PW's First Attempt At Aeroponics & PS1000 LED

I really think all of us over complicate things at times, its usually when we keep it simple that they thrive.

I just always try to experiment and try to up my yields and new methods of training and growing and some additives, like Co2 mammoth p earth juice hi bricks,
I use a Nutradip GrowBoss, same shit, different pile. But I agree PW, some of the best money I've spent on growing.
I just always try to experiment and try to up my yields and new methods of training and growing and some additives, like Co2 mammoth p earth juice hi bricks,
I agree that experiments are fun. Keep it simple. Let the plants talk to you. Just remember Nutrients are not food. They are vitamins. Light, CO2, and O2 are food. Figure out the equilibrium of balance for the strain growing. Have all environmental parameters in check. And, viola BEUTIFUL FAT GIRLS TO LOVE.
06-23-17: 24 days since pistils first showed.

Girls are looking awesome PW. I saw Sue was playing around with bananas in her grow. Thought about picking some up the next time I am in the store. If anything it will remind me to eat one when I wake up and check on the girls (generally the first thing I do in the morning...lets me check the lights, the environment, etc.) before I head downstairs. Keep us posted on if you notice anything new.
Hey pw im thinking about getting a perfect sun dwarf star in a month i hope.. wondering your opinion, would it be perfect for two plants in a 2x4x5? I know you have the better version but isnt that one half as good as the one you have? so it should handle two plants as well as yours handles four.

Really hoping it works out cause ive spent some time watching his vids and id like to contribute back to him in some way for that.. the info in his vids is invaluable. Plus getting a light that could grow buds like his is also invaluable lol.. he claims it can yield you up to 11 oz or more. Wow!
Hey pw im thinking about getting a perfect sun dwarf star in a month i hope.. wondering your opinion, would it be perfect for two plants in a 2x4x5? I know you have the better version but isnt that one half as good as the one you have? so it should handle two plants as well as yours handles four.

Really hoping it works out cause ive spent some time watching his vids and id like to contribute back to him in some way for that.. the info in his vids is invaluable. Plus getting a light that could grow buds like his is also invaluable lol.. he claims it can yield you up to 11 oz or more. Wow!

I can't speak from exact experience but from what I understand the ps500 is basically the equivalent of the dwarf star and I had that light in a 3 and 1/4 by 3 and 1/4 foot tent and it filled the tent but you could tell the edges just weren't getting quite the par you want, so if the dwarf star has a similar or same spread of light as the ps 500 I wouldn't recommend for a 4x4. Great for a 3x3 tho or maybe even use it in a 4x4 with the intent to add another one eventually.
PW's First Attempt At Aeroponics & PS1000 LED

Toasted, the only mistake we made was buying the MINI instead of the DS. I can live vicariously through you (am currently doing so with some others) if you get one so please I'm dying over here lmao. Already get to watch plants grow under PW's PS1k so U know we're thrilled lol
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