PeeJay's Prudent Home-Brewed Organic Soil - Outdoor Out of Sight Deck Grow

PeeJay, did you see that article some months ago about the discovery of chromosome strings that were thought to be inactive, and now are thought to regulate other gene expression and may underpin epigenic effects? Stress can mutate an inactive string, which throws an epigenic switch. The mutattion isn't harmful because that string has no other function than as a sort of canary in a coal mine.

And it then becomes inherited until that string encounters a situation where it might turn off, which recesses the epigenic expression. Cool, huh? They actually found a viable mechanism for the effect.

Yup, I'm familiar. Here is an interesting read if you can wade through the jargon:

Persistent epigenetic differences associated with prenatal exposure to famine in humans

Thanks on the Dadssss ride. God I miss my dad. We smoked together since I was about 13 or so. What a great man. Taught me music and rhythm. I'm a drummer, but hand drums. For years in the 70s I used to play tambourine in a nightclub near the dance floor to pump up the music. I was big into house music, still am.

Today I am going through my seeds and seeing which is the fasted one. Then I am popping a few seeds, planting them into 10 gallon pots and into the sun they go. I have 16 weeks outside that I can still grow. Outside, that should be ample. I'm on that today. I'm bound and determined to get a load of pot for the winter.

So they will start at about the same time as last year? Seems like a great plan!
PeeJay, did you see that article some months ago about the discovery of chromosome strings that were thought to be inactive, and now are thought to regulate other gene expression and may underpin epigenic effects? Stress can mutate an inactive string, which throws an epigenic switch. The mutattion isn't harmful because that string has no other function than as a sort of canary in a coal mine.

And it then becomes inherited until that string encounters a situation where it might turn off, which recesses the epigenic expression. Cool, huh? They actually found a viable mechanism for the effect.

If it recesses, does it still have the ability to express in a later re-encounter with another situation to turn it back on? I have to read the abstract.
If it recesses, does it still have the ability to express in a later re-encounter with another situation to turn it back on? I have to read the abstract.

That's the coolest part. It appears to be a perpetual switch that will keep functioning. The switch string is harmless and more sensitive to mutation, so when it encounters an issue, it switches on an active gene string to deal with the new conditions. If the stress is removed, succeeding generations should eventually revert. I may have used the term recess incorrectly.

I adore complex living systems. :cheesygrinsmiley:
That's the coolest part. It appears to be a perpetual switch that will keep functioning. The switch string is harmless and more sensitive to mutation, so when it encounters an issue, it switches on an active gene string to deal with the new conditions. If the stress is removed, succeeding generations should eventually revert. I may have used the term recess incorrectly.

I adore complex living systems. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Forgive my query, but what are the applications? Again, I can just go read the abstract, but that would require me to not be lazy.
It's amazing stuff. That is a good document that I linked. It has been cited in over 900 other articles. So, you have an interest in the subject you can use that article to chase down heaps of subsequent research on the topic
Ok... Gf, there was a lot of rumbling that there was a "fat gene" a while back. It turns out that we may turn one on though environmental influences. That is the short sweet answer to your question.
Forgive my query, but what are the applications? Again, I can just go read the abstract, but that would require me to not be lazy.

Unfortunately, I read far too much and remember too little. :cheesygrinsmiley: I learn what I learn, but forget the details of when and where.

I just tried a search for "inactive gene epigenics" and got a nice list of articles. Try that. :cheesygrinsmiley:
LOL, look what popped up today on my Real Clear Science feed:

Five discoveries taking science by surprise | Science | The Observer

Graytail, howdy! I hope you don't mind too much that I recognize your name and reputation without recognizing your true calling. That is to say, I have a healthy respect for you vicariously without knowing exactly why. Prolly because you have liked what I have liked...Poop, sorry, I am rambling on.

Dang, sorry, ate half a pan of brownies and clicked on the link above. Has to do with genetics. Have you, or any of you, heard that what your Gramma ate could have more to do with you than what your Mom ate? We are getting into the same area, aren't we? Triggers and switches.

When Mendel was cruising around his peas, he was assuming he was recording God in his notes. He probably was because God didn't have cell phones.

All this make sense, because a gene doesn't spontaneously combust without lingering environmental influences.

Hafta apologize agin. I ate something that disagreed with me and may have to wait a whole nuther week to feel good again.


Poop! Forgot to welcome you back Peegee, in the manner in which you should be accustomed. ((PJ))
Hi backatcha, Erie! ... or should I say, high. :blunt:

I know what you mean. There are a bunch of people here I know by seeing their names in likes, but I've never addressed 'em personally.
As usual, the plants have just been getting RO water. In another journal yesterday a member suggested that I'll never know if the plants are reaching peak potential unless I dumped some ferts on them. I thought that was funny. If it ain't broke, don't fix it :)
That was over at 2.0 . I thought the same thing (If it ain't broke, don't fix it) & applauded your reply to him. What exactly is RO water? Glad to hear you came home to some happy ladies.

I always remember my mother yelling about that. "Take your pot and get out..." is one I remember being screamed day and night.

I was big into house music, still am.
Let me find out! HOUSE MUSIC ALL NIGHT LONG... We need to have a house music old timers day.
RO water is the abbreviation for water that has been cleaned up by the process of reverse osmosis. The process removes almost all the mineral content and all the stuff that the city water folks add to the water that kills bacteria that might give you the trots, or worse( the things they add will also put the hurt on the microbes in your soil.) You can get a reverse osmosis filter for your home for about $150.00, and you have to replace cartridges periodically. The home filters work slowly, it isn't like they spit out water as fast as the tap does. You can spend a lot more than $150.00 for them, too, and the more you spend the faster you can filter. An RO filter is not the same thing as one of those Britta filters.

Water that has been treated with reverse osmosis is not quite as clean as distilled water, but it is pretty damn clean. It has a very low PPM and a pH just under 7.0
It is interesting how that happens! Clearly, lifestyle plays a major role in how a person responds, the same way the genetic code can switch on or off. It always baffles my doctor how my labwork really looks like that of someone in their 20s, but I'm almost 60 and been sick for 2/3 of my life. Not to mention the cirrhosis. I believe since I have very little stress outside of what I do in my own head to myself, my physical health has improved over time. Meditation has also helped. The science of the mind is outstanding...and that is what Buddhism is. Not a religion.
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