Rookie Start At A Perpetual Garden

Ya i have just a crappy dome its a jiffy one from wally fart.

In order to get humidity up in my dome i have it positioned about 6-8 inches from a cfl and keep it out of the direction my fan blows. Btw the light my clones receive is in direct lighting. I dont open my dome unless it has barely any condensation then when that happens i open it spray the tray lightly then i spritz the dome then put it back on and put into my grow box again lol. Not even trying to boot you in the ass more like provide a gentle guiding hand because I wanna see you succeed :thumb:

Aww man thanks Lexort this is an awesome reference and exactly what I needed..... Your just too nice of a guy, esp to pass down a chance to kick a Noob in the butt! I m just about to go down and check on things since yesterday's 3 ringed circus.... I swear I can hear that circus music in the back of my head everytime I try something new! Lol. Your gentle ( make sure I spell that right) guiding light is always appreciated and respected here, keep it coming buddy!:circle-of-love:
wow budz,, you gettin help from the best there is in 420 land,, great helpers, all of em,, cheers to em all,,:cheer:,, they knows who they is,, :Namaste:

just a mention about training autos,, i saw you mention it elsewhere,, seriously,, no mystery to autos,, and this is from a rookie too,, i have mauled em, beat em, bent em, broke em, insulted em, grounded em, neglected em, topped em, bottomed em, you name it, i done it to em,, :high-five:

and guess what???

they love it,, ask for more they do,, beg even,, seriously tho,, no mystery there at all seems to me,, obviously,, the further along in life they are, the less one messes with em,, but, get em early and they love you for it,, seems to me anyway,,

cheers pal,, great job,, as to the cloning,, takes practice is all,, imo, a bubble or aero cloner is the ultimate, or a fog cloner,, things to read up on on your journey,, cheers pal,, :Namaste:

edit,, found a pic,, just an example of an auto i have molested,,

Hahaha Nivek your a riot dude, I ve always been under the impression that those buggers were more persnickety then an angry wife!:bitingnails::sorry::scratchinghead: So what's the deal with those suckers then, do they stunt out or just keep with their stride when you mess with em??? When training then,aka/get jiggy with, does it change when it flowers and do you have any control at all over when they flower?I just can't wrap my head around their abilities and potential, esp if you see 200 and 400 gram promises from the seed dealers per plant!? What am I missing out on man..... Wow.
Better let "buddy" know, once again, I was talking out my ass when I told him to take er easy on those auto S..... I find there is an acception to every single rule out there, and here I figured everything was "cut and dry" in this game, wrong! Hahaha:volcano-smiley: Thanks though for setting me right, I DO feel dumb for offering advice on something I ve just read up on and never done myself, but honestly it just Spurs more interest in the topic having your wicked words of wisdom!:thumb:
wow budz,, you gettin help from the best there is in 420 land,, great helpers, all of em,, cheers to em all,,:cheer:,, they knows who they is,, :Namaste:

just a mention about training autos,, i saw you mention it elsewhere,, seriously,, no mystery to autos,, and this is from a rookie too,, i have mauled em, beat em, bent em, broke em, insulted em, grounded em, neglected em, topped em, bottomed em, you name it, i done it to em,, :high-five:

and guess what???

they love it,, ask for more they do,, beg even,, seriously tho,, no mystery there at all seems to me,, obviously,, the further along in life they are, the less one messes with em,, but, get em early and they love you for it,, seems to me anyway,,

cheers pal,, great job,, as to the cloning,, takes practice is all,, imo, a bubble or aero cloner is the ultimate, or a fog cloner,, things to read up on on your journey,, cheers pal,, :Namaste:

edit,, found a pic,, just an example of an auto i have molested,,


Reps+++ for that my friend!
After some wonderful advice and schooling I think there might be the proverbial light going off over my head now.:idea::thanks: Looks like Return of The Living Dead around here today.... Woohoo!:goof::yahoo::woohoo::party::party::peacetwo::thanks:


From this:rip::wood:


Thanks to some dead on tips and advise from some super awesome people this Rookie might just be a Cloner:thumb: You guys are the best!:circle-of-love:
Yes sir, things are on the Up and Up here today, gees that's a nice feeling hey:circle-of-love: That epic moment when the Phoenix arises from the ashes, you know in slow-mo like in the movies...... Or maybe not such a triumphant situation here but I can't deny the awesome feeling a person gets from seeing positive progress after a shit show!:Namaste:

Here are the Baby Birds all lined up after a water and feeding. Man I love em when they are just coming into their own, that symmetrical clean pure structure..... It gets harder and harder to lay hands on and abuse these gorgeous ladies! I did just top the two young Jabbas last night but I think I ll leave the white widow alone, she looks too me like one of those cute emo-girls that don't wanna conform to the masses, she just wants to be left alone to shine with all her natural beauty!:love:


I was told by my seed dealers that the Cheese and White Widow are a lot alike, I can totally see what they were talking about. They are both pre madonnas when it comes to any kind of training, they just DO NOT react well to any kind of touchy feelie stuff so I get it.... No means No!:sorry::kisstwo::oops::surrender:
Green is gold,, and you fort Knox budz,, :cheer:

Karma sent to yer clones my friend,, cheers:Namaste:
I just finished checking out Cola Monsters You Tube downloads, awww man you all should totally check em out, flawless!:thumb: I literally had goose bumps watching his endeavours unfold on camera, it's truly a compliment to the art in which we all strive to be part of! I m just gonna put em on a loop and have it playing on every tv in the house all day:circle-of-love: And the music..... Shit now I m gushing like a little school girl, ha!:cheer::cheer::adore::bravo::bigblush::loopy::drool:
Big shout out to the MOTY nominee s, I feel privileged to have gained advice or just have had the honor :thumb::love:of chatting with most of em( well the best ones anyway hahaha) I know ma boi Pigeons sure couldn't quit talking about being nominated last night when I went over for a visit to the "pharmacy"..... Dudes truely honoured too have been nominated and I can't blame him, this site The best thing ever, and he was the one who introduced me to all this and y all.:bravo: Thanks for getting me and my addictive personality hooked, I ll never look back!
Hey BB everything over here looks smashing lol keep up the great work your girls are really coming into their own :tokin:
Hey BB everything over here looks smashing lol keep up the great work your girls are really coming into their own :tokin:

Thanks man, I m really worried about Defol though.... How much should a guy take off when they are so dang bushy and should I be stretching the plant up instead of defoliating?? So much second guessing these days.... I just hacked the shit out of that Jabba reveg cuz it was SO thick and bushy, you couldn't see an inch into the center of that plant! I ll post a pic in a bit.
Like i said, I hacked up the Jab Rv and removed about a pound of leaf matter and old bud. Wasn't sure where to start or quit so I just went for what looked open and airie for the next month or so of growth. This girl is gonna be big! This is here before her new Do....

And this is after...

Thanks man, I m really worried about Defol though.... How much should a guy take off when they are so dang bushy and should I be stretching the plant up instead of defoliating?? So much second guessing these days.... I just hacked the shit out of that Jabba reveg cuz it was SO thick and bushy, you couldn't see an inch into the center of that plant! I ll post a pic in a bit.

Well i went looking because I never really do defoliation exactly i pluck leaves here and there but i managed to find something from another site on the topic, heres the quote

(When defoliating in the vegetative stage, you should start by taking off troublesome fan leaves. You're looking for leaves that are laying on top of each other (which can create wet spots, leading to mold). When possible, try to take leaves lower down on the plant, and in the middle of the plant.

Try to avoid plucking the outer and uppermost leaves - they already should be getting plenty of light and don't need to be removed. You want a plant with leaves around the outside, and fewer leaves in the middle or bottom getting bunched up and trouching each other.

When defoliating, take 20% of the leaves at most in one session. If you're inexperienced with defoliation, it's recommended you take far less, and do your defoliation over a couple of weeks. Leave at least a week between defoliation sessions. Taking too many leaves in a short period of time can seriously stunt your cannabis plants.)

other then that i think your girls are looking good lol :tokin:
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