Rookie Start At A Perpetual Garden

One tips that will help you- Don't cut corners, you will learn fast there is a reason why we do some things, follow it to a T.

Your so right, it's way easier then trying to reinvent the wheel every time! I think a lot of us have a curiosity that may just get the better of us when there s an open ended subject that might not be fully understood.... As in most aspects of growing! I personally am a guy that needs to know WHY a certain process is the way it is and for what reasoning. It s what drives me and stokes the fire with in, to strive for the best and most beautiful plants/herb possible:circle-of-love::Namaste:
I haven't updated for a little while so here it goes..... I just put the reveg Jabba, the Ak 47 and Cheese under the 1000w mh for the last 5 week s or so of veg, with the new addition of a 270 cfm fresh air fan drawing straight from outside ( where it's - 15 C with a wind chill of -27 right now it s only getting colder) I also hooked it up to a variable speed switch so I can control the cool air, which I think will be an ongoing process without a thermostat set up. I have the fan on a timer so when the lights go out so does the fan, it got to 14c last night lights out, so I might have to dampen the intake somehow to stop the flow of cold air being drawn through the intake fan by the carbon filter air exchanger fan(450cfm roughly). I ve slowed it down so the rooms sitting at 30c right now.

Here's the new fan and plants digging their new home, oh and I threw a 2" sheet of styro down, which had caused a little more excess heat, but works great for getting the plants off the cold floor!

This reveg above of the Jabba is doing fantastic from what I can tell, I m super happy with it!:thumb::circle-of-love:

Here s the babies in the small veg room with the clones I attempted today, not sure if they re gonna make it:(

I put an air stone in the water under the tray with only demineralized water. I did balance the ph of the water as well. Here s hoping!

Oh and here s a shot of just another night at the Pharmacy hey Pigeons! Hahaha

Nothing like 5 diffrent kind s to choose from ehh, this should be the norm for everyone!!:420:
Great labooratoory,, so much activity,, :cheer:,,nice work with the duct tape, and the ducts,, reminds me so much of me own handywork,, keep at er till it gets done right,, :thumb:,,

Piece a cake for y'all,, cheers:Namaste:
It's been a growth filled few days for veg and flower both, it's kind of a sweet time in te garden with all the activity going on!:circle-of-love: I ve slowly be dialling in my new fresh air fan esp with the cold temps these days. My main issue is that I have to insulate the ducting that brings the fresh air it, it gets SO covered in frost and even ice because where it comes in through the wall in in my veg room then passes through a wall down low into the flower room. This inturn cools me veg room (which I had to re adjust the temp for) and also cools my flower room down at night, even though the fresh air fan is timed with the light, too like 18 C! Also with such cold air I need to pay extra attention to mixing the air properly with the heat off the light while not throwing too much super cold air at the canopy of my plants. It's been such a fine balancing act but I ve also learned a few more things along the way. I found the air around the cloth pots/roots was at around 26c where the canopy was reading at 31c ( quite a swing between 18/24 inches ehh) this lead me to realize the temp gauge reads high because of the heat radiating off the meter itself and that I needed to mix the air better. I then pointed my oscillating fan more towards the light and canopy, before I had the ossilating fan just blowing the cold fresh air from the fresh air fan around the room not worrying about the canopy heat much. Now things are much better, slowed down the fresh air fan, pointed the ossilating fan up towards the light and canopy, the plants instantly perked up over the next day!:thumb: Leason learned!

Here are the babies in the veg room: Two Jabba s Stash (seeds I found in my last harvest) One is being fed Medi One organic line and the other is the Green Planet synthetic line. There is also 1 White Widow that's about a week or so older then the Jabbs (even though the Jabbs are bigger) I stunted the WW most definetly when she was first getting going:( but she s coming.:love:

Jabba s Stash Synthetic Feed


Jabba s Stash Organic Feed


White Widow




Jabba Stash Reveg


The Monster..... AK-47


I'm thinking this AK is gonna be bigger then the last Jabba I just harvested!

Here s a pic of the ladies all together having a suntan together!:circle-of-love:


This last pic shows the fresh air fan I just "installed" , like a rookie at best!


I ve slowed the fresh air fan right down, directed the air up towards the back of the oscillating fan which is pointed up towards the top of the canopy and light.
Still lots of things to dial in but instead of jumping the gun like I always do, I m gonna play things by ear and adjust accordingly..... It keeps me more involved that way constantly checking and monitoring the set up and plants.
Green is such a nice colour,, and you got some green Goin on there indeed,, just loverly budz,,rookie,,,,????hmmm

Adjust today,, move things around tomorrow and adjust again,, then get up the next day and adjust again,, seems I am adjusting to all the adjusting, finally,,:high-five:,, oh hang on, I gotta adjust my keyboard,, ha,, cheers budz:Namaste:
Green is such a nice colour,, and you got some green Goin on there indeed,, just loverly budz,,rookie,,,,????hmmm

Adjust today,, move things around tomorrow and adjust again,, then get up the next day and adjust again,, seems I am adjusting to all the adjusting, finally,,:high-five:,, oh hang on, I gotta adjust my keyboard,, ha,, cheers budz:Namaste:

Green is such a nice colour,, and you got some green Goin on there indeed,, just loverly budz,,rookie,,,,????hmmm

Adjust today,, move things around tomorrow and adjust again,, then get up the next day and adjust again,, seems I am adjusting to all the adjusting, finally,,:high-five:,, oh hang on, I gotta adjust my keyboard,, ha,, cheers budz:Namaste:

Ha thanks a lot man, that means more then you could know too me!:thumb:Do we all have a wee bit of the OCD in this community....? :byebye::hmmmm::kiss: Whatever it is it s addicting and so therapeutic at the same time, I try and appreciate every aspect, but man can it get frustrating! Sure help having solid guys like all y all in my corner, shit how can a guy go wrong!:circle-of-love:
I totally am a rookie at this, only "2" harvests under my belt, barly..... It's been a Gong Show from day one hahaha!:loopy::loopy: Any advice is gold too me guys so if you want to throw ANY absolutly ANY tips or advise my way I d be in your debt.:thanks:
With that being said, I took some clones this morning from that AK and this is how they looked 3 hours later.

This is my 3 Rd attempt at cloning and I m missing the ball all together..... I took some solid bottom branches that were super healthy as well but it s still not looking good.
My latest process for cloning: 1 Preped ph6.3 water for the rockwool cubes then soaked em over night. 2: Using a new razor blade, I cut 3 very healthy lower branches on a 45 near the main stock then immediately placed them in a cup or room temp demineralized water. 3: Trimmed 1/3 Rd the leaf on the top 3 sets of leaves leaving the center growth alone. 4: Recut the cutting on a 45 about an inch and a half below the 3 Rd set of leaves. 5: Scraped the outside bottom inch of the cutting them split it in half with the razor blade about a quarter inch up. 6:I then dip it in gel rooting hormone then into the rockwool. I squeezed the cubes, after soaking them over night, just to get rid of a little excess moisture. There is no water in the tray and I sprayed the leaves and plastic cover with water before I covered. I also put a light covered towel over the plastic cover to block a bit of light.
Don't shit on yourself too much bro. You have a good hand on a lot of this stuff. You can work some nice plants man. All your plants that've made it to flower have been eye candy! Sure, things have gone wrong but, that happens to the best of us. I wish I didn't have problems. But then again, the things I've learned from my mistakes have taught me not only to be a better Gardner but how to be a better person. This hobby is a game changer and the ride is totally worth it. Try not to give yourself a hard time for the inevitable mistakes.

Ha thanks a lot man, that means more then you could know too me!:thumb:Do we all have a wee bit of the OCD in this community....? :byebye::hmmmm::kiss: Whatever it is it s addicting and so therapeutic at the same time, I try and appreciate every aspect, but man can it get frustrating! Sure help having solid guys like all y all in my corner, shit how can a guy go wrong!:circle-of-love:
I totally am a rookie at this, only "2" harvests under my belt, barly..... It's been a Gong Show from day one hahaha!:loopy::loopy: Any advice is gold too me guys so if you want to throw ANY absolutly ANY tips or advise my way I d be in your debt.:thanks:
With that being said, I took some clones this morning from that AK and this is how they looked 3 hours later.

This is my 3 Rd attempt at cloning and I m missing the ball all together..... I took some solid bottom branches that were super healthy as well but it s still not looking good.
If i may make a suggestion, from the picture i will say you should trim more off like dont have those pesky side fan leaves on the stem. My cuttings end up looking like palm trees. Also if you are not already doing it, when you take a cutting be sure to make a cross angle cut so the bottom of the stem looks kinda like those door wedge things from back in school this way more surface area is exposed for your gel or powder. Just some final tips would be put a dome on em spray the dome and tray if you must but no sense misting the cuttings them self its actually counter productive to spray the cuttings from what ive read. Only difference between how you are taking cuttings and how i do is i use peat pellets and powder rooting hormone. I haven't taken a crap ton of clones more like 10 so far and I only lost one which i wasnt to surprised about that one because it was a scrawny ify cutting that I took just cause i could lol. O forgot to add when my cutting are under the dome i usually only open it quick to spray when needed. It takes me about ten to fourteen days to see roots with this method. Hope this helps and if I wasn't clear enough say so and i will do whatever I can to help ya buddy. Take it easy
Right on Lexort, thanks for chiming in buddy:thumb: yea I left a little more on these ones this time, for no apparent reason other then too unknowingly sabatoge myself, but man they were drooping pretty hard almost like I did something more wrong.... Maybe the gel or as I recently learned the ph was way high. The dome I have is pretty crappy and with it being winter here it's super tough to get the humidity up, even in a good propagation dome. I think your right though about not spraying the clone and having high humidity , I put the clones in a plastic container still in the rockwool, covered with a large zip lock I sprayed the inside of with water and sealed. This was my attempt at rectifying my Roooookie Moves!:thumb: Either way at least I have guys that HAVE and DO do it on a regular basis and and .... " It s not you it s me" Hahaha. Thanks again Lexort, anytime you see me go astray don't be afraid to boot me in the ass!:Namaste:
Don't shit on yourself too much bro. You have a good hand on a lot of this stuff. You can work some nice plants man. All your plants that've made it to flower have been eye candy! Sure, things have gone wrong but, that happens to the best of us. I wish I didn't have problems. But then again, the things I've learned from my mistakes have taught me not only to be a better Gardner but how to be a better person. This hobby is a game changer and the ride is totally worth it. Try not to give yourself a hard time for the inevitable mistakes.


Thanks Pigeons you know exactly what I've been messn with these last few days and yea, it's all part of the game that's forsure! It's just tough KNOWING that and being right in the thick of it clueless like a deer in the head lights. It s like this whole perpetual grow journal, I ve stated so much bad advice through out the journal, I try and point out those times I was SO SURE about something and was out in left but that would literally double the work I do on here! Hahaha Thanks for the support Bromontanna, yur my Rock:hug::thanks::dreamy::high-five::peacetwo::tokin:
Ya i have just a crappy dome its a jiffy one from wally fart.

In order to get humidity up in my dome i have it positioned about 6-8 inches from a cfl and keep it out of the direction my fan blows. Btw the light my clones receive is in direct lighting. I dont open my dome unless it has barely any condensation then when that happens i open it spray the tray lightly then i spritz the dome then put it back on and put into my grow box again lol. Not even trying to boot you in the ass more like provide a gentle guiding hand because I wanna see you succeed :thumb:
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