OldMedMan's Aloha Journal

hope you feel better soon OMM:cough:

Thanks Cronic. I waited 3 days for it to rain and it didn't, so I watered them myself and it kicked my butt. I called you then went to bed and when I woke up it was raining. What! Rain!:thedoubletake:
The Story Continues……………………………………More classes and other things

If I cover this school in detail I will never finish the story, so I'll mix school information and personal things.. The two subjects I remember the most were the Indians and Black History.

I think that one the cruelest things we did as a young nation was what we did to the Native Americans. We decimated them. As we “won” the west, we did it in blood. Hitler killed 6 million Jews…..we all think that this was terrible and it was. However when it was all said and done we killed over 12 million Indians and we are still doing it. I still read stories of the treatment of women and girls on reservations. If a young Indian girl has any type of problem. The first thing they do is remove her ability to have children.
That will sure reduce their numbers. I hope something has been done by now, however I seriously doubt it.
The Indian had/have a love for the earth that we growers are starting to understand. We can't grow over and over in the same place. The Indians knew this and grew deferent crops in the same space, there by actually helping the soil recover.. We over look what the Spaniards also did to the Indian coming up trough Mexico. Folks it was a joint effort of killing.

Slaves.. Black and Irish. These two groups of humans were the ones that were forced into slavery the most and they paid dearly in the numbers that were enslaved and killed. Black History Month has helped us see and understand their plight. The Irish, bless them have made headway into being accepted too. In no way am I saying that things are really equal, but we are getting there. Later when I go to my next duty station I faced prejudice all the way up to and including my Fort Commander. I will go into detail in that story.

I was quickly bored sitting at home watching TV with my house-mates and soon I was out driving looking for something to do. I decided to drive south. After about 15 to 20 miles I came upon an old fifties Supper club. They had closed most of it down. In it's heyday I bet it was something to see. As I walked in, I saw that they had closed all the seating sections, except for one. There was a small dance floor and an elevated section for a small band. They had horns, piano, a real base, and a guitar. They sounded pretty good.
The bar, on the left ran from the door to bandstand and curved into what was once a kitchen. Sitting at the end of the bar was a gal about 40 She was blond with a 40s hair do. I sat down about 6 stools from her and she smiled and said “Come on over by me, I'm harmless”.

“You're in the Military aren't you?” “Yep, sure am, going to school up the road”
We talked for a while, then she tapped me on the arm, stood up and walked over to the bandstand and started singing. She was good in a tired Nina Simone way. She sang WWII songs and I loved them. We became good friends and I saw her allot while I was there. Sorry folks, there was no sex involved. She had, had it with men for while and I had Jo. She had a gigantic apartment there in the roadhouse.. She may have owned the whole thing, I never asked, but everyone did what she said.

To be continued…………………................................…………. .That awful Beach

OMM the man, the legend, the Superstar.
morning OMM, that bar sounded so cool. they just recently tore a great bar somewhat like that.
dim wall lighting with a horse shoe bar that bellied to a music room and hundreds of black and white pictures on the walls of Zobbie the owner and bartender in uniform with others in zoot suits. and almost a mystical ring of smoke hovering over the tables around the piano.
morning OMM, that bar sounded so cool. they just recently tore a great bar somewhat like that.
dim wall lighting with a horse shoe bar that bellied to a music room and hundreds of black and white pictures on the walls of Zobbie the owner and bartender in uniform with others in zoot suits. and almost a mystical ring of smoke hovering over the tables around the piano.

Morning fishy. Man, you got it. I hate to see them go, they had so much atmosphere. That old part of America is almost gone. The changing face of our country. Just like future generations will say we helped change allot of the perceptions about marijuana...at least I hope we do. :yummy:
Now days seems like if you decide to go to a bar, you better have eyes in the back of your head and a teflon vest...lol...Some still do go to have a nice time but it sucks when you have to worry about the guy who drank too much and wants to act a fool.
Morning. heck my sister went 13 years without filing tax's and they never came after her but she did pay. Not paying may put you on the radar but hell their radar doesn't work in most places. they have to find you and then pay someone to get the cost down.

I know peeps that havent paid in years. Down with the GOV imho!
Now days seems like if you decide to go to a bar, you better have eyes in the back of your head and a teflon vest...lol...Some still do go to have a nice time but it sucks when you have to worry about the guy who drank too much and wants to act a fool.

You are totally right my Queen. Since I don't do booze, it's been a long time since I been in one. :thedoubletake:

After watching the news today.......it's not safe even to go to a Marathon either. Folks are after us Americans.
Well F**K them
You are totally right my Queen. Since I don't do booze, it's been a long time since I been in one. :thedoubletake:

After watching the news today.......it's not safe even to go to a Marathon either. Folks are after us Americans.
Well F**K them :peace:

Hmmm, even before the bombing in Boston, the world has gotten too crazy. I don't venture out much, was trying to change that but after today I rather be a recluse! I drink rarely but when I do it's in the comfort of my home.
sure am pretty OMM:)
see the rain didn't beat you down
goofin around earlier and found a parody of a doors tune called craigs list on you tube. would have shared it but you know me and puters:)
Very nice.. Happiness is getting really close. :circle-of-love:
Hmmm, even before the bombing in Boston, the world has gotten too crazy. I don't venture out much, was trying to change that but after today I rather be a recluse! I drink rarely but when I do it's in the comfort of my home.

I agree my Queen. Why ask for trouble? Just stay where you are at and watch you're garden grow. Love ya Girl. I want to see a picture of your golden locks! :hippy::ganjamon:
sure am pretty OMM:)
see the rain didn't beat you down
goofin around earlier and found a parody of a doors tune called craigs list on you tube. would have shared it but you know me and puters:)

Thanks fishy. Just as I came in it started raining again. Wont have to water for a while. My girls seem to really like rain water.

Loved those doors....they lit my fire! Don't worry, you have enough computer skills to do just fine.....just look how popular you are my friend.:circle-of-love:
Thanks fishy. Just as I came in it started raining again. Wont have to water for a while. My girls seem to really like rain water.

Loved those doors....they lit my fire! Don't worry, you have enough computer skills to do just fine.....just look how popular you are my friend.:circle-of-love:
NEVER never be a OMM:thanks:
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