PotChimp's Side Projects

Go to Colorado make you a miniature hot air balloon about big enough to carry a bushel basket full of male pollen with a stick of dynamite in the middle remote ignite the stick of dynamite from the ground after it gets about a half mile high I'm just kidding if you live there and it happens it wasn't me :tokin:
I'm busier than a one lipped chimp in a butt kissin' contest that's not what I've been doin' though I'll try to get some pics up soon.
Dr. Grinspoon seedling:


Arjan's Ultra Haze #1 seedling:


I gotta go time's a wastin' muahmuahmuahmuah..... ;)
I got the light right on top of it :) Since it's only a 125 watt CFL I'll go three full weeks at 24/0 before I flip to 12/12. As soon as I get a few GDP plants repotted and put under my t5 setup I'm going to start the rest of that grow, which is three regular Sensi Seeds Super Skunk seeds, one feminised Seedism Seeds Hippie Killer seed, and one feminised Dr. Greenthumb C99 seed.
Five regular Old School Breeders Jamaican Lambsbread seeds are going in the soil about a month after that (my seeds got here), then I'll be continuing my Chem D v1.1 breeding project, JTR again, with Monster Seeds Association GG#4 regular seeds soon after.
The feeding method I'm using for bloom (1 Tbsp.of granular nutes per gallon of soil, then top dress the same amount 3-4 weeks later) is hit-and-miss at best for me. I top dressed all of these, but had to give them AN's Iguana Juice bloom formula two nights ago; they're all underfed. Here's both Candyland plants (smell of lyfe savurrs assorted fruit flavors):


Purple Dream (haven't smelled them yet):


This Bay 11 plant isn't doing the best:


Apollo 13 f2:


Vietnamese Mindfuck:


Mendocino Purple Kush (top of one plant; middle nugs of another plant):

So you're looking for consistency in bud development Pot Chimp? What do you see specifically that suggests to you that it's not yet stable?
So you're looking for consistency in bud development Pot Chimp? What do you see specifically that suggests to you that it's not yet stable?

The end look of the flowers; most of the plants should look exactly alike (if there's stability). The shade leaves have different trichome coverage on these different plants.
Dr. Grinspoon; 2 weeks of 24/0:


Arjan's Ultra Haze; 12 days of 24/0:


All three Super Skunk seeds and the C99 seed opened up and I put them in pots, but the Hippie Killer seed didn't. I lightly cracked it with a pair of needlenose pliers this morning and it seems to be opening up now. I'll have to be patient with that one.
Speaking of nifty ideas, I smoked a blunt yesterday and started thinking about something. If you could get a surface reflective enough to fully reflect a powerful laser beam, why don't they make a missile (bullet-shaped with a friction-free surface on the outside), put it inside of a long tube (friction-free surface on inside diameter), make the bottom of the missile a concave hemisphere coated with that reflective surface, and shoot a powerful laser beam into the missile (kind of like shooting a bullet from a rifle)? Or vice versa; a portable laser mounted inside of the missile and the bottom of the rifle tube having the concave reflective surface? I'd try it just to see if I could get it to go really fast if I had the money to make the $hit for it. :)

might ruffle a few more feathers than my hot air balloon idea though..... :straightface:
That reminds me of the superguns, like the Iraqi Babylon and our Project HARP. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I always thought it was kinda cool that you can actually shoot something into orbit, out of a barrel.

:slide: :bongrip:

Ever heard of the elevator? Out in orbit, the part holding the top of the cable is being pushed away by centrifugal force, holding it nice and tight. :cheesygrinsmiley: All ya need is a REALLY strong cable.
Dr. Grinspoon, 19 days of 24/0 under a 125 watt dual-spectrum CFL:


I think it did pretty well for being less than 3 weeks old; it has better branching than most plants I've started at 18/6. I'm going to put it in a five pot of SSM#4 Advanced today with 3 Tbsp. of Fruit & Flower, 2 Tbsp. of Bulb Food, and 5 Tbsp of Bat Guano (all Happy Frog granulars). Even though this Arjan's Ultra Haze #1 is only 17 days old I'm going to do the same to it:


I'm putting them both under a 600 watt HPS tomorrow after I take out both of my Mendocino Purple Kush plants tonight for chop.
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