Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

My niece is an exception now days I taught her how to drive a stick. :rofl:
every once in a while a good one comes along :) a short time ago I was vacationing with my wife and daughter sister and her son ill try to make this short we would go to town to stock up and on the way back about 20mi. of dirt road I announce anybody want to drive the truck the daughter dove on it when we got about half way back I asked the nephew if he wanted to drive he said no hes 18 still no lisc. lets talk snowflake she drove all the way and was beeming the whole time lol so we get back and I pull out a couple 22 rifles and say who wants to shoot some guns the daughter jumped at the nephew said naw im like a young man that doesn't want to drive a car or shoot a gun whatever!
Lol sweet deal, a very nice skill to have.
another funny story her and i get along very well now but it wasn't always like that she wasn't fun when she was a teenager she liked to fix herself something to eat then leave the mess that aint happening I asked her if she was going to clean it up she said I don't have time course I told her she had time to fix it don't leave it there for me she cleaned it up and rite as she went out the door she flipped me off I laughed at her that really got her lol so a couple minutes later the phone rings its her she says I just called you to tell you to fuck off lol I laughed again!
hey reave I knew that would get somebody going lol ive never turned down a chance to shoot some guns its just friggin fun!
Yes it’s a good time. People are scared of them until they get some training. I went and got my license then got a glock and taught myself to shoot. It’s still a work in progress but my aim is much better than when I started. I can hit the target at 25 yards with decent accuracy. But yeah it’s fun and I love the stress relief.
Yes it’s a good time. People are scared of them until they get some training. I went and got my license then got a glock and taught myself to shoot. It’s still a work in progress but my aim is much better than when I started. I can hit the target at 25 yards with decent accuracy. But yeah it’s fun and I love the stress relief.
that wasn't me I was never afraid to shoot one day when I hadn't shot to many different guns my dad and I went quail hunting no birds around but it seems you can find a can to shoot lol so my dad hands me his double barrel 12 gauge he throws the can I shoot and accidently pull both triggers as I was walking /falling backwards my dad grabs the gun so it doesn't go down lol ok that's enough story telling!
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