PotChimp's Side Projects

... just wrote a check for $2500 to take down a diseased tree ... apparently my ride has a bad radiator in addition to the half-blown head gasket - was gonna sell it, now I have to fix the radiator first ... :hmmmm: ...

... dog's ok ... no skunks ... wife's still here so far ...

There's a possible chance that an eclipse might have maybe happened according to a partly confirmed source but don't quote me on that.

I watched it myself PotChimp. I can verify that it did, in fact, occur. :battingeyelashes:
Boy, these Apollo 13 f2 plants are thin:


Here's the tent they're in:


Vietnamese Mindfuck:

I'm not going to go with two gallon pots again they're too small and dry up too quick this GDP Seeds grow took a beating.


I tried to get all 3 Purple Dream main colas in the same pic:


But here's a closer pic of the one in back:


This one's in a bigger pot, but I transplanted it way too late.
Bay 11:


These Apollo 13 f2 main colas look nicer if I keep the plant down to one main branch and let it grow for a few weeks before bloom:


Both already over 2' tall :(
Arjan's Ultra Haze #1:


Dr. Grinspoon:


Two weeks of 24/0 instead of three next time.
Ahh so what :straightface: Money won't be a problem after I win the big jackpot tonight first I'm gonna build a solid gold two hundred foot tall naked statue of me posed like Kaptain Morgann in the middle of the island proud look of distinction on my face genitals cartoonishly overexaggerated* then I'm gonna get plastic surgery so I can look like the monopoly guy! :tokin:

* not that they would have to do that..... :bigblush:
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