PW's First Attempt At Aeroponics & PS1000 LED

It would be an added bonus if some of the soft creamy banana odors influenced the bud odors and/or smoke flavors too!
06-23-17: 24 days since pistils first showed.

So what do the banana do in your room I have heard of putting the peel inside soil but never heard of them aging like that
Ethylene gas is a growth hormone that causes flowering plants to mature. Its also needed for female flowers to form. When we use sts or colloidal silver on female plants to make pollen sacs what they do s inhibit the plants ability to produce ethylene. Dr Ziggy and Sue have been playing around with bananas because they give off ethylene as they ripen. They're seeing more pistils form on their flowers which should mean more calyx. Bigger and denser flowers should be the result. I figured for $1.50 the bananas are worth a shot.
Tent is looking lovely and fully rocking with nugs.
Curious for the bannanas?
I use them also. But, why now?

Robert A. Nelson: Hemp Husbandry ~ Botany & Breeding (Ch 4)

And here's the part in the chapter that's relevant:

"Treatment of hempseed with ethylene gas will increase the resulting number of female plants by about 50%. Ethylene is produced by certain plants (i.e., bananas, cucumbers and melons), and these can be used to treat hempseed in a simple manner. About two weeks before you plan to sprout the seeds, place them in a paper bag or envelope and put that in a plastic bag with the peels of a ripening banana or cucumber. Replace the peels after a couple of days, and change the bags to prevent mold.-
Hempseed can be feminized while they are forming on the plant. Fruit peels are spread around the area for two weeks before the plants enter the flowering phase. Remove the skins when the plants begin to flower. Otherwise, treatment with Etephon will accomplish the same effect."

Check out that site, actually the whole thing is chock-full of good scientific information.--

I have tried Ethylene gas to speed up flower maturity.
It works but, you lose flower development time. Smaller yield.
Hope it helps!
Just an experiment at this point, i read that study on increasing female numbers with ethylene. Once this first bunch is finished ripening ill determine if it helped or not.
Re: PW's First Attempt At Aeroponics & PS1000 LED

I don't think bananas will be detrimental, but small amounts of ethylene gas are produced by Propane Co2 generators during start up from incomplete combustion of the propane. It's one of the reasons even a sealed room must be vented several times per day.

It can cause leaves to drop prematurely and prevent some plant yield.

Thanks for the info Shigs
Aright pw not been on in a couple of days my data ran out on both phones . to much research and advice on that forum were never off just stopping by to say hello and am alive if I disappear again it means my datas gone but I'll at least do one update a week on my journal av posted a teaser of my sourD on tom smiths journal of some of the pics to come so il let you see it here il let you see a few more from 2 days ago the all just being white/light green pistils all over to now swelling up and sucking a lot of juice up out my tank this is what I saw today
Also my filter should be fixed by the 29th if deliverys on time I've managed to maintain 60-70% humidity without it with rainy conditions outside high but it was 97% humidity in the air outside being at the sea side we get more humid weather as you expect ..

Sour d


I think this one was a branch off the untopped money maker that was once a dwarf lol

And this is my favourite shape I managed to create thru training though the long pistils are making me wonder if the buds will be very airy due to leaving it too long on the net with only about 3/4 a inch poking thru one of my squares to create a candy cane shape on a main colars off the topped money maker

Thought I'd update you and tom now incase I run out of data again before I go to do it tomorrow .. don't forget I love feed back .
Aright pw not been on in a couple of days my data ran out on both phones . to much research and advice on that forum were never off just stopping by to say hello and am alive if I disappear again it means my datas gone but I'll at least do one update a week on my journal av posted a teaser of my sourD on tom smiths journal of some of the pics to come so il let you see it here il let you see a few more from 2 days ago the all just being white/light green pistils all over to now swelling up and sucking a lot of juice up out my tank this is what I saw today
Also my filter should be fixed by the 29th if deliverys on time I've managed to maintain 60-70% humidity without it with rainy conditions outside high but it was 97% humidity in the air outside being at the sea side we get more humid weather as you expect ..

Sour d


I think this one was a branch off the untopped money maker that was once a dwarf lol

And this is my favourite shape I managed to create thru training though the long pistils are making me wonder if the buds will be very airy due to leaving it too long on the net with only about 3/4 a inch poking thru one of my squares to create a candy cane shape on a main colars off the topped money maker

Thought I'd update you and tom now incase I run out of data again before I go to do it tomorrow .. don't forget I love feed back .

Those flowers have a lot of building to do, they'll look far different in 3-4 weeks from now.
Your girls are coming on so quick what sort of boosters do you use to help speed up growth or you using docbuds hb I forgot lol had loads of stuff going on while I been away from here

Im using aero/dwc hydro. I use AN sensi ph perfect base nutes plus calmag, z7, mammoth p, big bud and carboload. Im running about 1200 ppm at the moment but will lower that just a bit.
I know they will I can't wait to see the next stage of transformation with my own eyes .. ahh I see dwc grows quicker than soil n coco anyway doesn't it, with you using leds an guessing you used the same equivalent in hps in the past since the switch what would you say the led has provided.. more yield same yield less yield,
Denser buds
Less nute problems
Or just for the speed I'm switching to led next time as you know but just trying to et as much info as I can before I go spending 500-1000 on 2 lights instead of just one more hps which I have a shroud for so only need ballast and bulb or use for mh sorry bout the essay my heads fried with questions thru not being on in a couple of days lol feel like I missed out on loads of info lol I can't even go thru my notifications I got too many so deleted them and have to go journal t journal one by one .
Lol ive used led for quite awhile now, i wont go back to hps. Hps probably has better yield overall but led produces dense frosty flowers. I wouldnt trade my perfect sun for anything.
Lol ive used led for quite awhile now, i wont go back to hps. Hps probably has better yield overall but led produces dense frosty flowers. I wouldnt trade my perfect sun for anything.

I've noticed tbh yield ain't everything unlike when I was first starting my focus was about yield then thru my journey I've started looking into the was to make turpenes or flavours what ever there called to you become more vibrant and I was hoping you was gonna say they make em more dense as I live me a rock solid bud and if I grow enough il not have to worry about yield as il have a constant flow iv been looking at the vipar spectrum i think there called can't remember if it was 400 or 600w I found but there supposed to be as good as hydro or not far off as I asked about the hydro with it being worth the price and a guy messaged me saying about the vipar which is cheaper but he's used both and not noticed much difference other than the veg growth but he said come to flower their basically pulling the same out of each clone he does :) plus there like a third of the price at 150 instead of 500 for the beautiful mars il probably end up with the hydros a couple grows down the line as I got a few people wanting me to teach them how to grow for a 50/50 stake on what ever I do for either a one off time if their capable of doing it on their own afterwards or il keep going with them till thy learn or stop . I love my new addiction it feed me knowledge which makes me more clever it keeps me out of trouble and when I got my first harvest done it will be saving me money not costing . what you think of the dwc too is it more complicated at first than soil to get your juice right for them I really want to switch my medium to dwc or coco next time too to add that extra challenge of learning new things, il be doing my self autos in soil in my tent after the tags off but il be doing a few crops 1 caravan 2 houses and possibly a attic so got a good bunch to learn off once there up n running just getting a good clone source ATM which I think I found thru the guy who sold me the pots of gold the other week as I saw him yesterday and he had strawberry couch which I heard about on here recently I think off feral and it sounded great anyway to cut this long story short a few of his mates grow and he said to let him know when I want clones and he's gonna hook me up so gonna get a few in the next week or two to test the sturdiness at my brothers cupboard grow straight from 12/12 once it's in soil will that be ok to test there good (taste and potency)
Actually i find hydro very simple, watch your temps and ph and make sure you have lots of oxygen in your rez or bucket and you'll be golden
Actually i find hydro very simple, watch your temps and ph and make sure you have lots of oxygen in your rez or bucket and you'll be golden

In the dwc they have like 8 holes for plants would that mean I could fit that many in or just one or two etc? Thanks for your time buddy yeah I mix my res ATM by hand 3-5 times a day and also blow loads of bubbles in between mixing don't know if it helps but I do it anyway lol il be getting pumps and stones for my next ones but this first ones been a learning curve ready for my future into making you lot proud of the training you'd give me ..
Tent is looking lovely and fully rocking with nugs.
Curious for the bannanas?
I use them also. But, why now?

Robert A. Nelson: Hemp Husbandry ~ Botany & Breeding (Ch 4)

And here's the part in the chapter that's relevant:

"Treatment of hempseed with ethylene gas will increase the resulting number of female plants by about 50%. Ethylene is produced by certain plants (i.e., bananas, cucumbers and melons), and these can be used to treat hempseed in a simple manner. About two weeks before you plan to sprout the seeds, place them in a paper bag or envelope and put that in a plastic bag with the peels of a ripening banana or cucumber. Replace the peels after a couple of days, and change the bags to prevent mold.-
Hempseed can be feminized while they are forming on the plant. Fruit peels are spread around the area for two weeks before the plants enter the flowering phase. Remove the skins when the plants begin to flower. Otherwise, treatment with Etephon will accomplish the same effect."

Check out that site, actually the whole thing is chock-full of good scientific information.--

I have tried Ethylene gas to speed up flower maturity.
It works but, you lose flower development time. Smaller yield.
Hope it helps!
Goood read tricam thanks man
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