Phantom’s RDWC Cherry Cookies Grow Journal

Sounds productive to me your even planning had.
I’ve been planning ever since receiving my first ones back in May. Spent a lot of planning, looking, calculating. Now that I have figured out what I want and how I want it, it’s time to buy and build it. Building it myself with the knowledge that I have the spare parts should anything fail on me for whatever reason at whatever time, I can have it replaced in no time.
Nice, but don't do anything that's gonna jeopardize your job in this unsure-unstable covid19 market...
No worries I don’t intend to.
I’ve been planning ever since receiving my first ones back in May. Spent a lot of planning, looking, calculating. Now that I have figured out what I want and how I want it, it’s time to buy and build it. Building it myself with the knowledge that I have the spare parts should anything fail on me for whatever reason at whatever time, I can have it replaced in no time.

No worries I don’t intend to.
Cool, cause I want only good vibes coming yur way...and want yur Honey Pot fantasy to come true .. :laugh:
Cleaned up the bottom half of the ladies to help with air circulation, now that it’s been a minute since the last trim. The only thing to deal with now are any leaves that block the light but I’ll wait a few days before going back in with the scissors.


I even got a peek at how Tonya was developing.
Cleaned up the bottom half of the ladies to help with air circulation, now that it’s been a minute since the last trim. The only thing to deal with now are any leaves that block the light but I’ll wait a few days before going back in with the scissors.


I even got a peek at how Tonya was developing.
I like the branch that's leaning against the tent for support.. she's a long heavy one :laugh:
Yeah it's a mess but it's my mess. Some branches I have woven together in order to get them spaced a bit more evenly. The two plants that were topped first, right after leaving the cloner, are the taller two on the left in the photo. The tallest cola on the left is about 6" under my LEDs, I swear it's still growing. My LEDs have 6" before I have to ditch the ratchets. The lids are depressed an inch or close to it. I'm scared to know what will happen when the weight starts coming on in the next few weeks. Things are starting to smell and get sticky. While trimming I ended up with my face in Tonya's bush and got a cola mushroom stamp on my cheek. It was really sweet smelling, almost of candy, sweets, or fruit punch. Sometimes I'll catch a good whiff of something skunky but not dank skunky, almost like a bright/light/green sweet skunk but subtle. No distinct cherry smell but they are already smelling better than the larf I found the seed in that had no smell and tasted like black pepper.
Yeah it's a mess but it's my mess. Some branches I have woven together in order to get them spaced a bit more evenly. The two plants that were topped first, right after leaving the cloner, are the taller two on the left in the photo. The tallest cola on the left is about 6" under my LEDs, I swear it's still growing. My LEDs have 6" before I have to ditch the ratchets. The lids are depressed an inch or close to it. I'm scared to know what will happen when the weight starts coming on in the next few weeks. Things are starting to smell and get sticky. While trimming I ended up with my face in Tonya's bush and got a cola mushroom stamp on my cheek. It was really sweet smelling, almost of candy, sweets, or fruit punch. Sometimes I'll catch a good whiff of something skunky but not dank skunky, almost like a bright/light/green sweet skunk but subtle. No distinct cherry smell but they are already smelling better than the larf I found the seed in that had no smell and tasted like black pepper.
Yeah it's a mess but it's my mess. ..
It's all good.. just relax and enjoy it all because you are down the final stretch and soon will be lopping down trees.. Just enjoy the plants generating oozing resin and snow up trichomes.. This is a wonderfull grow! and deserve applause! great job, and looking forward to see what the yield ends up being and seeing some of those choice big buds..
Yea thats why I like the 5 gallon bucket lids instead of the net pots. There is not a enough lip for a heavy plant. Ive had to pick up the plant and net pot and wrap duck tape around them to build it up mid flower before lol.... Dang those plants got big fast! Looking good!
Yeah they went full beast mode, now I need to see some weight and crystals. It's not the net pot I'm worried about, it's the tote lid that will fail. The SCRoG I'll set up, attached to the lids, should help shoulder some of the weight to the edge of the lid and down the side of the totes. I think the lids have quite a bit of give in them. I'm fairly certain my bum has sat down on them a few times while building the setup.
Yea thats why I use the tough totes like you have. They secure really well to the tote and are more heavy duty. Yea thats what I mean, the tops are fairly flimsy especially when you cut a 4 inch + hole in them. The added surface area of the bucket lid net pots that i use is what makes them more stable for me. The lid can bend all the way in but the bucket tops wont let it fall through because of the big lip. Ive had the regular net pots fall in the tote before due to weight.

Im sure you will start to see some weight soon!! Im loving the MC right now. Have you been adding anything else to your res other than the MC?
So after we had that conversation about doing more than just head chops, I decided to take Phantoms words to heart.. "They will fight tooth and nail to grow vertically"
I went downstairs to the grow booth and put a big bow arch into one of my hydro plants tying it down to a large paper clip.. It reminded me of stringing up a fiberglass Fred Bear bow and arrow set we used to play with as kids target shooting in the back yard lol.. I figured all that small shit growing on the stalk would now start reaching up, and also gave it more than just one head chop.. Cool how all the leaves realigned themselves overnight


Here's what I have growing as clones in soil right now.. The long tall skinny one has been head chopped in 3 or 4 diffrent places along the node segments ensuring that i'll get a fuller looking plant because this particular form stretches late, it spends allot of time growing for verticality early on.. Basically everything got a chop or got pinched last night.

I have only added some cal/mag once. Other than that I've just kept bumping up the dosage.
Nope.. been doing the same as you, bumping it up.. That res is actually an 8 gallon garbage can and I only have to fill the res to a little over 6 gallons so i waste very little MC.. I started them off on 2 GPG, then went to 3GPG for 2 weeks, then have been on 4GPG this week... My 12/12 plants outdoors have just gone to 5GPG splitting a milk gallon between 3 plants every day and supplement them with occasional regular water if it's a real hot day... if its a scorcher up in the 90's i throw them in half shade giving em bounced in light..They seem to be able to take the heat without showing any stress, but why tempt fate lol..
My garden loves my rdwc wastewater. The whole garden has been shooting up inches a day lately when I feed them, probably because of the higher MC concentration in the water now. I've also been watering my lemon tree with it as well. I cut off every single branch and leaf on that tree this spring, only leaving the trunk and a few nubs of the main branches or crown of the tree. She's an old Meyer lemon tree with an 8-10" diameter trunk and was having a lot of die back and poor quality fruit. Now I'm looking at a very bushy tree with new growth of 6-7' in length. I miss out on lemons and lemoncello this year but next year should be a great year. My best year I took probably 20 shopping bags of orange sized lemons, some as big as grapefruit, off of the tree. Last year was maybe 3 bags of lime sized lemons.
My garden loves my rdwc wastewater. The whole garden has been shooting up inches a day lately when I feed them, probably because of the higher MC concentration in the water now. I've also been watering my lemon tree with it as well. I cut off every single branch and leaf on that tree this spring, only leaving the trunk and a few nubs of the main branches or crown of the tree. She's an old Meyer lemon tree with an 8-10" diameter trunk and was having a lot of die back and poor quality fruit. Now I'm looking at a very bushy tree with new growth of 6-7' in length. I miss out on lemons and lemoncello this year but next year should be a great year. My best year I took probably 20 shopping bags of orange sized lemons, some as big as grapefruit, off of the tree. Last year was maybe 3 bags of lime sized lemons.
I have a hanging red geranium basket i feed my overs too as well.. That thing probably has more than 20 flowers on it and would have more if I was snapping off spent heads on it like im supposd to do ... I'll snap some outdoor stuff so you guys can see the patio where these plants are growing..
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