Please Help Me Help My Daughter - Autos In Coco - LED

Cks has always sent my free prizes pretty quickly. Sometimes they employ idiots and wouldn't ya know, they have operator error codes now and then
(ID 10 T)
But it will come and if it doesn't, we can always Crash their forum to get it sorted out like we've done in the past. It will come, and you will grow them, and send all the buds to me, errr I mean, your daughter .
Just been so long I forgot what I have coming. Wanted to get 2 grows in by next June and my window is closing. Looks like 1 and some time on my hands.
Hey guys a great professional grower who has been on this site for a long time has started a new journal. He is a great source of information who will answer all questions. So stop by and get subbed in on Cultivator Returns journal. Thanks
I'm thinking the same thing. Paper towel to coco with lights at 44" on veg only.

I know I am behind here and catching up but wanted to offer a little input. I haven't been growing cannabis long but I have been gardening for a long time. I use T5s for all my seedlings...cannabis as well as veggies. I have a smaller 2 foot 4 bulb T5 I use for the germination and then once they are about a week to 10 days old, I move them to the big T5 with more light and just raise it a little bit. I find the T5s are a great light for seedlings....its very gentle, not overly intense like some other lights might be. The other thing I like about the T5 is I can keep it close enough to the seeds keep the temps nice and toasty without frying them.

Take it for what its worth....but I have never had a sprouted seed die on me under T5s......cannabis or other type of plant.
Yeh once I finally get some photos going I'm going to try my hand at cloning. Hope it goes better than my germinating lol

When you get to cloning, take twice as many as you think you need....especially your first go at it. My first round I was a 50% success (though I realized i screwed up and was to blame) and then the second was 100% at 10 for 10. Always better to have a selection to choose from than having to go with what survives.
Thanks for the great germ ideas here guys! I have some mystery seeds that got fuzzy in the bowl before they could sprout. Now I have another one in the bowl with nothing happening after 3 days. I'm going to try the baggie/paper towel on the DVR method. Free heat!

Temp plays a big part of that as well Shed. Keep the temp around 78-80 and keep the paper towels damp and you should have some great success. One other thing you can start doing Shed, is scuffing the seed up a bit. A couple ways to do is to take a little vial and put a quarter inch of course sand in there and shake the seed up inside for 30 seconds to a minute. Sometimes seeds have a coating that protects it from water and if you can get rid of it, it will speed up the process as well as increase the success rate. The second way to do this is get some fine grit sandpaper and roll it up inside the vial and then drop the seed in it and shake around. The sandpaper will scuff it up a bit and remove that coating that can cause issues. The last way to do it is to take the seed and just rub ends of the seed lightly on either sand paper or something similar.
When you get to cloning, take twice as many as you think you need....especially your first go at it. My first round I was a 50% success (though I realized i screwed up and was to blame) and then the second was 100% at 10 for 10. Always better to have a selection to choose from than having to go with what survives.
Thanks for the great tip Van .
Oh total weight is 317 grams = 11.3 zips with a but load of trim that will be going to make oil and budder this weekend in my MB2
Not a huge haul but over 10X more with 2 less plants than my first grow. So I call that a success for me and my family :thumb:

Congrats on that harvest brother!!! Nothing to scoff at! Well done my friend!
Temp plays a big part of that as well Shed. Keep the temp around 78-80 and keep the paper towels damp and you should have some great success. One other thing you can start doing Shed, is scuffing the seed up a bit. A couple ways to do is to take a little vial and put a quarter inch of course sand in there and shake the seed up inside for 30 seconds to a minute. Sometimes seeds have a coating that protects it from water and if you can get rid of it, it will speed up the process as well as increase the success rate. The second way to do this is get some fine grit sandpaper and roll it up inside the vial and then drop the seed in it and shake around. The sandpaper will scuff it up a bit and remove that coating that can cause issues. The last way to do it is to take the seed and just rub ends of the seed lightly on either sand paper or something similar.

Thanks VS! I do fairly well germing seeds from sellers (I use a matchbox lined in sandpaper for my scarification, into a bowl of distilled water, and then into peat pucks directly under a CFL for warmth and light). The seeds I'm having trouble with are some mystery seeds from the husband of my wife's hairdresser. Two in the bowl I tossed after the fuzz, and the one on the DVR looks the same as it did two days ago, which was after 3 days in the bowl. Not a winner yet!
Thanks for the great tip Van .

Guess if I would have read the rest before responding, I would have seen you went the Dewey route for clones. LOL, forget everything I said.

On a side note....have you ever thought about moving to a perpetual type grow? Might be a little harder to keep up with in terms of a feeding schedule (think you are a coco grower if I remember correctly) but it would give you fresh harvests every so often (depending on how you set it up). I am moving to a perpetual so I can have a new strain every 2 weeks or so. My plan is to drop a new seed every two weeks, veg for about 8 weeks per plant and then have 4-5 plants in flower (roughly 2 weeks a part in the growth cycle). For me, I want to try different strains for myself and family members with different issues so it made the most sense. This way I can always swap a bean for a different strain if someone needs a certain ailment treated. I know you are growing just for your daughter and she might have already found a go to strain but if not, it would be a great way for you to produce new meds at a faster rate and experiment and find a go to.

The other thing about going perpetual is that if one bean doesn't pop, you still have all your other plants in various stages of growth to get you through.
Lmao, Stank.

Always great advice.

Kudos on the Harvest, Derb!! Truly a success!

P.S. Good luck on those seeds.

My impatience allowed all of the Nukeheads and NYC Diesel Auto to fail. Live and learn.
Lmao, Stank.

Always great advice.

Kudos on the Harvest, Derb!! Truly a success!

P.S. Good luck on those seeds.

My impatience allowed all of the Nukeheads and NYC Diesel Auto to fail. Live and learn.
Thanks Vex. Better than what I was hoping for so all is good there.
Yeh got me head scratchin right now on the new beans. It's all my fault as I can get taps but they won't pop out of the coco. Got temps at 72-78f and off the floor so... Just don't know but we'll get there I'm sure.
Thanks Vex. Better than what I was hoping for so all is good there.
Yeh got me head scratchin right now on the new beans. It's all my fault as I can get taps but they won't pop out of the coco. Got temps at 72-78f and off the floor so... Just don't know but we'll get there I'm sure.

If you start seeds with the Dewey please post it. I'd like to see how it's done!
Hey guys and gals. The guy who has been helping me with getting my daughter some meds with his outdoor grows has stated his first journal and would really like some input from you pros. All help would really be appreciated. He goes by sicivan. Thanks all
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