Pantagruel's 1st Indoor Durban Poison


Final count from the smaller plant Alpha cut a week early: bud 31g; popcorn 16g.

Cut the top 15 buds on the big plant Beta this morning. They are 30% bigger wet already than the first plant was, and there are still 6 more buds filling out, so I'm confident of getting at least 65 g total from Beta. That would make a quarter pound, which is exactly what I was hoping.

Clones have been flowering for 2 weeks now. They are just starting to stretch. My first attempt at lst training and flowering all the way under hps light.

Just sampled a little nug from my second plant Beta. Very dense and much more potent than Alpha, quite a head rush. At least as good as anything that I've ever purchased if not a bit better.
Last 7 buds are really fattening up nicely, I'll probably pull them Friday.

I'm really excited to do the Northern Lights next. From what I've been reading, it is a very sativa-like high but combined with indica soporifics. I want to cross it with the Durban, I have a feeling it will be a good match
! :circle-of-love:
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