Sphnx's Norcal Outdoor Season

Pretty stoked to say that the ladies are all getting the support they need. We're almost done, just A few plants left. Ahhh! It feels good, the buds are getting fat and frosty. Got set up with a charge account at the hydro store, got new air pumps to keep the water aerated, I'm only a couple weeks out from harvesting one of the Blue Dream x' s.. It's getting exciting around here. Big things are in the works for next year.... might just keep those a secret until my next journal ;)

The Jedi is really starting to pump out her smell... I can't figure out exactly what it smells like, but it brings me back to my childhood. Bubble gum, pineapple, mango, lemons. It's a very thick smell, dank as fuck. I'm excited to say the least.
The Jedi is really starting to pump out her smell... I can't figure out exactly what it smells like, but it brings me back to my childhood. Bubble gum, pineapple, mango, lemons. It's a very thick smell, dank as fuck. I'm excited to say the least.

Sup sphnx

Wondering how these some plants get thier background flavours and aroma?
Sup sphnx

Wondering how these some plants get thier background flavours and aroma?

Each strain has it's own terpene profile. When strains are crossed those terpenes mix and create different flavors. These strains are crossed with 6? Maybe 7 different strains when it's all broken down.
Each strain has it's own terpene profile. When strains are crossed those terpenes mix and create different flavors. These strains are crossed with 6? Maybe 7 different strains when it's all broken down.

So is that where the saying ultimate hybrid would come from .

I just don't get the big picture .

So I guess what I'm really asking is I've noticed that every strain has different aromas and notes earthy pine fruity lol

So how did those flavours even get in the profile ya know maybe I'll google it and see if I can share what I'm curious to no ?
Jedi Northern Lights x Triple OG Kush 'Bertha' is pretty supported now. I think she'll do just fine in the wind!


Those are 10ft bamboo stakes running across her!
Finally got the dogs all together for a picture. Damn junkies! They'll sit still for sticks.

Nice long board! Maple? Bamboo? Someone stole my son's when he stupidly left it outside Vons for a minute. He uses it so much we drove all the way to Hollywood the next day to replace it. He got a nice drop through bamboo with good flex. If I could only get him to wear his helmet tho :-(

Cute pups!

That one is bamboo. Been almost a year since I've rode it... Not too much concrete around here lol
Gots me another air pump. Now I can brew all the poo in 2 locations AND a 3rd when necessary. Pretty cool, I can adjust the airflow individually so I can run it into bottles for concentrated brews. This one is 2000 grams fruit bat guano, 3 spoon mounds of great white mychorizae powder, 2000ml floranectar, 500 grams of 0-50-30 salts. This bottle will be all used in one feeding in a 275 gallon reservoir. Ppms in the res are already 1400 consisting of roots organic guano, calcium, magnesium, added humid acid, floranectar, and 0-50-30 salts... hopefully this brew will get me up to 2350ish where I want to be. One more feeding for a couple, then 2 weeks of flushing with advanced nutrients Flawless Finish!! Excited to smoke some of this blue dream x Triple OG kush!!! Much love y'all!

Hey Sphnx, dunno exactly where up north you are but hope you and your partner and your dogs are all safe. Plants will regrow, lives will not. Be well. :Namaste:

Hey, thanks for the love man. I appreciate it :) We're doing alright. Got hit with 100mph winds the other night, it broke a ton of branches and I basically lost a quarter of what I would have harvested. Also ruined some buds, all wind burnt. The winds caused powerlines to fall and lit a 7500 acre fire only 3 miles away from us. Luckily it's blowing the other day. We should be safe :) we are all ready to get the fuck out if we need to though, just for the record ;)

Update! I harvested 2 plants, finishing up the others early to avoid more catastrophic natural events. I'm uploading pictures now. Will be posted soon! Much love ya'll
Good to hear you're safe. Good luck on getting the harvest in. Ah....the joys of outdoor gardening.

I can't even fathom 100-mile-an-hour winds! :thedoubletake:
A handful of harvest pics!

Monkey Balls- green crack hybrid smells and tastes like fruit loops!


Blue Dream x Triple OG Kush

Only 2 plants were harvested. Still have 17 giants to go... I'm gonna need more space! Luckily, the others will be done at different times. Or else I'd be crawling under everything all over the house lol
Here we go! :slide: Beautiful buds Sphinx. :high-five:
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