ProfessorFlora's 10 Strain 200W LED Organic Soil Grow

Morning/afternoon/evening all! A couple of quick pics for now and then later I'll put individual pics of them all with a brief comment about their progress. They need watering now but I'm allowing for outs to dry that little bit more. I think that they are almost back to normal, obviously the damaged leaves won't recover so plants that have them don't look as good as they could but I'll remove all the bad looking growth just as soon as I'm sure that the ladies are healthy enough to handle it. Quick pic time....

Here are the little ones. They look great. I can't tell if they're indica or sativa just yet but I'm hoping for more indica leaning, it just my preference....

And this girl has turned up in the corner! A blueberry auto which doesn't want to flower. I'm going to observe her and possibly do some experimenting with her like try to clone her or see wether I can remove her from the pebbles and get her into soil. Should be interesting....
They all look happy..
Only extremely yellow, but healthy.. It is so weird...
They just want nutes now but I'm having to allow pots to dry out well before watering but they'll be having another dose of nutes shortly. I forget that soil takes longer for plants to respond. This time next week I bet they'll be twice the size and a beautiful green...don't mark my words lol :)
I do believe they will thrive, I have never seen this before... The Yellowing leaves should normally wilter and/or fall off... But here they act like all is normal.!
I've removed some by hand on a few of them. Purple chems leaves pretty much fell off on their own I barely pulled them and they just popped off. I think I'm being to kind with the nute so later I'm going to give them a full dose. Pots still aren't here but like I said yesterday, it's ok. The ladies aren't dying or losing leaves at an alarming rate or anything like that. Hopefully tomorrow will be transplant day lol.
Fingers crossed you get all your pots and you can up pot them all! They look to be rebounding now though so hopefully all continues that way !

Hope your well prof ! Happy Sunday !
Happy Sunday to you to Dutch! Indeed I am well. I haven't got out of my dressing gown all day! I just feed them so hopefully they'll continue to get better. I'm looking forward to training them a bit before flower. This little hiccup has cost me a weeks growth but there is still time for everything to fall into place. Hope you're well my friend :) States the DE will not harm worms or most beneficial microorganisms.
I'll check it out. I'm sure that I saw "slugs" on the pack I was looking at. Time for some revision :)
??? Maybe food safe version is finer??? Don't know if it would matter.
I just read that it is safe for worms but it has to be food grade. I also read that the worms are actually attracted to it and feed off it to help with their food digestion. Apparently the mucus covering them protects them from harm. Well happy days :)
I just read that it is safe for worms but it has to be food grade. I also read that the worms are actually attracted to it and feed off it to help with their food digestion. Apparently the mucus covering them protects them from harm. Well happy days :)
It contains only beneficial then. My plants could use a bit more silica.
You read the part about using a mask, right?
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