PeeJay's Prudent Home-Brewed Organic Soil - Outdoor Out of Sight Deck Grow

Sure thing Reg. You may have seen the machines around in the city where you can fill up your own water jugs. They use reverse osmosis to clean the water. The bottled drinking water that you might buy has also been cleaned with reverse osmosis, but usually they then add minerals back into the water because the minerals make the water taste good. The thing is, the minerals they add back are not necessarily the ones or the right ratio you would want for your plants. If you see one of those machines around, it is usually only 25 cents a gallon.
That was over at 2.0 . I thought the same thing (If it ain't broke, don't fix it) & applauded your reply to him. What exactly is RO water? Glad to hear you came home to some happy ladies.


Let me find out! HOUSE MUSIC ALL NIGHT LONG... We need to have a house music old timers day.

But it has to be GOOD HOUSE, not the crap they play on the radio. The stuff the spinners get on 12". Remember?
House used to mesmerize me, especially back in the late 70s, but before punk or whatever Blondie was. Ick.
People call it disco. PPPPppffffffffffffft. House is not disco. Boom boom ya zoom zoom.

OMG, remember Icka Prick Funkadelic.
Real house is rarely played on the radio. When it is it's most often one of the songs that went commercial which are few & far between. I wasn't formally introduced to house until 79 but prior to that I thought the late night 92 KTU was real house. Once I went to the tunnel and actually heard (FELT) house I never looked back.
I loved KTU, and there was another station up the dial, a black station...what the heck were the call letters????

Been living here so long I keep thinking of it with a K in front of it. Was it WBLJ? Way up there like 105. Also there was CD 101. I remember when CDs were first released they were so expensive. Like, 40 dollars. That CD station was the first New Age, I think.

NY has the greatest radio.
107.5 WBLS and they're still jamming today. The other one was CD 101.9. Because their music came through the radio so crystal clear, every one went out and bought an over priced CD player & over priced CDs.
If you don't mind the work?
I'm lazy so I installed a RO system.
Change the membrane once a year.
Pre-filters every 6 months.
I test it with the TDS and PH meter.
Clean as the store bought.
But hey if you don't mind the exercise just buy water.
Like I said I want it easy!

Beneficial TEAS are a plus for plants!
I monster grow one plant in hydro because it's super simple and clean.
I tried scrog (6 plants) however the yield was not worth it?
A single plant is 20 times bigger with supper cropping and LST.
Beneficial Tea is important and so is your water.

Soil is cool and great for the outdoors however I'm super sensitive to the smell of soil indoors.
Outside soil is no problem for me.
Indoor hydro is so much easier!
I change the reservoir once a week set the timer to water once before the lights go on then once before they go off.
I use an air pot and a water chiller I keep my nutrients 69 - 70 F.

I want to try a soil grow if I can get pass the smell.

This is one plant after I took off 460 grams dry weight a couple of weeks ago.
Tomorrow I will harvest the balance and modify my room.

I really like the way you grow in soil and it's on my bucket list.
For now I grow hydro because it's so easy!
Damn, that IS a monster! Not much is easier than the way I grow in soil, but I've never grown a behemoth like that. I did some teas a while back, but in this soil I don't really need to mess with it. Sometimes I think a little tea would be good - ya never know, I might brew a batch sometime soon. I have a bunch of non-cannabis container plants that could probably use a shot of goodness.
Holy Canolies Ataxian!
I have a few seeds to grow out in hydro GSC and ICED GRAPEFRUIT then I want to do a soil grow with your method.
My outdoor strawberries are the size of limes.
I even made 28" calilillies grow 10" to fit a pot.
Growing is so fun.
I would love to do soil like you with cannabis.
I make a beneficial tea for hydro.
Your soil mix I will try as well.
Where I live in Southern California I have to grow indoors other wise I would just grow out doors.
In HAWAII we grew out doors with no effort and grew incredible flowers.
Indoors is a little more to control. (work)

I really want to learn about soil.

I want to do your method in my indoor space!

I hope you don't mind me copying your soil mix.
The big yields I achieve are pretty lame actually.
I have to throw it away most the time.
We are only allowed 8 zips.
I veg 6 to 8 weeks to allow for recovery after super cropping.
This might cause my yields to be excessive?
I think you have massive yields because growing a monster like that is probably a ton of fun. :rofl:

I'd be thrilled if you used my soil recipe - and a little nervous that it woldn't get you the results you were after. BAR and I have talked about the soil in PM a little. The Yum-Yum is really key because it has so many good things in it and is a really balance formula. As I said back on the first page I'm not even worried about putting it my mouth straight. I think it would be fun to see someone do a water only grow with a blank canvass soil mixed with a healthy dose of Yum-Yum for veg. A transplant into a larger container of the same simple mix with added high P guano right before flower would take it to the end. Maybe a little Yum-Yum and guano top dress half way through bloom.

I think that would be easy, affordable, and effective.
Pj, have I told you yet? You're the shishnick!
Whew, yawl! You guys go so way fast! Peege, I cross my heart tried once again to start from the beginning of this journal and even skipping to the pictures only had me up to about page two. It's a gas, and you ARE the shishnick, (that has to be something good), but between my attention span and my lousy wireless connection...

I do have a Captain Obvious question in regards to dirt. You have perpetual in your title, but did I understand that you make different dirt for different stages? One kind of dirt for seeds, and another for veg and flower? I am bringing this up because of a Lake Sludge (sediment) idea I had where I was thinking high Phosphorous may not be the best for the little guys, but perfect for teenagers and Queens. And, I have a real life, out of the closet problem I am fighting because of bird shit. I understand--please correct me--that bird shit is high in nitrogen because they pee and poop all in the same, er, squat. This is an ancient piece of knowledge that may actually be wrong. ;) It d-o-e-s happen.

OH, dear. I just read where you said high P guano right before may have already answered this...

One other thing. The Darkstar baby pics show some really wide leaves near dirt. I only see the middle three of the five fingers--is it because there are only three or is it just so bushy? Reminds me of the 'mittens' I have/had on the Clone Twins.

Final thing--is top dress what I think it is? Putting dirt on top, not disturbing the roots? I am having a really slight acidic problem and have been studying on how to get eggshells or what have you in the mix with out disturbing the roots.

thanks, man.

PS--you don't have perpetual in the title, do you? Again being wrong
From the top, Ms. Spud Cranium:

My old journal has perpetual in the title. This one does not. When someone says they have a perpetual grow going on it means that they have separate areas for plants in veg and plants in flower. You and Betty have a perpetual grow going on. If things work out right when you harvest a plant in flower you toddle down to Betty's house pulling your little wire shopping cart on wheels, get one of the plants that are vegging, load it in your cart, toddle back to your house, and put it into your flowering area. Betty starts another plant to veg, and this pattern continues in perpetuity.

Yes, I have a different soil for flowering and vegging and seedlings. We are leaving the seedling soil out of this for a moment, but I will come back to it presently. You may be aware that people pour fancy bottles of nutrients that cost a lot of money because they pay out the nose for a graphic artist to make them a pretty label. The nutrients for vegetative growth, and flowering have different ratios of vital nutrients tailored for the different life sages of the plant. I'm a freak of nature, so instead of changing pretty bottles I change soils. Right before I'm going to make a plant flower, I transplant it into a much larger pot of soil that has more of the things a plant needs for flowering. I do the same thing that other people do except I use a nice soil full of whole foods for the plant instead of a processed product. The difference between my soil and the pretty bottles is that one is a processed food and one is not. My soil is like chicken soup made from a whole free range chicken and nice fresh organic vegetables. Miracle grow is like a can of Campbell's chicken soup. The pretty bottles are a step up, like Progresso. I like to give my plants whole unprocessed food. I encourage all of you to eat whole unprocessed foods whenever you can.

Plants start off small and grow. The bigger they get the more they eat. When the plant is going to go into flower it needs more food than it did when it was little. I give the plant a big pot of food when it goes in flower, and that food is suited for older plants in mid to late puberty and adulthood. It has a different mix of nutrients just like the pretty bottles do.

That brings me to the seedling soil. Would you feed a little itty bitty baby eggplant parmesan and a nice green salad? Heck no! You feed a baby breast milk, and then ween it onto small amounts of soft food it won't choke on or give it colic. So, yup I have a baby food soil too. It doesn't have much food in it, but the baby doesn't need much food. My plants move from baby food, to child/early adolescent food, to adolescent/adult food without ever using pretty bottles of processed food that they see promoted constantly on TV (420 magazine.)

There are many different kinds of bat and bird poop. What nutrients are in them depends mostly on what the bats or birds eat. Just like us humans, what we don't need gets pooped and peed out. Birds/bats that eat a diet high in nitrogen put out more nitrogen in their waste. Birds that eat a diet high in phosphorous or potassium poop out more of those things. A bird/ bat that largely eats insect poops and pees out more nitrogen because their diet is very high in protein. Proteins are made from amino acids. When ever you see amino, amine, or amin, there is lots of nitrogen involved. Birds or bats that eat fruits and vegetables poop and pee out more phosphorous and/or potassium. You can search for guano on a big shopping site like cramazon and there will be many different types of bird/bat scat available to choose from with different NPK ratios.

The first sets of leaves that a plant puts out generally have fewer fingers than the leaves a plant puts out later. Some plants never get past five fingers, but most get up to seven or nine. People get really excited when they see eleven fingered leaves. It is a big event. The number of fingers is not related to potency. It is a genetic thing. Sometimes a plant that puts out eleven fingered leaves has polyploidy traits. That can be good or bad. It depends on things. The number of fingers doesn't have much to do with potency. Sativas tend to have more fingers than indicas. I'm going to skip over the theories about why that is right now. This is already becoming an insufferably long post.

Top dressing is a way of feeding plants. We are putting whole food on top of the soil and scratching it in. Adding soil to the top of the plant is a bad idea. It disturbs the whole ecosystem of the upper root zone. Adding a few treats and scratching them in is not like adding an inch of soil.

If you are going to use eggshells, put them under the broiler or on the barbeque and char them before you grind them up. Chemical reactions take place when you do that which makes the nutrients more available faster. If you don't char them first, they sit there for several years before they break down much.
If you are going to use eggshells, put them under the broiler or on the barbeque and char them before you grind them up. Chemical reactions take place when you do that which makes the nutrients more available faster. If you don't char them first, they sit there for several years before they break down much.
I didn't know that. So you're telling me I'm getting no calcium benefits from the crushed eggshells in my two Fire Escape girls' soil, even though they were crushed to nearly dust?
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