Seven Hazes

Greetings 420 enthusiasts. Here an update on several plants grown outdoors, away from the greenhouse.

Shiva Skunk was harvested yesterday and is now hanging to dry.

Durban-Thai HighFlyer x C99. DTHF#1, now harvested and drying, has a sister from the same pack of seeds still in flower. This sister, DTHF#2, is obviously a different pheno than #1. #1 is more of a Durban-Thai pheno, with darker, larger leaves and taller stature (see post #110 above). In comparison, #2 is probably more of a "C99 pheno" since she has smaller sativa leaves, a lighter fan-leaf color, shorter stature, slimmer buds, and now is putting on frosty trichomes in a way that #1 did not. At first glance I wondered if the white stuff was mildew, and under the microscope, it's hard to tell whether those frosty trikes are just clear and somehow the mildew is growing on the sugar leaves. Does anyone know what this could be?

"NL#5 Malawi Haze" seed crop. In other news, "Hazey" -- the NL#5 x Haze that was pollinated by the surprise male Super Malawi Haze (Nevil's Haze x Malawi) that was left alone with my otherwise "all female" grow back in mid-September and as mentioned dumped gobs of his pollen all over Hazey -- is now showing quite a crop of seeds that seem to be ripening. Those seeds would be "NL#5 Malawi Haze" a new strain bred by accident! No complaints, however. The calyxes are beginning to split open. I was hoping to harvest some bud off Hazey, but she is so full of seeds I hesitate to harvest the bud until the seeds are ripe. Maybe the massive seed crop will diminish bud quality and if that is so, no worries. There is thankfully the bud from her sister, NL#5 x Haze #1, who is sinsemilla and is ripening beautifully in the greenhouse.

Hi there Emeraldo,

Congrats on your harvest, and regarding your white stuff since you looked at the spot with a microscope did you see hyphae or Mycelium? Secondly once you touch the white spot does it leave a powder like residue in your finger? If so those are spores and could be mildew.

You can get rid of the mildew on the bud wash using peroxide in your bud wash solution.
thanks @danishoes21 I've harvested the very ripe DTHF #2 buds that had no visible signs of mildew and removed the rest of the affected plant. will wash the good buds with a hydrogen peroxide solution. never had that before, but at this site there's lack of air flow I guess. thanks for that, maybe I need to get another fan... 🤔
At first glance I wondered if the white stuff was mildew, and under the microscope, it's hard to tell whether those frosty trikes are just clear and somehow the mildew is growing on the sugar leaves. Does anyone know what this could be?
I remember seeing a cola top of mine, last grow I think, that at first casual glance I thought it was looking advanced on it's trichome development, but then closer up I realised that part of the cola had got sick and what I was seeing was some sort of snowy white fungus that was almost making a little star on every trichome head and it was taking over the cola at that part. Your's looks similar but could be quite different, good to cut it out.
I remember seeing a cola top of mine, last grow I think, that at first casual glance I thought it was looking advanced on it's trichome development, but then closer up I realised that part of the cola had got sick and what I was seeing was some sort of snowy white fungus that was almost making a little star on every trichome head and it was taking over the cola at that part. Your's looks similar but could be quite different, good to cut it out.
@Stunger yes your experience sounds very similar. It was a bright white substance that spread rapidly from bud to bud. This episode occurred indoors because I brought several plants in for the warmth. Funny enough, as long as the fan in the room was running, the mildew could not form. But when I took the fan out of the room for a few hours -- there it was. It came like out of nowhere. Fortunately, I caught it early enough to save some unaffected bud, which is now drying. Lesson learned: If you bring plants indoors, keep those fans running at all times! Air movement prevents mildew!
Greetings 420 enthusiasts! November is upon us, the weather cooling off, harvest not far off now.

Malawi still needs some time, though it could be that she'll be ripe in a few weeks.

Super Malawi Haze is supposed to go into December. Here's how she looks today.

NL#5 x Haze is VERY NEARLY there, as far as I know (I haven't grown this strain before). Looking at next week. She's got beautiful colors as she ripens, the light green and yellow go well with her sweet fruity aroma!

Super Lemon Haze! Trichomes now looking cloudy and a bit of amber. As those following this obscure thread may have notice, I harvested half of the SMH 10 days ago and hung them to dry. Last night I tried out her popcorn buds with very euphoric effect which I expect will still improve after curing. After the "early harvest" on 23 October (which is currently drying slowly in the drying room), I've let the remainder of this plant continue to ripen. I'm thinking of harvesting the rest early next week. Here some photos from this morning.

As for the Durban-Thai x C99, that strain is now completely harvested and hanging or in a jar.

Cheers all! Enjoy your grows!
Super Lemon Haze harvest was completed yesterday. The remaining top buds (see photo of Nov 3) had mostly cloudy trichomes with amber as well. The first harvest of this plant was on Oct 23-25, and the final cut yesterday was about 10 days later, and most of the stigmas had turned darker. Here some final bud photos before the chop.

Super Lemon Haze harvest was completed yesterday. The remaining top buds (see photo of Nov 3) had mostly cloudy trichomes with amber as well. The first harvest of this plant was on Oct 23-25, and the final cut yesterday was about 10 days later, and most of the stigmas had turned darker. Here some final bud photos before the chop.
Looking frosty, I'll be very interested in how you find this SLH compared to those that you've grown previously.
Looking frosty, I'll be very interested in how you find this SLH compared to those that you've grown previously.
Thanks Stunger, I will be posting on that topic after a few weeks of cure. Initial sampling of the early cut is promising the same kind of the euphoric and slightly spacy buzz as experienced with the 2020 California balcony grow.
NL#5 x Haze. This plant has been in flower since early August, so now around 11 weeks. She has a sour overall aroma but her buds now have a floral aroma reminiscent of pineapple. Trichomes now getting cloudy. Already harvested about 10 lower and mid-level branches, hanging to dry and cure. Looking closely now but expect to give her at least another week before the final chop.

Super Malawi Haze. Trichomes are clear + cloudy, but still needs as long as another two weeks. By then, she'll be the last plant standing in the grow (Malawi and NL#5 x Haze will be completely harvested in a few days from the looks of them). Ace advises SMH is generally ready late November, so she does require some patience. I've not consumed SMH before, so this is new for me and as of now I still have no experience on which to base an opinion yet. I can say that she grew vigorously, was a hungry feeder, and is a heavy producer. What of, I will be able to give you a better idea over the next few weeks and months. :p

Here are photos from today.

NL#5 x Haze. Also a hungry feeder and heavy producer, my NL5xHaze is 2/3 harvested now. She has a sweet floral aroma, low odor. She also has been photogenic these past few weeks as her trichomes bulk up.

One thing I've discovered this year is that when the weather turns cold and I turn the heaters in the Grow Zone on, the warmth has the beneficial side effect of lowering the humidity dramatically. On an overcast or even drizzly day with outside temps around 45 F / 10 C and outside humidity at 80%, temps inside are 68-75 F / 18-21 C and the humidity inside hovers around 40-45%. But later, when the sun is out, the inside temps shoot up to 86-87 F / 27-28+ C, and the humidity correspondingly goes down rapidly, usually bottoming out around 30-35%.

Really low humidity (say below 40%), I've just learned, is great for trichome growth! For the first time I've been getting compliments on photos posted here showing the trichomes, and I was wondering how that happened here on 420 amongst all these pros. I guess low humidity in the last few weeks of flowering is a known technique for bulking up the trichomes before harvest. Here are the latest -- possibly the last -- photos of my NL5xHaze, taken today.

Cheers all! Enjoy your grows and savor your harvests!
Omg it's been 5 days since I last posted an update!

Outdoor temps now down to 45-50F / 10C during the day and dropping to 35F / 2C at night. Inside the heated greenhouse daytime temps usually around 65-70F / 18-20C and a bit lower at night. Humidity range between 35-45%.

Darkness now 14+ hours at night. Daylight is less and less, maybe 9 hours. Foggy mornings and earlier sunset in the evenings making the daylight photoperiod shorter. All resulting in less and less direct sunlight.

Super Malawi Haze is the only plant in the grow still to be harvested. She's still pushing out a few pistils and looking as though harvest day is about a week or 10 days out. Trichomes are turning from clear to cloudy, a bit of amber. Aroma (low odor, for those interested in stealth) of bud at the nose is a sweet floral and sandalwood, a bit of wood and oil. Photos below taken today.

Greetings all! Enjoy your grows and savor your harvests!
I haven't gave it a proper try yet - I've been sampling everything else as I have been harvesting etc.!!! I'll have to give it a proper go tonite!!! I like to be sure it's the first hit of the day - that way it seems to be the best!!!
Stay tuned!!!! :thumb:
Super Malawi Haze is the only plant in the grow still to be harvested. She's still pushing out a few pistils and looking as though harvest day is about a week or 10 days out. Trichomes are turning from clear to cloudy, a bit of amber. Aroma (low odor, for those interested in stealth) of bud at the nose is a sweet floral and sandalwood, a bit of wood and oil. Photos below taken today.
Looking really good Emeraldo, love the frost coating, you're doing a great job of keeping the temperature boosted and the plant growing. You'll soon have such an enviable variety of top shelf herb to enjoy.
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