Rifleman's Roost Open 24/7: Perpetually Perplexed

My SSDC 40oz aquarium gravel hempy. I believe the roots were hit with rot early on as a result of a recycled coco/perl/verm cap and not using h2o2 from the begining. I think i will get an okay yield for the pot size. Not a monster by any means but boy does she smell amazing.

Wow, you could pack a lot of those into a grow tent. Would require strong air circulation, of course, and feeding/watering would be a chore.
Wow, you could pack a lot of those into a grow tent. Would require strong air circulation, of course, and feeding/watering would be a chore.

That's what I was thinking. Pack them in tight by setting the bottles in a 4ft diameter kiddie pool. That'll take care of one watering problem, spillage :D and maybe offer enough stability to work.
Thought I would stop by and show off a lil bit.
That is my fortune, my misfortune comes in the form of...
That is my DDA at 12 weeks. The whole main had to go... only took 3 days of ventilation trouble.

It sucks that you got mold. Use it for a learning moment though. Daily checks and immediate response to problems.
It sucks that you got mold. Use it for a learning moment though. Daily checks and immediate response to problems.
Bearings went out on my extraction fan. Took 3 days for a replacement to arrive... on the bright side I did learn to not wait til the last minute to do maintenance, and the majority of my seeds were mature. Overall a success. Probably lost 5 grams dry weight and maybe 50 seeds, I will never know because that stuff went straight to the dumpster.

The next DDA (Sensimilla) is just finishing stretch and my stunted SSDC is 5-6 weeks from finish. That girl is stinky
Man.... I got a DDA out in the swampy rains at this exact moment.... gotta get her down.

I find that fans usually give strange sounds as the bearing die. If you can see the blades of the fan, you'll them slow down too.
1,2,3,4,5,6.... yes... I have 6 fans working at this exact moment and I've been doin that for many a moon now... Tead knows him sum fans.
After reviewing her trichs, I took her down. A DDA report from deep in the swamplands.

She grew pretty slowly in the heat and mostly stopped growing for a couple of weeks while the heat was on. I think that time might have coincided with some early bud building time and I kind of just lost out on that core bud development.
Then, as she got older, she started shooting out the foxtail growth. I let her run out a good bit to build out those foxtails figuring that if I couldn't get the thick core buds, I'd enjoy me some foxtails.
Heat's down... I should drop more.
Man.... I got a DDA out in the swampy rains at this exact moment.... gotta get her down.

I find that fans usually give strange sounds as the bearing die. If you can see the blades of the fan, you'll them slow down too.
1,2,3,4,5,6.... yes... I have 6 fans working at this exact moment and I've been doin that for many a moon now... Tead knows him sum fans.
Seems to me my laziness got to me. I was sure that fan had a little more life in it, oh boy was I wrong. The night I ordered my new extraction fan the squeal in my old fan was Audible outside of my apartment. I imagine the downstairs neighbors were loving me. This new one sounds like a white noise machine, I should probably buy an extra one
Hmmmmm.... Old Webster might have that as one of it's definitions for the word 'Wisdom'.

It took me a while, but I have back ups for every piece of equipment. There is great piece of mind in knowing one is prepared for the unexpected. :smokin:
I am perpetually in need of more lights. Not that mine don't do the trick. But I had a similar occurrence (to the fan situation) where my lights started dropping one by one. I had to hastily make a large purchase and replace my entire setup. Budget is always a problem in my world...
I solved the light bulb problem. COB led's. I should see 50K hours out of them. :cool:
Carbon filters are my bane. I get one effective season out of them. The second season I'm not answering the door for anyone, and I won't try to use one longer. :(
I solved the light bulb problem. COB led's. I should see 50K hours out of them. :cool:
Carbon filters are my bane. I get one effective season out of them. The second season I'm not answering the door for anyone, and I won't try to use one longer. :(

Really? I've been using the same one for the past three years. It's possible I just don't smell them, but I don't think that's the case. Of course, I always had some blooming out in the open, making it hard to determine who all was contributing to the smells. Lol!

Hmmmm.... an unexpected expense that I probably should have expected. I'll be saved initially in that I won't have any in flower when I start up, but you have me considering the purchase of a replacement Lucas. :battingeyelashes:
Don't worry... there's about to be a lot of carbon filters in your world.
I'd been wondering how long they might last. I got extra big ones thinking they might last longer.

Good to know. Mine's a Can33, purchased to filter my 4x4. Geez.....wish I had someone to leave that tent with. That sucker is heavy!
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