes. Feed every two days and flush once a week. Note that my room is 15 x 12 feet and I am set up with a sea of green style.
Any ideas guys?
No bugs as I check everyday and have a regular spraying schedule.this was my first though as well. I am using pro mix soilless mix in 1.5 gal pots. They get feed every second day and a flush once a week. I have 2 600 hps and one. 400 MH. Fans keep air moving well and a constant supply of fresh air coming in. I do own a ppm meter but not a ph pen. I use grotek ph strips from my hydro store. The readings on the package go as follows. 5.5,5.8,6.0,6.2,6.4,6.6 ect. I have been keeping it between 6.2 and 6.6. Like I said I am forced to use well water but I mix in an equal amount of RO WATER to help off set the hardness.
Thinking I am going to tag along for the show and see how this turns out. I have a thought, but this early in the discussion I think it is likely to not be the issue, though I am curious as to if nothing has changed from your previous grows to the present. Since this may lead me to a different direction as for my thoughts. Basically same medium same temps/RH% ventilation same brand of nutrients. Think you get my jest.
No bugs as I check everyday and have a regular spraying schedule.this was my first though as well. I am using pro mix soilless mix in 1.5 gal pots. They get feed every second day and a flush once a week. I have 2 600 hps and one. 400 MH. Fans keep air moving well and a constant supply of fresh air coming in. I do own a ppm meter but not a ph pen. I use grotek ph strips from my hydro store. The readings on the package go as follows. 5.5,5.8,6.0,6.2,6.4,6.6 ect. I have been keeping it between 6.2 and 6.6. Like I said I am forced to use well water but I mix in an equal amount of RO WATER to help off set the hardness.

Promix has dolomite lime mixed in... you don't need any more calcium or magnesium... but your pH is too high to get to it. Promix recommends using 5.9-6.0 pH. This is a hydro grow, and it won't work adjusting pH into the soil range. Not sure what you are reading on the package with that 5.5 - 6.6 pH, but adjust downward to 5.9 and your problem should go away. Your well water should work well too, with all the nutrients in it... just adjust its pH down to 5.9 and your plants should love it. Outside in my garden I prefer well water for my tomatoes and peppers... they love it, and its cheap for me.

Sense Emilya
Best ph range for soil less is 5.5-6.5 Its essentially hydro. Also make sure it fluctuates in that range instead of keeping it constant as different nutrients are best absorbed at different ranges
If it's any help to solving the ph discussion here I watered last night with a ph of 6.2 going in and run off was reading 6.0 . Again the ph strips I use start at 5.6 and go up in increments of 0.2 so this is the best I can provide. Once this crop is done I will be buying a digital ph meter. I will be flushing today any how as it is the day for that, and I will lower my ph for feeding this next week. I am sure that all the nutes are there and it is a ph problem. I have never had this happen before in the 4 years of growing, and the only thing I changed was using well water now, witch has a different ph every week it seems and I am constantly adjusting it. Before I used RO from the same source every time and had my mixing of nutes and adjusters down to a Science. It would make sense to me that my ph is giving me the problem.
Just an update for everyone following this. I corrected the ph to be between 5.5-5.8 and it looks like the problems have stopped. Thanks for everyone's opinion on this. I should also note that this is also the first time for me using this brand of soiless mix. Everything should be running smoothly now. Always learning.
Ok guys all has gone well since last time I posted but one more problem has come up. I am in my last 5 days before harvest. I flushed everything 2 days ago with ph 5.8 well water that sits at about 200 ppm out of the tap. Here is the problem

Any ideas as to what is going on and should I even bother fixing it this close to harvest? Only 3 of 30 plants have it and they are all from seed
I agree with Lexort here. For a peat based soilless mix I like to keep in the 5.5-6.0 range as lexort and Emilya have stated. pH will tend to rise in the soilless mix itself so starting a bit low is not a bad idea. If you are starting at a very approximate 6.2-6.6, the pH may raie up to be too high.

You are also right now in the height of the Stretch. Lots of plant building going on so lots of need for Ca and Mg. A cal mag supplement is not a bad idea at all though I tend to avoid those that are nitrogen based.
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