Recess Is Over - Now To Muck Up The Lesson

The FF soil always runs hot, and there's no need for it. And the nutrients seem imbalanced for cannabis. When I used them years ago, it was near impossible to get a good flush. If you look around, a disproportionate number of growers using FF products have nasty issues. I'm a coco/GenHydro guy, so organics aren't my bailiwick. .

The flush is my concern. No matter how much water I put through my plants in the last 2 weeks I am always left with a funny taste. Not that it taste horrible but I smoke enough pot to know its not supposed to taste this way. And as far as hot dirt oceans forest is hot as shit for seedlings and cuttings. Whenever I used it I always cut it with promix. No I just stick with straight promix I amend my soils slightly with lime bone meal kelp meal garden tone etc.
The flush is my concern. No matter how much water I put through my plants in the last 2 weeks I am always left with a funny taste. Not that it taste horrible but I smoke enough pot to know its not supposed to taste this way. And as far as hot dirt oceans forest is hot as shit for seedlings and cuttings. Whenever I used it I always cut it with promix. No I just stick with straight promix I amend my soils slightly with lime bone meal kelp meal garden tone etc.

Try not feeding as much. Let the soil feed the plant so the minerals it contains, are used up. Depleted soil is what you want at finish, and that won't happen if you feed too much. Cut the feeds down in frequency and quantity and let her fade out. Otherwise, you'll get some nute flavor. No flushing required, other than just water/sugar for the last couple few weeks. :thumb: If you're pushing yield, maybe move to coco.
Interesting... To add a thought or two from the gallery,

I take a totally simple approach. I consistently use about 1/3 of what the bottle recommends, and only use the 3 Gen Hydroponics supplements (Grow, Micro, Bloom) plus some Cal/Mag. Don't even measure anymore, just add some now and then. Don't ask me why I don't want to go after a more complex and possibly more effective nute regimen because my rather unpopular answer is my buds are tasty and plenty stony and I don't want to think, or work, that hard.

They seem to be getting what they need and I never have a chem taste issue, even with only a final 7 day plain water flush.

Damn me, I'm a lazy grower. Maybe I should start using all those supplements and stuff...


Or, maybe not.

A lot of ways to grow weed but a green thumb is the most important supplement. IMHO.

Peace, Hyena
I love the honest conversation on here. I have used less and less nutes with my fox farms ocean forest and it seems the plants aren't as big bt do have a better taste and flavor after harvest. I do want to switch to a totally organic grow bt finding a formula that brings the best tasting terps out is my main concern. The yield and speed of hydro and coco would be good for commercial. Bt I'm growing for me and my family. For example i'd honestly rather harvest a pound of grade A+ every 80-90 days compared to a pound of A- every 60 days me the yield should come as I gain experience bt not if it will sacrifice the taste.
I love the The yield and speed of hydro and coco would be good for commercial. Bt I'm growing for me and my family. For example i'd honestly rather harvest a pound of grade A+ every 80-90 days compared to a pound of A- every 60 days me the yield should come as I gain experience bt not if it will sacrifice the taste.

"Yield and speed" don't necessarily automatically increase using coco/hydro. As a grower's efficiency improves, so do yields. Flowertimes vary by a number of factors, but if you have enough light/m2 & balanced nutrition you'll be spot on for the quickest finish times you can attain. As to quality, GenHydro/coco when managed correctly, I find, is more consistent & easy for the plants to manage and therefore superior to, organics. (Cue: faux outrage .)
It's funny; If I tell people the herb is GenHydro-grown, it's (sad hippie face) "I ONLY LIKE ORGANIC! *dry humps nearest tree* But if I tell the person it's "organic" the response is "This is fucking great! What's the method?" Really, it's mainly a prejudice built mainly in consumer ignorance. Back along, lots of shitty indoor hydro ("beasters" etc.) was exported from Canada & the "growers" (gangs) there over-fed shit like Advanced Nutrients (AN, "Canada's Cannabis Joke on the world lol!) & didn't flush-and over the years & zillions of pounds grown, a prejudice against "hydro weed" slowly took shape.
The best way to get superior plant performance is to feed the plant exactly what it needs, when it needs it, and nothing more. And (@ least) to me, I can ultra-fine tune the nutrient regimen so the plant gets everything it needs, and nothing it doesn't, so it can be the best it can be. And it is.
A friend of mine has been growing many years. Many. And he's BIG on organics. But recently he's (fucking finally!) conceded that the best overall results do not come from solely OMRI organic sources. I've watched him run through, idk, maybe 25 different nutrient regimens. And organic did some pretty plants, but if it's pretty but smokes like shit then it's into the hash bags or into the wood chipper it goes. And it did. Delicious "organic" finishes were the exception, not the rule. And this guy knows his shit regarding cannabis & plant nutrition/science. So, there's that to consider.

Ok, ☕
I'm in all organic, using some plastic organic nutrients.. prefer to grow outdoors in the earth.. grown coir perlite.. best I've smoked was grown hydro.. genetics biggest factor to getting the goodness, then not abusing it, not matter what it's growing in.
I'm in all organic, using some plastic organic nutrients.. prefer to grow outdoors in the earth.. grown coir perlite.. best I've smoked was grown hydro.. genetics biggest factor to getting the goodness, then not abusing it, not matter what it's growing in.

I would disagree that genetics are the biggest factor. I believe the absolute most important factor is the grower. I can do things with the same strains my friends have that they can't
I agree there's better growers than others but the best can only get the best the certain plant has too offer, which better genetics have more to offer, is all I mean..
I would disagree that genetics are the biggest factor. I believe the absolute most important factor is the grower. I can do things with the same strains my friends have that they can't

Shit genetics are shit.
But shit genetics grown by shit growers are an abomination.
Shit genetics grown by a good grower, are still shit-they're just grown well.
What 99.9999% of today's new growers don't understand, and need to learn, is the process of selection for superior (target) traits. Huge misconceptions today, are A) by buying feminized seeds, the breeder has already made a superior selection for you, and B) That a femmd seed is a "carbon copy" of the P1 mother it came from. That's not how at all how feminized seeds work. The only hard & fast "benefit" of feminized seeds, is that they're (allegedly) female. Me, I think femmd seeds suck & I want nothing to do with them. No elite/heirloom clones that I'm aware of are derived from intentionally feminized seeds, & there's a reason for that. If it's not absolutely world class, I don't have time to waste. But I'm in the minority, I'm blessed to have access to killer genetics that most don't.

Ok, ☕
Shit genetics are shit.
But shit genetics grown by shit growers are an abomination.
Shit genetics grown by a good grower, are still shit-they're just grown well.
What 99.9999% of today's new growers don't understand, and need to learn, is the process of selection for superior (target) traits. Huge misconceptions today, are A) by buying feminized seeds, the breeder has already made a superior selection for you, and B) That a femmd seed is a "carbon copy" of the P1 mother it came from. That's not how at all how feminized seeds work. The only hard & fast "benefit" of feminized seeds, is that they're (allegedly) female. Me, I think femmd seeds suck & I want nothing to do with them. No elite/heirloom clones that I'm aware of are derived from intentionally feminized seeds, & there's a reason for that. If it's not absolutely world class, I don't have time to waste. But I'm in the minority, I'm blessed to have access to killer genetics that most don't.

Ok, ☕

I could always use a couple beans of something no one will ever have.....
Yes, having access to killer genetics that most don't, yep, I'd agree, your blessed.. and I think I remember you saying your in a legal state.. hope there's not too much salt left in that packet :rofl::rofl:
Hey Skunky I wish you wouldn't hold back your feelings. :)

Seriously, I love the fact that cannabis is so resilient and full of life almost anybody can grow it a myriad of ways and get buds they are happy with.

Obviously I can't compare my golf game to a pro, but I'm pretty darn good at my level. So it is with growing.

I love this forum because you hear and often see the results of a variety of methods and philosophies. I learn a lot. And in the end we all get high.

Great discussions always. Grizz your thread rocks.

Peace, Hyena
Hey Skunky I wish you wouldn't hold back your feelings. :)

Seriously, I love the fact that cannabis is so resilient and full of life almost anybody can grow it a myriad of ways and get buds they are happy with.

Obviously I can't compare my golf game to a pro, but I'm pretty darn good at my level. So it is with growing.

I love this forum because you hear and often see the results of a variety of methods and philosophies. I learn a lot. And in the end we all get high.

Great discussions always. Grizz your thread rocks.

Peace, Hyena

Learning is the game plan when we decided to sign onto the forum isn't it? After all that's why I came. I had questions my friends and my local growers couldn't answer. This forum lets me pick the brains of the people trying all kinds of crazy stuff all around the globe. I left grasscity about 4 months ago and since joining this forum I feel tapped back in. My knowledge goes up ten fold because at any second I can think something up and get some input from someone else who has tried it or implements it daily.

When legalization hits nationwide there's going to be people growing shit weed. And there's going to be people holding nugs in time magazine.
I want to be that guy. And you can get ten years experience just by being friends with the right people on here that are doing things slightly different.
What's up GrizzWald... Was wondering around checking out your grow and thought would take a moment to say hello.. The Purple Dream looks really nice, I'm sure most of us would love to have some cold weather right now... Beautiful plant.. I would like to say I'm all caught up on your journal bit it's huge and I don't have that kinda time.. Just wanted to say hi and attempt to turn these lemons in to some thc infused lemonade.:thumb:
:rofl::rofl: nobodies got the time to read this one :rofl: and I feel sorry for those that try :rofl::rofl: conversations are plenty and varied, the photos are a pain to take and lacking :rofl: all good man, anything you can add is appreciated, make a statement that we can talk or debate.. thanks for not trolling, that's not me either..:passitleft:
So I'm at work, open jacket pocket, $75 didn't know I had, open the other one 4grams in a bag I didn't realise I had :rofl::rofl:
Jandre, yes you do :rofl::rofl:
Do you want to build a snowman?
Or ride our bikes around the halls
I think some company is overdue
I've started talking to
the pictures on the walls
(Hang in there, Joan!)
It gets a little lonely
All these empty room
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