Recess Is Over - Now To Muck Up The Lesson

They all look the same.. if being critical, couple are bigger than the others and couple have a wider node spacing and longer branches. The resin not running down much of the fan leaf but is caked into the flowers. I'll try to get a shot when I find another spot to store a photo..
Yeah they would mate, for sure.. especially the clones.. just growing up with no real side branching at all..
You got it.. great for my tent, stick heaps in and grow singles..
They all look to be in that 8-9 week time frame..
jandre kush.. I counted back, day 50 today, lol.. looking good. im happy :rofl: little ones were never up potted,well they were but not into final pots.. I gave them a drink of ozi tonic, molasses based I'd say, plants didn't like it to much but made the flowers sparkle a little..









Does have a very upright nature to it doesn't it. Definately a SOG looking strain if you had a heap of clones. Looks good. Still like #2 which is #4 in these photos I think. Just seems that bit fatter... .
The one above it,number 1 and 3 (second last plant photo) are the fattest.. number 1 tops are 3/4 length of a 2lt cordial bottle and as thick as the skinny side of the bottle.. number twos got a nice structure, good looking plant.
Thanks ditchweed, appreciated..
Aussie, I see how the photo looks that way.. she photographs well that plant.. I needed to turn number three slightly, that tops fat..
Thanks dick.. I got to get my veg tent going again, meaning I need to feed the girls and get them growing again. Been slack with them, not wanting the tent to get to full on but it's gone the opposite and now I need some major growth in the next two weeks before I flip them..
If anyone can do it, you can my friend! 2 weeks is an ok amount of time to bring them back around. I to am guilty of letting things go sometimes, but I never let them die unless I choose so haha!
Malawi cobs anybody? Just read a dude saying he likes, alchemy, turning weed into lsd.. interesting.. worth a ounce donation to try...
Now wouldn't that be something. Must get that whole ounce of weed into 1 little dropper bottle or something?? Be like the Fear and Loathing movie all over again lmao! I will have to do some searching on that subject, I like the odd hallucinogen once in a while :)
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