Spike's Grow Room

Re: spikes grow room

way to go Tiger,I just sent out a 3rd letter to diff. place,its so easy with
them doing all the work,you just say you support this bill and according to your address it will go to your representative,only mpp has your info.this bill makes 3 1/2 oz. not a fed. crime

proud of you cause this is how we get it legal,or less ilegal.:thanks:

You got it, boss. Really, its no sweat on our part! Not like the Ethiopian ladies in the story in my signature.
Re: spikes grow room



TOBACCO ........................ 400,000
ALCOHOL ........................ 100,000
ALL LEGAL DRUGS .............20,000
ALL ILLEGAL DRUGS ..........15,000
CAFFEINE .........................2,000
ASPIRIN ...........................500
MARIJUANA ...................... 0
Source: United States government...
National Institute on Drug Abuse,
Bureau of Mortality Statistics
Re: spikes grow room

about right it seems, also to consider the costs that these things bring, alcohol must cost millions per year in damages and court cases etc etc.

There might be a few physcosis instances missing from the weed one tho lol ;-)
Re: spikes grow room

It will not be long folks states are coming around,think just 10 years ago,I have jumped into this cause full boar as long as bro has meds(he does)I will keep growing and fighting for the cause.

Re: spikes grow room


It was 70 years ago yesterday that Congress passed the first federal law outlawing marijuana. The law, the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, effectively banned the weed by establishing onerous taxes on buyers, sellers, producers, and prescribers and creating draconian penalties for noncompliance.

1930's ''Reefer Madness''-style film posterThe subsequent seven-decades of marijuana prohibition have seen a vast increase in the drug's popularity and acceptance, even as it remains a lightning rod for conservative culture warriors determined to smite the hippies. Around 100 million or more adult Americans have smoked marijuana at least once, and some 16 to 20 million are regular consumers today.

Donations for 420
420 Magazine
4821 Lankershim Blvd. # F420
North Hollywood, CA 91601

Re: spikes grow room

One soldiers view,

USA -- "There’s a lot of things I’m passionate about, but getting a prescription for my marijuana from the VA is probably at the top of my list. I’d be like a kid waiting up for Santa if I thought he might be bringing me one of those. Haha!"
On top of a 100 percent disability rating with PTSD, "Charlie" -- who asked that his real name not be used -- came home from Afghanistan with a traumatic brain injury, a back injury and gastrointestinal problems. The VA pulled every magic trick out of its bag to treat him. But nothing worked. What did work was marijuana.

enough said

Donations for 420
420 Magazine
4821 Lankershim Blvd. # F420
North Hollywood, CA 91601
Re: spikes grow room

Be interested watching this for sure and whether any changes are then changed back as they were recently in the Uk.

Basically it became de criminalised and lowered to a class c drug under Blair (our warmonger G Bush buddy) Lots of people went out and started growing thier own and within a year or so, Brown became prime minister and it was reverted back. A farce
Re: spikes grow room

Thx weed,hows it going,I'll go look at your grows,my growing is great and lately I have found I don't want to go to jail,I am going to do all I can to get her legal.And I have had some good vibes coming.:peacetwo:
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