RK's Radical - Soil - White Widow - CFL - 12-1 Lighting - Grow Journal - 2016

Flower Day 25

My first noticed triches coming in. I can imagine another 4-6 weeks to so these are really juvenile buds. Hmmm..could I get busted not only for the contraband plants, but also for child-bud pornography? :thedoubletake:


Looking good!
Very impressive RK, I wanted to do a lot more defoliating on my plants but was afraid to try it. I waited a bit to long to start flowering so as tall as mine are I think I might have to get rid of some more fan leaves. My plants just started week two of flowering. How many weeks in before its to late to defoilate?

Defoliation is an advanced growing technique that you should fully understand before attempting it with your own plants. I read intensively about it before deciding to use it on my current grow.

I can direct you to a very useful description of the process by a very successful practitioner of the technique, but this forum doesn't allow direct links to outside websites.

Here's what you do. Copy the following text and past it into a Google search:

(Experienced Growers Only) Controversial Defoliation Increases Marijuana Yields

The article should appear as one of the first links. READ ALL OF THIS! Near the bottom of the article you'll come across this information about the author of the article:

"Keef Treez "The Defoliator" has run several threads on -----.com, Overgrow, and CannabisWorld which continue to be very popular and controversial even years after they were created, receiving millions of hits. He is located in a beautiful high country area where he legally provides as a caregiver. View his thread about defoliation on -----.com:"

Since I can't copy and post the subsequent link here...find it in the post I pointed at and follow it to the conversation. READ THAT TOO! There were several hundred pages of conversation before the thread got shut down, and Keef Treez most left the conversation after the first 55 or so pages, but the first couple dozen pages gave me the information I needed to make the decision to add this technique to my grow right at the beginning of the lighting switch from veg to flower.

Anyone who is fairly confident in their gardening experience (any gardening experience) should be able to understand and implement this technique, but confidence in your own growing experience is paramont to success.
I have visited this site many times and am sure I have read this post before After revisiting it I have a little more confidence in my understanding of how it works. I am going to start some more defoliating tomorrow and see how it goes. Thanks for the information.
Calling this "Flower Day 35" can be misleading since I imagine there are multiple interpretations as to when "Flowering" starts. I've chosen to place Day 1 at the lighting switch.

In retrospect I think the current state of the grow has verified my earlier assumption that I could have let these plants veg for another couple weeks before making the switch, so I'm filing that away to experience learned and will apply it, as well as a ton of other stuff I've learned on this grow so far to the three AK-47's that are just starting out....14 days since sprout. I'll be starting a journal on those three ladies in a few days.

Some of what I'm doing is probably unique to a CFL grow since when the lights are lowered into place, there is less than an inch between the tubes and some of the tallest buds. That can't be done with any other type of lighting, and why the scrog and defoliation techniques are being used to maximize the amount of prime light that is hitting all the bud sites. The furthest any bud site is from a tube is probably about 8 inches which is likely still too far for best results. The canopy is not as even as I would have hoped, but not terrible for a first attempt.

I never saw a significant stretch after the switch to flower lighting. Perhaps that has something to do with the defoliating, or perhaps that is due to the 12-1 lighting routine I used during veg. I've read in separate threads on these two topics that each may lead to a reduced stretch in flower. I can't attribute this lack of stretch to either technique at this point, but I'm reporting it as a result.

One nice benefit of the defoliation routine is that over the past 4 weeks I've harvested about 12 oz. wet fan leaves that when dried, resulted in 3 oz. of dried leaf that yielded 8 oz of some very nice canabutter. One teaspoon of this used to make a cup of Bhang, and I'm medicated for the entire evening. It takes about an hour to kick in fully but very nice mellow but alert experience. No couch-lock at all.

Yep... NO stretch for you this round.
Yesterday I was looking at the comments on SeedFinder for how much stretch for Pineapple Express: No comment(NC), NC, 250%, NC, 50%, 115%, NC, 85% .
In my experience, the faster they flower, the less they stretch. When I have run 16/8 veg and/or 11/13 flower, the stretch has been minimal
You have a nice looking sea of green, for those little pots and that fast a veg - you are looking great !
How did you handle the smell of it was it over powering?

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How did you handle the smell of it was it over powering?

Ah yes the lovely smell.

Well so far I haven’t been able to smell it outside the basement room in which it is growing.

Here is another place where my setup tends to stray from the most typical of setups. A great many people grow in enclosed tents with HID lighting that requires significant heat venting which presents the opportunity to introduce in-line carbon filtering to eliminate the smells in the enclosed space.

As you can see from my images, I’ve scrabbled much of this grow together from items I’ve had on-hand, and it sits in a 5’ x 8’ nook in a basement room that is approximately 20x30 x 7 feet tall. It’s obviously not sealed off from the rest of the room.

Since I’m running an entirely CFL grow, I have no heat removal issues at all. When I was looking for an alternative to standard carbons scrubbers attached to in-line fans, I stumbled into a small family run outfit called Foothill Carbon Filters who sell their products on ebay. They sell all-in-one carbon filters that incorporate a fan with the filter, with the added benefit that the carbon is easily re-fillable. Normally these air filters stand upright in the center of the grow area, but I’ve slung mine from the ceiling just outside my grow area, and I only need to run it a couple hours a day to completely remove the smell from the entire room.


Day 50 Flower

Ok, so it's been a couple weeks. It's been mostly routine duties and watching trichomes develop and change. Not exactly the riveting stuff of journal reporting. In fact, my AK-47 second grow has been more interesting during the past couple weeks. I suppose evaluating trichome changes from clear to cloudy is not exactly easy the first time around. I sometimes have a hard time just trying to get everything to stay still while looking at it through a 60x loupe. Those little suckers are tiny!

I decided to harvest this crop in waves to sample the different stages of trichome evolution. Today at day 50 I found a number of buds that have developed more quickly than the rest of the grow. They are mostly milky, maybe 10 percent still clear, and just a random amber one here and there. It looks like the harvest window is just opening. Most of the crop is still more than half clear so I'll keep an eye on things from day to day and make decisions keeping notes on what was harvested when and in what state of development. I stopped adding nutes at the beginning of the week and will just be using tempered tap water from here to the end. The soil should have plenty in it to finish things out. I'm also down to 9.25 hours light per day.

The scent is heavenly and deep!!! It almost reminds me of walking in a white pine forest after a gentle rain, though a bit muskier with overtones of juniper. There is also a vague citrus element going on. (Yeah I make my own wine too so I have something like a trained nose.) :slide:

Never having grown The Lady Jane before, I'm wondering if someone with a good deal of experience with White Widow might let me know what tactile characteristics a well-developed WW bud possesses.

Here are three fat ones and a detail.




There are lots of 'White Widow' strains - I have grown one of them, but it's probably not he same strain as your white widow. In about 2 dozen plants from 5 different seeds, I don't remember any of my White Widow foxtailing. (I have had AK-47 and other strains foxtail.) You have some nice foxtailing going on there.

One idea I have about the foxtailing is to let the buds stay until AFTER all the new pistils have stopped forming. You will never catch the trichomes at a perfect level because there are many different ages. If you wait a week or two after you think they are all perfectly ripe, you will get fatter buds and a larger harvest.
Thanks for the nod Rider. :thanks:

A McGuyver'ed setup is what I needed. This is probably going to be a two grows and out location. I may have to be moving by late spring. Hopefully the AK's coming up now will finish out in time. Right now this WW grow is just beginning it's 9th week in flower. As Radogast suggested above, I've allowed the progress of the flowering to continue. It is said that far more weed is harvested too early than is harvested too late. It would appear that suggestion may be true of my first very small harvest that dried in a week to just over 23 grams.

Looking at the buds above that were harvested a little over a week ago and looking at the remaining growing buds right now, it does appear that they are fattening up...as in the multiple foxtails are getting longer. At least it seems that way. When I look at the buds today as opposed to last week, it seems that the sugar leaves are less apparent near the tops of the buds. I think they may be getting covered up by the expanding foxtailing. I'll try to remember to take some more bud shots tomorrow when I water again. Yellowing is beginning to become more apparent on some plants while a couple remain almost totally green.

Has anyone else seen WW foxtail? Ever since Radogast mentioned it I've tried to read all I can about it and frankly I'm just resigned to take these to harvest, keep documenting it and see what happens with the followup AK-47 grow. I'm making only subtle changes to my technique for that grow so as to see how small changes might spawn better results. Already that grow is more advanced than this one was at 6 weeks, and I'm certain those bad boys have a much better root structure due to the double transplant with healthy root systems at each move. No apparent transplant shock for them nor over watering mistakes as yet, but I digress.........:oops:

I think for a noob like me it actually is fun to watch the grass grow. :yahoo:
I'm sort of at a loss to understand how much longer to wait here on Day 58 of flower.

For those that are just tuning in, I'm measuring my Day 1 of flower from the day I flipped the switch from the 12-1 cycle to the gradually decreasing 11-13 cycle. It only took about three days from the day of the lighting switch for my ladies to start exhibiting the start of flowering behavior. The seed seller lists

"Flowering period: Average (60 days)" --- yeah, 60 days from when???

From all I've read, very generally speaking, those who run an 18-6 lighting routine for veg, and then abruptly switch to a 12-12 cycle for flower witness at least two commonly reported behaviors.

  • A significant delay in the transition from veg to flower, (commonly a week or more while the plant "makes up its mind").
  • A significant stretch during "the flowering period".
There is an uncommon range of ideas, and there appears to be no objective standard by which one may reliably benchmark and report the start of flowering. Frankly it would be really helpful if it became common to report specific benchmarks so that reliable comparisons can be made. Plus or minus a week isn't helpful.

"Well, yeah, I looked at 'em this morning and they seemed to have some fuzzy hair things but not really sure, and oh yeah, I switched the lighting over a little while ago, maybe last week, and tomorrow I'll check 'em again, and maybe I'll see something different than what I'm seeing right now, 'cause I just smoked a bowl and the light in here is really too orange...or wait, is that purple, or wait, I heard someone call that color "blurple" cause they are LEDs not HIDs and I'm really just not in the mood to...<ad infinitum>..."

Get the picture? :laugh: (like we all haven't been there at some point!)

So anyway, I've got a lot of buds that are snowy but show no signs of amber trichomes. Rado has indicated that he thinks my buds are foxtailing. I'm not certain about that since I've never had my hands on a live bud before. Now I'm looking at these and after having trimmed about a half dozen stalks I think it's possible that what Rado was seeing before as foxtailing might just have been multiple buds with very short internodal spacing and presenting the appearance of one bud when in fact there are several closely stacked together.

Here are some more pix from today:





And 3/4 of the story so far....:


Then again, we go back to the idea that I've never had my hands on a live Mary bud before so I don't know beans, or buds, or anything else for that matter here amongst the much more experienced.....LOL

Today I did harvest three small branches with buds that exhibited about 1-2% amber trichomes. Sorry no bud porn of those today.

Do I really need to wait for amber? This grow seems to have stalled a bit. Is that normal?

------yeah, the guy asking for normal when he's deviated from every known tradition--------

"It takes a crowd to mine the most accurate truth"
Hey RK how's it growing ?

Relax, breathe and think. Many a first grow have reduced from what could have been. Check out the "how to grow marijuana" sticky, there's lots on harvest, drying and curing... but

Trichomes show us what we need to know, 30x magnifying lens recommended.

Clear stalks and heads are high in THC but low in CBD and CBN.

As these degrade over time they change in colour and chemical composition.

First clear but translucent, then milky, to Amber. The more they degrade the less THC the more CBD and CBN.

It's more personal preference on exactly WHEN by Trichomes to get a heady high or more of a sedative buzz.

Generally when 70% are milky and 30% Amber is the "perfect" time to harvest.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using 420 Magazine Mobile App

First off You have done a great job

Second: Your samples are a good idea and they look like they will be a sweet smoke.


Third: I've been hoping my 'foxtailing' advice wasn't wrong - but waiting is what I would do and have done.

enough with the numbering :)

58 days is a little over 8 weeks. Despite what you see on breeder websites, most people like to harvest non-auto hybrids between 8-10 weeks.

So you are right there buddy. You are in that magical 8-10 week range. This is where all those bold words you said come into effect.

Are you too early? No. If you harvested 10 days ago, it would have been a mistake. You would have been disappointed by the quality.

Are you too late? No. You are not heavy into amber and you still have new white smooth pistils among the nice orangey curly pistils. You have good quality buds.

You are now dancing with your preferences :

Do you prefer earlier harvests? Most people experience these as a racier high. Some people panic. Some people get a bit psychedelic.

Do you prefer later harvests? Most people experience more couch lock. The high may be shorter or longer. The taste may be milder and sweeter. The yield may be 10-15% higher.

What are the signs of harvest? (to my knowledge) new pistil formation stops, trichomes change colors, buds stop swelling, water usage suddenly declines.

It would be great to have a clear answer - but there is no formula for you, only guidelines for growing for others. According to these guidelines you are getting close to harvest. You are in the harvest window of 8-10 weeks.

You are in a dance with your cannabis crop. How do you like to dance? How does your partner like to dance?

Can anyone else really tell you what dance to dance with your White Widow?

Is the 'wrong' dance really a mistake if you enjoy dancing?
Why thank you Grebs, though I have to admit that my day-job is all about working with a camera. It has been that way for nearly 30 years. I've done both analog film and digital chip image crafting.

I can only imagine the reason that the world calls both of these paradigms "photography". I suspect it is because both types of images start with a lens that focuses light. Beyond that, analog and digital are vastly different.

At any rate, I think that giving everyone the best possible visual representations, is just as important as choosing the most accurate words in describing what I'm trying to do.

A wise man once suggested to me that speaking is only half as important as listening, and then when listening, one must always try to imagine what the speaker must have been experiencing at that moment he or she put out the words that they chose to use, if one wants to come even close to understanding the meaning of the speaker's intent.
RK, First off You have done a great job

Thanks for the response, Rado... I appreciate your encouragement.

I'm in a strange place right now. A lot of things are pulling at me from different directions, and a few of these include the idea that getting caught with this many plants under cultivation here would put me in prison.

I'm between a rock and a hard place since I've got a follow-up AK-47 grow (see my sig) that I'd like to be able to put to cure before April 16th, but will require this here growing space to finish vegging and then be put to flower ASAP.

I'll be posting progress photos on the AK grow tomorrow, but I digress...

I'm probably going to have to short the harvest window on either this grow or the AK-47 grow or perhaps both in order to accommodate a real estate agent.

I'm planning on putting this place on the market on May 1 and that means having all evidence of my current hobby, finished and put out of view. Plants will only yield to my will to a mild extent. Beyond that, I have to accept the gifts they give at the moment I've chosen to accept them.

At this moment, given the time constraints listed above, I've chosen to chop the largest, and fattest of these WW buds tomorrow up to what I perceive to be half the crop. I'll wait one week and then harvest the balance of the crop and replace them with the 3 AK 47 plants I have vegging under another area.

That's the plan at this point. I'll make photos along the way.

Happy Day!
Thanks for the response, Rado… I appreciate your encouragement.

I’m in a strange place right now. A lot of things are pulling at me from different directions, and a few of these include the idea that getting caught with this many plants under cultivation here would put me in prison.

I’m between a rock and a hard place since I’ve got a follow-up AK-47 grow (see my sig) that I’d like to be able to put to cure before April 16th, but will require this here growing space to finish vegging and then be put to flower ASAP.

I’ll be posting progress photos on the AK grow tomorrow, but I digress...

I’m probably going to have to short the harvest window on either this grow or the AK-47 grow or perhaps both in order to accommodate a real estate agent.

I’m planning on putting this place on the market on May 1 and that means having all evidence of my current hobby, finished and put out of view. Plants will only yield to my will to a mild extent. Beyond that, I have to accept the gifts they give at the moment I’ve chosen to accept them.

At this moment, given the time constraints listed above, I’ve chosen to chop the largest, and fattest of these WW buds tomorrow up to what I perceive to be half the crop. I’ll wait one week and then harvest the balance of the crop and replace them with the 3 AK 47 plants I have vegging under another area.

That’s the plan at this point. I’ll make photos along the way.

Happy Day!

It's not too early to harvest your White Widow..

We did that business with the realtor last year. Lucky for us, it was a state legal medical grow so I shut down and cleaned up the veg area and left the flower area behind a locked door. We sold the house with 7 plants in bloom and harvested before closing.

More scary was when the furnace and the water heater both needed replacement within 6 feet of an active veg room and flower room.

I wouldn't worry too much. My AK47 were always the fastest growers in the garden :)
OK Dude...so here we go. I'm dreaming of all the Canabutter I'll be making from the trim, and all the various styles of Bhang I'll be testing out in the very near future!

Curiously enough, I've been wondering if there is a difference in the potency of canabutter depending on whether or not one uses cured bud/sugar leaf trim or not? Most of what I've read about curing bud revolves around the idea of how it makes for a better smoke. Some have suggested that it increases potency, but I'm not seeing science to support that contention.

The taste and smell of a smoke are subjective ideas and I have my own anecdotal evidence to support the idea that age matters in this area. But as far as potency?????????

Can someone point us at the science of curing that would support or deny increased potency?

......................>>>>>>>>>>................... :thanks:

Lacking any supporting science, I'm tempted to go straight ahead making my canabutter and canacoco oil straight from the freshly harvested trim.
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